by Holly
(Atlanta, GA, USA)
I tried inositol yesterday for the first time for anxiety (1000 mgs plain inositol powder in capsules) and experienced huge histamine increase. It was taken alone so it was definitely the inositol. I had no idea that inositol caused increased histamine. It was worse than eating sauerkraut. I went to the internet and found confirmation everywhere that inositol increases histamine release. My histamine issues began after my GYN gave me estrogen/testosterone shot last year and have since learned estrogen dominance often causes histamine issues. Within 6 weeks on progesterone cream alone and following Wray's protocol, as well as switching to keto diet, all histamine issues ceased, until yesterday when I took inositol. Inositol gets such rave reviews and helps so many people but apparenty not me. My advice is if you have high histamine and want to try inositol anyway, take it alone and have your histamine decreasing protocol ready, i.e. I've been drinking tall glasses of water with 2400 mgs of ascorbic acid (powdered vitamin c) every several hours.
This website is a godsend for me and my only desire in writing this is to share my experience. If someone has high histamine and finds inositol helps lower it, please let me know. I want to learn. Sincerely, Holly
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