by Ashley
Hi I have estrogen D in the process of getting better im using cream at high dose my vit d levels are great. I’ve been reading this site about ED and how it raises copper levels I’ve had both tested like 2 yrs ago and my zinc was on lower end of normal and Dr. wanted me to take supplement but I didn’t stick to it and stopped it. I have read how beneficial zinc is for ED so I got a supplement 23mg lozenges as well as vit c and I’ve heard about how sometimes when you take zinc especially with estrogen dominance you can have detox like symptoms and I guess it could be in my head but I’ve been taking them for about 6 days now and I having been weirdly feeling worse like flu like symptoms extremely tired even a little nauseas just really bad so the past 3-4 days I’ve been taking 3 a day and am just curious if you think I could be detoxing and if you do, do you know how long this should last and what dose I should take?
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