
What do these labs mean

by Susan jo
(New Jersey)

Hi Wray,

Im 51 years olds. Im not up to thinking right now so this will be short. Last month I had a cyst rupture on my ovary. In 2004 I had 6 cm endometriosis on right ovary which was removed and a cyst on my left one at that time. Any I ask my gynecologist to run hormone tests with progesterone but he didn't run any testosterone or antrogens. Im going so to and endocrinologist because of other issues...but my concern is my FSH reading. .is it unusually high. And not sure of the prog/estr ratio.. I am having lots of things happening. Tooth infections on three courses of antibiotics, autoimmune problems coming back..had hypoadrenalism.. doctor said I RA or lupus. Any there are more things. Can platelets be low and b12 high if you have an infection. Ok this wasn't short lol..sorry.

Progesterone 0.3
Estradiol <5.0
FSH. 171.0

Thank you

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Oct 06, 2015
Progesterone/estrogen ratio and sleepiness after vitamin d does
by: Susan Jo

Hi Wray and anyone else.

Can someone give my progesterone/estrogen ratio. Also above I mistakenly put wrong thing it should have said hypothyroidism which was in past but believe never went away and as for the RA/lupus that was in past but believe never went away.. anyway I know thus is all from progesterone. . but with current symptoms afraid to start progesterone because I know I need a lot and can't afford because I need other supplements to assist with systems. My problem is every time I try vitamin d I get sleepy and I know I need it..levels as of last week are 41. Now I have been reading what supplements, minerals, and pathways to to up progesterone. .I believe if I address them while using the progesterone cream if should reduce symptoms and detox. I read vitamin b especially b6,c, d,e, zinc, magnesium are major ones but there are more things like cleaning the liver, adrenal gland support, thyroid support. .I feel these should all be addressed at the same time while using progesterone especially if you are very much unbalanced. I also am in a constant wired state not too bad past few days but throw me stress and forget it..head and neck pressure, extremely low blood and heart rate, bruising, rash/hives is an allergic reaction from an antibiotic clarithromycin. Bottom line I want to minimize estrogen dom and detox as much as possible because my body becomes more stressed which makes a catch 22.

Thank you
Susan Jo

Oct 09, 2015
Progesterone/estrogen ratio and sleepiness after vitamin d does
by: Wray

Hi Susan Jo Sorry we missed your query. Your E2:P ratio is 1:0.06, I've never seen one so low. I suspect it was the cysts on the ovaries causing your oestrogen to be higher than it should be. FSH is high probably because of the cysts, FSH stimulates follicles to grow. Detoxing is fine and taking supplements too, but for the cost. There has to be some sort of compromise otherwise you'd become bankrupt. Also hitting the body too quickly can cause an adverse reaction, the liver is the main detoxing organ and an excess of toxins being released can put a huge strain on it. It seems you need to concentrate on getting your Vitamin D and magnesium levels up. Use enough progesterone to eliminate symptoms, bearing in mind that Oestrogen Dominance can occur. Increase the fat content in your diet, and reduce carbs to the barest minimum, for more info on this see here, here, here, here, here and here. Take care Wray

Oct 09, 2015
Adrenaline dominance possibly
by: Anonymous

Hi Wray.

Thank you so much for your time. I had a feeling about my hormone levels but coming from you saying that was scary since you speak to many people, but I will overcome this thanks to you. I feel I have high adrenaline dominance. ..heat intolerance, almost constant sweating, cranial and neck pressure, dizzy, hypoglycemic symptoms, low blood pressure and heart rate (ekg better had done today) but when I was in hospital it was off, I sometimes wake gasping for air, feel mostly wired, on and off insomnia, wake in middle of night mostly from constant sweating feel worse after eating except for the hypoglycemic feeling. Anyway, so your saying I should go slow with most supps except d and mag and use progesterone to help my symptoms. I did start that I find vitamin c helps alot, vit d and mag makes my symptoms worse. This is what I started...slowly adding things back that felt was putting stress on my whole body..yes even supplements bother me but better now..I started my multi, vit c 1000-2000 mgs, mag 200 mgs, vit d 2500 mgs, all supplements except the vit c makes me feel worse especially too much progesterone. Im guessing my body needs alot if detoxing. I feel my body went over the edge from tooth infection, tooth extraction, 2 full courses of antibiotics (clindamycin then doxycycline) then 4 pills of clarithromycin then pasted out went er, oh yes forgot ovarian cyst rupturing. .this all happening from August to now. As for thinking adrenaline dominance I read on hear about it and looked it up symptoms and it fit me to a T almost..not sure if it can be cortisol. ..oh also losing weight and I have a belly like I'm prego and bruising but that could be from the hospital giving me blood more thing when I take (haven't in a least a month) take ibuprofen, aleve anything alike would increase my cranial pressure. Well I think I need major healing ..I did start a degrading probiotic but cause I'm allergic to yogurt.

Thank you and God Bless you.
Susan Jo

P.S. how can I follow a topic/story to keep up on progress of others. I don't see a follow this topic button type of thing. I guess I will have to post a comment to do this.

Oct 09, 2015
Additional information
by: Anonymous

Hi Wray. .

I also in that time frame had a CT with iv contrast that I felt a burning in my head and tight feeling in my abdominal area and the arm it was administrator. No more of that and possibly no more antibiotics.

Ok I think im done.

God bless
Susan Jo

Oct 10, 2015
Adrenaline dominance possibly
by: Wray

Hi Susan Jo I really do think you should try increasing the fat content in your diet. This will stop the hypoglycaemic crashes. You might like to look at our pages on Stress and Anxiety for more info on adrenaline. Dr Platt has also written an excellent book on the subject, try to get hold of a copy. In reply to your PS, yes you do need to add a comment, then you will receive an email giving the link to a new comment. Or go to the search field and put in any term you are interested in, something might come up. Take care Wray

Oct 11, 2015
I thank God saved helped you so you can help us
by: Susan Jo

Hi Wray..

I have been doing a lot of reading in the past but more so since this site. At first I was hesitant but found out all things need to be done together. Some stuff slower than others. Back to my thoughts on my researching what my be wrong with myself is how important eating right ( for me I just ate the best I can with what I could on a budget but just eat) supplements need to be added, and PROGESTERONE is so dam important. Just about every health problem comes to diet (nutrients and other things you suggest) and how bad estrogen causes chaos and testosterone to some power to PROGESTERONE.. What makes me angry, sad, and upset why is estrogen still number. I could only think either money or stupidity or both. I told my boyfriend next paycheck I'm ordering 3 bottles then he will know how well I'm doing and not thinking I just talking out of my butt lol..but he is very open and understanding. I would like to know how your body changed mainly your skin ( did it get firmer and thicker), hair ( shinier, thicker, less gray), even eyesight.

Thank yooooooou soooooooo much...with hugs and kisses
God Bless you
Susan Jo

Jan 25, 2016
by: Fiona

Hi Susan Jo,
I worked alongside Dr. Rosedale for about 6-7 years and diet diet diet before anything was his protocol as Wray is saying too. If someone came to see him with a list of issues, he would put them on the diet, (high fat (good fats), moderate protein and very low sugar (take out the carbs and fruits), he would add just basic mag and potassium and a multi and ask them to come back after 21 days.. it was amazing how so many of the symptoms resolved themselves and then he could get to work on what was left. I heard you about trying to stay in a budget but what you will find is you actually eat a lot less after you become a fat burner. You will naturally change the leptin and insulin signals and you body and cells can actually start to communicate as they should verses living in chaos of miss communication.

Jan 26, 2016
by: Wray

Hi Fiona Such an excellent answer! I'm such a fan of Dr Rosedale's, my brother too who used to get his newsletter way back in the 70's! You are so right about cost too, many think it's a costly diet, but fat does not cost much, it's so energy dense. And it's not a high protein diet as many mistakenly believe. Take care Wray

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