by Kelly
I am 34 and appear to be going into early menopause. I am confused about progesterone as it appears most with estrogen dominance have problems during the luteal phase, but my worst is during the follicular phase. A couple days after my period I get horrible anxiety, nausea, can't sleep, digestive issues, bladder issues. These get better as I enter the luteal phase. My breasts have also considerably shrunk; this all seems to point to low estrogen. I have eliminated all xenoestrogens I can from diet and skin care and am extremely thin (105 pounds, 5' 7"), always have been, it's just my genes, no disordered eating. Do you still believe progesterone will help? I took 30 mg for 12 days during my last period, it didn't seem to do anything but I don't imagine 12 days in a 49 day cycle would impact much. I am very confused and hesitant to add estrogen because my mom had ovarian cysts and endometriosis, but I already have low bone density and heart disease and alzheimer's runs in my family so I want to protect from that as well. Any advice would be very appreciated.
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