
Confused about dosage for contraceptive use

by Jen

Hi. My name is Jen. I have questions re: using progesterone cream for helping prevent pregnancy. My husband and I also use condoms, so I'm not solely depending upon the cream. From what I can find on this website it recommends starting on day 8 of my cycle until bleeding. And it says to use 100mg. The creams I am finding are about 20mg per 1/4 tsp. Am I really suppose to use 100mg per day?? That's a lot of cream! I'm small... 5ft2 and 110pds. Just trying to gauge how much I should use.

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Aug 23, 2012
Confused about dosage for contraceptive use
by: Wray

Hi Jen You are right, most of the creams on the market usually supply about 20mg per daily amount. To my mind far too small, I recommend 100-200mg/day, more if symptoms are severe. We do have more info on our page How to use progesterone cream. The day to start the progesterone for Contraceptives means depends on the cycle, i.e. how long is it. Women with a 21 day cycle would need to start it on day 3-4 as they ovulate ± day 7. But women with a 35 day cycle would start on day 16-17, as they ovulate ± day 21. If you have a 28 day cycle ± day 8-9 would be correct, as ovulation occurs ± day 14. 100mg/day is the minimum I would suggest, stress also drops progesterone levels so more would be needed to cover any stressful time. There is more info on this page here. Take care Wray

Aug 25, 2012
by: Jen

So how to I get that much progestereone...use a full one to two teaspoons per day? Is there somewhere I can buy more concentrated creams? Or tablets?

Aug 27, 2012
by: Wray

Hi Jen Yes there is, we make one which is 3.3% in strength, meaning it has 33.3mg/g of cream. If interested you can take a look on this page here. It gives all the ingredients too. The page I gave above on how to use it gives a chart showing the various measurements in ml and tsp. But please read the page on Oestrogen Dominance first. Take care Wray

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