by Shelli
I'm 46 yrs old and have been having trouble with shortened time between periods and a lot of spotting both at the beginning and the end (more at the end) of my period.I have other perimeno symptoms like sleep problems and fatigue. I do have fibroids but we believe they are external as I do not have the heavy bleeding or pain. I had saliva testing done (progesterone and estradiol).
Estradiol 1.3 (1.3-3.3 range)
Progesterone 21 (75-270 range)
I am working with a compounding pharmacist. He put me on 20 mg of progesterone on days 14-28 of my cycle. My cycle very rarely goes 28 days by the way. I'm lucky to go 25 days. I told him I'm still having the same problems after 3 cycles of the cream. Since I talked to him I am getting more water retention. I use the cream twice a day, splitting the dose (10 mg twice a day). I have been taking vitamin D (2000-4000 i.u.)for several years but have never had it tested. I did make it 27 days this month. When I called the pharmacist last month, he said this last time to try waiting until day 17 to start the cream. I did that but still had spotting. To be clear, I started the cream on the 17th day of my cycle, and I started on day 27 with spotting for a day or so, started a regular period with more blood but not heavy by any means for about 3 days, then spotted for at least another week. All in all ended up with some sort of bleeding/spotting for 13 days.
I think I should call him again and discuss this. However, I'm wondering if he will maybe only up the dose a little and I'm reading on this site that I may need a much higher dose. I'd appreciate any input anyone has.
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