
Rhonda Volpi

by Rhonda
(Somerset, KY)

I have suffered with fibroids, heavy bleeding, clotting, spotting,insomnia, etc. for years. After much research have been using DIM, Vitex, Calcium D-Glucarate,Vitalzym, Milk Thistle, and Progesterone (100mg/day) to try to metabolize excess estrogen, balance hormones, dissolve fibroids, and regulate cycles. So far I have had two twenty-eight day cycles and they have been fairly "normal" compared to past cycles.So, I might be on the right track in terms of getting my cycle regulated again. However, I used to have strong symptoms when I ovulated and no longer have them so I don't know if I am ovulating or not. I read if I'm peri-menopausal (which I "guess" I am; I'm 52) I should start on day 7 with progesterone, but that would prevent ovulation, right? I also feel bad when I start my progesterone (like I'm going to have another period), and after a few days I feel better. Shouldn't I feel better when I apply progesterone? And, should I take my temperature to find out if I'm ovulating? Also, should I start on day 14 instead of day 7? I started having anxiety in March and it is awful. I am taking a natural herbal supplement (Seredyn) along with 5-HTP and alternating Valerian and Kava to deal with it, but sometimes only a Xanax will help. The anxiety is making me depressed and I can't eat or sleep or enjoy life. I went to your website to see if too much progesterone was making me anxious and it tells me no so what now....? Naturopathic Doc is treating me for thyroid - says that is the source of all my problems, hormonal inbalance included. Helped for two weeks and now anxiety is back. There is no doctor around here that will treat this naturally and the ones I've found that will cost a fortune so I'm on my own. Please help!

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Apr 23, 2012
Rhonda Volpi
by: Wray

Hi Rhonda It doesn't surprise me you're having to go it alone, most of us have had to, mores the pity. Everything points to low progesterone and low vitamin D, they also work together which is a good thing. The supps you're taking should help, although the vitex does have a mild oestrogenic action. I do recommend 100-200mg/day progesterone, it seems you could do with the higher amount. I'm not sure what kind you're using, but if it's oral it's the least effective Delivery system, as much of it gets destroyed by the gut and liver. And yes you are in Peri-menopause, in fact almost at Menopause. The average age of this is 51. P-M is the hardest phase of our lives I found, thanks to progesterone all my 'old age' symptoms went. I had bad Anxiety and depression, you'll notice how many nutrients can help too. I would suggest you use the progesterone daily, as it's impossible to regulate cycles when in P-M. The link I've given you explains how to use it. I did this, even when my cycle was regular, as the adverse symptoms came back when I stopped. Progesterone will help the heavy bleeding, I also suggest you take 2000mg/day N-acetyl cysteine, this inhibits the MMPs which cause it. Explained on our Menstruation page. We also have a page on Fibroids, progesterone helps these too. Plus it can help with insomnia, see here, here and here. A lack of vitamin D not only reduces the benefits of progesterone, but causes fibroids, see here, here, here, here and here. Continued below.

Apr 23, 2012
Rhonda Volpi Part 2
by: Wray

Hi Rhonda Vitamin D can help the heavy bleeding too, but please have a vitamin D test done. For more info on vitamin D levels, test kits etc see the Vitamin D Council, GrassrootsHealth, Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Take care Wray

Aug 25, 2012
anxiety disorder
by: susan

I would suggest consulting with various doctor's to ensure that your thyroid is the underlying cause for the anxiety your experiencing.
I learned years ago that a personal situation or even work related issues can trigger anxiety. It may be that your living in an unhappy situation. I don't know your circumstances, but anxiety is a common factor when your feeling overwhelmed due to events that happy in your every day life.

I wish you the best.



Oct 07, 2012
Iodine and Fibroids
by: Rocco8

Please read about the silent Epidemic of Iodine deficiency here.

This deficiency is the root cause of many uterine and breast fibroids.

It also helps with cysts in the ear lobes.

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