I am one of the rare women who didn't enter menopause until very late, after 55.
I actually had to have a uterine ablation - they burn the lining of your uterus - so my period would stop.
I have been having hot flashes since I was 49. I recently turned 60 and am again having major issues with hot flashes. I am taking clonindine for the hot flashes but it helped for a while. My hot flashes are worse again, very intense with night time being the worst. I get so hot I feel like I'm boiling over!
I wake up usually 4-5 times a night and it often takes me over 30 minutes to cool down. I am also having some memory issues. I tried HRT before but quit as the progestrone kept me awake. My doctor feels I need to go back on HRT to help with the hot flashes and the memory loss. My first night on back on HRT and I go sleep just fine but only sleep for 2 and a half hours and now am wide awake! I also have Meneires Disease and it is very important for me to get my 8-10 hours of sleep a night. I swim a mile at least 5 days a week and eat healthy, don't drink coffee or pop and only herbal tea after noon.
My question is, since the progesterone is to keep the uterine lining from getting too thick, do I need to take it since I had my uterine lining burned off?
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