
Starting dose for menstruating female

Hi Wray,
I am a 32 yo. Me menstruating female with ahistory of chronic illness including fatigue, insomnia and PMS. My dr prescribed a starting dose of 50mg am and 50mg pm of bioidentical progesterone in trouche form every day. However due to previous illness my BMI is only around 17 currently and I'm concerned that this dose might be too high for me. On the other hand I have suffered from symptoms of estrogen dominance my whole life so I don't want to stiimulate estrogen receptors even more. Can you please advise on an appropriate dose for me? Would it be safe to start on 50mg just at night, split 50mg over am and pm, or 50mg twice daily? Many thanks for your input.

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Nov 24, 2017
Starting dose for menstruating female
by: Joy

Unfortunately you will stimulate your estrogen receptors if you continue to use trouches as 50% progesterone will get destroyed by the gut and liver. Trouches are not the best delivery method, please consider using a good organic progesterone cream such as Natpro.

Have you had your thyroid tested and are you taking any iodine drops? Thyroid problems can cause fatigue. A vitamin D3 deficiency is also linked to thyroid issues, do you know what your vit D3 level is? A deficiency also reduces the benefits of progesterone.

I suggest that you use a good organic cream, 200mg per day, half in the morning and the other half at night and see how you get on with that. If you symptoms are severe, you may need to use more. It can take 2-6 months before the body adjusts to progesterone therapy, longer if symptoms are severe. Once all your adverse symptoms clear and you feel stable, you can slowly reduce the amount of cream used to no less than 100mg per day.

Please read these pages and the references

Estrogen Dominance -

How to use Progesterone Cream -

Vitamin D3 -

Magnesium -

Delivery Methods -

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