
Reaction To Inositol

by Holly
(Atlanta, GA, USA)

I tried inositol yesterday for the first time for anxiety (1000 mgs plain inositol powder in capsules) and experienced huge histamine increase. It was taken alone so it was definitely the inositol. I had no idea that inositol caused increased histamine. It was worse than eating sauerkraut. I went to the internet and found confirmation everywhere that inositol increases histamine release. My histamine issues began after my GYN gave me estrogen/testosterone shot last year and have since learned estrogen dominance often causes histamine issues. Within 6 weeks on progesterone cream alone and following Wray's protocol, as well as switching to keto diet, all histamine issues ceased, until yesterday when I took inositol. Inositol gets such rave reviews and helps so many people but apparenty not me. My advice is if you have high histamine and want to try inositol anyway, take it alone and have your histamine decreasing protocol ready, i.e. I've been drinking tall glasses of water with 2400 mgs of ascorbic acid (powdered vitamin c) every several hours.

This website is a godsend for me and my only desire in writing this is to share my experience. If someone has high histamine and finds inositol helps lower it, please let me know. I want to learn. Sincerely, Holly

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Nov 10, 2015
Thank you
by: Susan Jo

Hi Holly

Thank you. I looked it up and was surprised to read that. So off my list. I also read NAG also. I hope all antioxidants don't react histamines. I did read that sam-e helps histamine, breaks it down. So far there are a lot of supplements I can have.

Thank you very much
Susan Jo

Nov 11, 2015
Food Sources
by: Holly

Hi Susan Jo, So good to hear from you! After the inositol experience I looked up NAC and read it does increase histamine so am not willing to try it at this time. I did try gaba sublinguals and tryptophan and felt nothing, at all. From personal experience, getting nutrients from foods (and organic, grassfed, hormone free ones) always works better. Taking one part of a food and capsuling it in a lab just can't compare to the real thing, plus there's often unhealthy additives included. I made a list of the nutrients I want and get them from foods daily (ie, tryptophan is abundant in meats as well as other foods). I didn't want to give up pleasure eating but now I crave the foods that are healthy for me and get so much more pleasure out of feeling good. I've found the only nutrients I'm not getting enough of from foods are D3, C, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and the delightful progesterone! The ketogenic diet is absolutely perfect for me. My brain, gut and body love it. Clear brain, calm emotions, happy intestines, clean energy. In so many ways I feel my life has just begun. At 59! Enjoy your day! Holly

Nov 14, 2015
I agree
by: Susan Jo

Hi Holly

I have a small headache so this is going to be a quick response. I made a typo. I ment to say just about all supplements don't agree with me. As of know I only use progesterone cream which I know I need more of hence the headache. I well continue more of an update when I feel better.

Susan Jo

Nov 17, 2015
by: Susan Jo

Hi Holly,

I found out why I had a headache, I got my period. .yep. so apparently I need more progesterone. Haha and yesterday I short changed myself with progesterone cream by mistake and woke up with night sweats..grrrrrrr. Still figuring a way to suppress testosterone other than with progesterone. Oh one thing interesting is I look less pregnant. Im thinking because before the period starting I apparently progesterone and estrogen drop sharply and didn't have enough progesterone cream to help. Anyway that's all for now.

God bless
Susan Jo

Sep 18, 2018
Inositol and histamine
by: Anonymous

Hi, I've had histamine issues ever since my gut went bad due to either SIBO, a parasite or other. I've been working on healing my gut which has helped but I still have histamine issues. I tend to get these adrenaline rushes and panicy like feelings although they've been less since boosting my serotonin levels for whatever reason.

Anyway the last couple of days I've taken 6g+ of Inositol and felt I had a bad histamine reaction, including some panicy feelings and once again adrenaline rushes causing insomnia. I haven't seen a lot of info on this on the web so I'm gad you mentioned something.
Thank you.

Mar 07, 2022
Research data
by: Anonymous

...the study you vaguely reference states that histamine increases inositol not the other way around. Also its not myo-inositol thats stimulated.its a 14 page paper.i could find no studies stating inositol increases histamine. I have severe histamine intolerance and take commom insositol with no problem. Link to the study whos results your referencing:

Nov 23, 2023
Thank you Anonymous...
by: Dan

...for finding the study that refutes the nonsensical claims of the original posters back in 2015.

Indeed, if inositol RAISED histamine, one would see thousands of comments on Amazon from people whose anxiety has dramatically worsened since taking inositol.

Instead you see the opposite. Inositol dramatically helps anxiety, helps calm people down -- what one would expect when taking an ANTIHISTAMINE.

Again, thanks for correcting this misinformation.

Nov 24, 2023
by: Joy

I have been taking it for years and it certainly hasn't caused weight gain or anxiety.

Inositol increases the action of insulin and decreases insulin resistance. It has a calming affect, helps in combating depression, panic attacks, mood swings, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder and anxiety. Helps reduce cholesterol levels, hardening of the arteries, removes fat from the liver. Improves ovulation, decreases serum androgen concentrations, blood pressure, and plasma triglyceride concentrations in polycystic ovary syndrome. Weight loss has been observed in patients taking it. High losses occur in diabetes, used for diabetic neuropathy, insomnia, cancer, hair growth (known as the anti-alopecia vitamin).

Dec 09, 2023
Yes it does.
by: Anonymous

Hello, I have been searching all over the internet to find evidence that Myo inostol increases histamine. I have found the opposite instead. I have been suffering with a runny nose for three years and my runny nose gets so much worst with the Myo inostol. I do take a powder form and it doesn’t have D-chiro in it. I won’t be taking it anymore and I’d like to thank the person who started this thread. Also does anyone have any remedies for a runny nose?

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