Anxiety and panic attack
by Jennifer
( Augusta, GA)
Hi! I am a 35 year old woman and mother of two. I homeschool and live a very happy life. No one would ever describe me as depressed or "low". I have never had anxiety in my life! However, that being said, I had my first ever out of the blue full on panic attack back in August.
It was a normal day like any other. In fact we had been at the lake all day playing. That night, I was reading in my bed when my left arm started to ache. I put the book down and went to sleep, barely. The left arm throbbed so bad through the night that I was moaning and tossing. My husband was concerned enough to get up and get me two aspirin. The next day around 1:00pm it was still the same and I went to a walk in clinic. I thought maybe I had an inflammation of the arm muscle. It was in the waiting room that it hit me! My heart started racing and I started to hyperventilate! I freaked out and they brought me in the back room and hooked me up to an EKG. They called an ambulance because it was obviously not right! The ER discharged me as having low potassium and had me wear a heart monitor for 24 hrs that came back normal.
Visited my doctor later that week and he said it was a panic attack and prescribed me lexapro and a sedative. I did not take them. Had another doctor tell me the same thing. I continued to have heart palpitations the entire month and into Sept. Shortness of breath and chest tightness. I began to read everything I could on anxiety and panic disorder. I was beginning to also have depression and crying spells. I found several articles on low hormones and perimenopause. It made sense to me as I had to have Clomed to have my kids in my twenties due to low progesterone. I started to track my symptoms and found they seemed to spike right before my period and often around ovulation (although, sometimes there is no rhyme or reason for the "bad day" here and there). I ordered ashwagandha, passion flower, chaste tree, and progesterone cream online and have felt much relief using these herbs!
However, I am still not sure if I am doing the progesterone right? I do the 14 on and 14 off method and still have bad days here and there with chest tightness, and crying spells. Should I be doing more? I went to my OBGYN to discuss this and she didnt want to check my hormones because she said it wouldn't matter. They would still treat me by giving me birth control so she just prescribed me some bc along with Klonipin. I didnt take those either lol. Im very stubborn I guess and truly believe those are not the answers. Any help would be great!