by Pennielaynze
(White Mountains NH USA)
I won't go too deep into details as this is a long story..
I had hemmorage cycle bleeding happen 2 years ago as I bled/clotting/heavy bleeding to where i couldn't lay down to sleep it was awful for almost 4 months and was put on estrogen related drugs - Megace was one of the drugs I remember. I have bad reactions to everything given and was unable to take any of them so finally told the Dr. NO MORE when I had no relief and they were experimenting by giving me this and that with such BAD reactions.
They wanted to do ablation on me - have me take birth control pills which I couldn't take either I asked for a ultrasound as I wanted answers WHY AM I BLEEDING LIKE THIS as I have always had my cycles on time like clock work I had no endometrial issues.. The Dr couldn't get me in for months for an ultrasound and was told if I continued to bleed & it gets worse go to ER. Well I ended up in ER and an ultrasound was finally performed by my request to find I had a Fibroid. I picked up an over the counter Progesterone cream called Emerita 20mg and bleeding stopped.
I cycled normally for the next 2 years and quit taking the cream. Then...Recently this year it happened all again I began bleeding this year uncontrollably. With a different DR this time and a ultrasound to find I had that same fibroid in my Uterun wall and a Polyp and also a cyst on my right ovary all at the same time. After the removal of fibroid in my Uterun wall and a Polyp & D & C I was told that the cyst most likely will go away in time. After surgery I was told I should start my cycle normally and regulate. Well this never happened. I began bleeding 3 months ago and never stopped and it got heavier and heavier and back to no sleep and iron pills twice a day.
On a guess whim and desperate to stop bleeding I began what I could find at a local organic store near me. The NOW brand Progesterone cream w/lavendar 20 mg about 8 days ago I started this and I quit bleeding immediately Ahh relief finally but after reading and reading and reading..MY BIGGEST CONCERN IS "I need to know when to stop taking this cream" as I have been bleeding straight for 4 months.
I need to get my cycle back on track so I can order the saliva test and take it on the appropriate days and visit a Bioidentical dr as I want to make sure I am taking the right mg's. and confirms that I am peri-menopausal. Although I have been irritable, crabby, moodswingy, with this adrenaline crazy feeling of my head is going to explode any moment I assumed I am !! LOL Once I started taking the cream this craziness stopped..Weird right..Low progesterone I guess so.
Please help.
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