
Chronic Bladder infection - resistant to antibiotics

by Sannett
(South Africa)


I have Chronic Bladder infection and now the bacteria is resistant to most antibiotics.
I struggled with E. Coli, Strep B, Klebsiella Pneumonia - all in the bladder and becoming more and more resistant to antibiotics.

I have auto immune disease, and Fibromyalgya for which I only take Calming and sleeping meds as well as Tramadol for pain (50mg once a day).

Does any one know about any alternative treatment to help with prevention and cure for this problem?

Comments for Chronic Bladder infection - resistant to antibiotics

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Feb 08, 2019
by: Kaye

You could try a product called D-Mannose. It's a sugar that is bladder specific. Since, bacteria and viruses love sugar. This goes directly to the bladder and the bacteria says yippee and jumps on it and then is eliminated from the body. It works even when you are using antibiotics. You can find it on the net in a search. It's inexpensive and readily available, in powder or capsule form. You will find protocols on the net too, that explains how often to use etc. It kept my mother out of the hospital for over 2 years. She was on a catheter.

Hope you try it. all natural. best wishes...

Feb 09, 2019
Chronic Bladder infection
by: Nicole

Hi Sannett,
Goldenseal, Colloidal silver, USA Ursi and Echinacea would help with your bladder infection. Goldenseal is known to be a "cure all" herb. Colloidal Silver is antibacterial and a good alternative to antibiotics (can safely be used in a douche). Echinacea will raise your white blood cell count to help fight the infection. Usa Ursi is a diuretic and disinfects the urinary tract -drink as a tea is best. Of course drinking a lot of water along with these herbal supplements would be helpful.

Cut out processed foods and sugar. Eat only organic grass-fed meats as you don't want anymore antibiotics in your body. Fresh vegetables and nuts would be beneficial. You may also have a yeast infection. I would eat PLAIN organic greek yogurt and take probiotics as well. You could also drink apple cider vinegar or kombucha tea to help balance your gut flora. I now nutrition and herbs, not so much progesterone, but I know progesterone cream is a diuretic and helps with candida (yeast infections).

I did read that Progesterone cream does help with Fibro, I just can't remember how. lol I believe it blocks the adrenals glands to prevent inflammation. Definitely try it! 100mg a day at least!

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