by Rachel
(Suffolk, England)
This isn't my first question on the forums, so I apologise in advance for repeating myself.
I have just turned 47 years old. At 40, I began to bleed heavily, non stop. I think that went on for about 18 months before my doctor told me I had fibroids and needed an op to remove them.
After the operation, I was told I didn't have fibroids but they'd given me a Mirena coil. My periods just stopped then. I had the coil removed almost two years ago now and I've been using three teaspoons of Natpro every day for well over a year. Still no period. Nothing.
I am now bloated most of the time, and I feel dreadful. My hot flushes are debilitating. I take a high dose of vitamin d3, I eat low carb, I also take chelated magnesium and zinc daily. I am slightly overweight and have never had an issue with my weight previously. There is no history in my family of hormonal issues. I am seeing my GP next week but I'm not feeling positive because of my previous experience.
I understand I am most definitely Peri-menopausal, but no periods at all for so long? And I just feel disgusting. No libido, no energy, with a fat bloated tummy and face.
Can someone here please offer any words of wisdom?
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