
Severe pain in left breast

by Christianne
(Devon, England )

I've had severe pain in my left breast for a year now. I've seen my GP five time's and a breast specialist at the hospital twice. The specialist is adamant the pain isn't due to anything sinister but is as a result of hormone issues. He's prescribed me a course of tamoxifen 10mg a day for three months, I'm about a month and a half in and it has helped but not as much as I'd hoped.

I was wondering if instead of using a medication to block my estrogen receptors using some natural progesterone cream would help instead. Perhaps rather than having to much estrogen I just don't have enough progesterone?
Any thoughts?

Comments for Severe pain in left breast

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Oct 22, 2017
severe pain
by: Anonymous

I am so sorry you are going through this. I would strongly suggest that you look into Lugol's 5% Iodine! Iodine is in the breast tissue! Women often paint the breast with it in case of cysts, etc. It is in every cell in our bodies. Please look up the benefits. Dr. David Brownstein's books may be very helpful to read. Iodine and progesterone I believe will help.

Read this website. It has much information about all this. You won't find information about progesterone any where else as thoroughly researched. Wray Whyte's is unique.

Hope this helps!

Oct 23, 2017
Severe pain in left breast
by: Joy

Hi Christianne

I am so pleased that the specialists found nothing sinister. I tend to agree that it is hormonal. I am concerned however, about Tamoxifen as it comes with a warning as it may cause cancer of the uterus, strokes, and blood clots in the lungs, see link below.

You would definitely be suffering from estrogen dominance and the correct use of a good natural progesterone cream such as Natpro will help you greatly. I used to be riddle with breast and ovarian cysts years ago, mine were all due to excess estrogen and it was not until I started to use progesterone correctly that they all cleared up. As anonymous said, iodine is very important, have you had your thyroid tested by the way? Dr David Brownstein's video is excellent, so are his books.

Do you know what your Vitamin D3 level is? A deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone, it is also linked to every single functioning cell in our bodies including the thyroid. Co-factors are needed. Magnesium is very important, we should all be taking and using it whether we take D3 or not, but it all starts with D3.

Please read these pages and the references provided as they will help you to understand how progesterone works and what is needed.

How to use Progesterone Cream -

Estrogen Dominance -

Vitamin D3 -

Magnesium -

Tamoxifen -

Dr David Brownstein (Thyroid) -

Oct 25, 2017
Thank you
by: Christianne

Thank you so much for your help and advice. I will ask my doctor to test my thyroid, my mum has an under active thyroid actually. I will also ask them to check vitamin levels and I will give the iodine a try.

I really appreciate the support and information xx

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