
Weight gain since starting Progesterone, Testosterone, DHEA

by Lynn
(Kennewick, WA)

I'm 47 years old and in October went to try a PA who my friend really likes and specializes in hormonal balance. My initial thought was to see her for my thyroid issues. I felt like I still had symptoms but my labs actually showed I was over-medicated. I had wanted to try Armour Thyroid and I knew this PA prescribed it if needed. She did an entire hormone work up and switched me from Synthroid to Armour, as well as added Progesterone, Testosterone, and DHEA. Part of my frustrations even before I saw her was my weight was steadily climbing. I'm only 5 feet tall and had gained 10 pounds in the last 6 years. That is a lot of weight on a little person! I'm not sure if it is the Progesterone or what but I have been counting every calorie, even done Weight Watchers and have gained even more weight (and at a faster rate) since I started the hormones she put me on in November. I just want to cry. I've always been very fit and enjoy working out. I did competitive gymnastics growing up and have always stayed active since. I got on the Internet last night and see conflicting information everywhere on progesterone. Some say it can make you gain, others say it should help you lose weight. I want to try discontinuing using it but the PA wants to add just a small amount of estrogen/estradiol. She says I may be gaining because the estrogen and progesterone are not in proper balance. Help! I don't know what to do anymore besides go to another doctor. Here is information from my last set of labs:

Estradiol 34.5 pg/mL (she says it should be in 50-100 range)
(my last period started 2/1 but before that it was in October. Period hasn't been regular for the last year or so).
Progesterone 8.84 ng/mL(she says it should be in 10-20 range)
Testosterone, Total 25 ng/dL (she says it should be in 80-100 range)
Testosterone, Free <.02 pg/mL (should be 2-4) (I admit I'm not always good about remembering to use the cream so will focus more on that).
DHEA Sulfate 334 (should be 200-250, she told me to cut back to 5x/week rather then 7)
Thyroid is at proper levels now and I feel good about the Armour Thyroid.

So she wants to add 0.5 mg of Estradiol. Please let me know what you think of that. My I'm getting kind of depressed since more than half the clothes in my closet don't fit anymore. Any advice?

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Sep 05, 2016
Did you ever resolve this?
by: Anne

I have the same issue. 5'2" and I don't know what to do. Did you ever resolve this?

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