

by Rachel
(Suffolk, England)

This isn't my first question on the forums, so I apologise in advance for repeating myself.
I have just turned 47 years old. At 40, I began to bleed heavily, non stop. I think that went on for about 18 months before my doctor told me I had fibroids and needed an op to remove them.
After the operation, I was told I didn't have fibroids but they'd given me a Mirena coil. My periods just stopped then. I had the coil removed almost two years ago now and I've been using three teaspoons of Natpro every day for well over a year. Still no period. Nothing.
I am now bloated most of the time, and I feel dreadful. My hot flushes are debilitating. I take a high dose of vitamin d3, I eat low carb, I also take chelated magnesium and zinc daily. I am slightly overweight and have never had an issue with my weight previously. There is no history in my family of hormonal issues. I am seeing my GP next week but I'm not feeling positive because of my previous experience.
I understand I am most definitely Peri-menopausal, but no periods at all for so long? And I just feel disgusting. No libido, no energy, with a fat bloated tummy and face.
Can someone here please offer any words of wisdom?

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Aug 03, 2016
Puffy face and being bloated
by: Anonymous

Hi Rachel,

By any chance have you had your thyroid levels checked, T3, T4, TSH etc? Sometimes hypothyroidism can cause a puffy face. Also, have you done a saliva adrenal sufficiency test? (You can order the saliva test online and bring the results to your doctor). It is my understanding that adrenal insufficiency can also cause puffiness of the face. Both hypothyroidism and adrenal exhaustion can cause weight gain around your middle too.

I have hypothyroidism and my adrenals were exhausted. I had a puffy face and puffy eyelids and I was also retaining a lot of fluid. I gained 20 pounds in 2 months.

Now that I am on the right thyroid medication and addressing my adrenal exhaustion, all that puffiness in my face has gone. I also lost 12 pounds in 6 weeks without even changing my diet. My body was finally able to release all that extra fluid.

I am now on WP thyroid and natural progesterone (I take 200 mg oral every day and supplement with the progesterone cream during days 14-28)and I feel so much better. It took about 4 months, but I finally have energy again. I am 48 and also premenopausal.

So, if you have not had your thyroid or adrenals checked, you might want to consider that just to help you get an overall picture of what might be going on. I wish you the best!

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