by Helene
Hi, I am 25 years old and had to deal with many symptoms over the last years.
(anxiety, hot flushes, acne, dry skin, irritability, extreme mood changes, heavy period, headache, fatigue,...)
I did a hormone test and my estradiol/progesterone quotient is 1:45
I ordered Natpro and applied 400 mg because of my severe symptoms.
Now everything is getting waaay worse. I am constantly crying, I am tired, feel dizzy and my skin and my face overall looks really unhealthy.
I started with the cream three days ago and yesterday seemed to be really good.
But today is horrible.
Is this normal and should I go on with the dose? Or reduce to 300 mg?
I am okay with the worsening if I knew that I will feel better after.
Best regards
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