
Question Re: Levels

by Nira

Hi Wray,

I was wondering about this statement:

On the other hand if she had an oestradiol level of 5.5pmol/L and a progesterone level of 979pmol/L she would feel wonderful, and yet these are also in the 'normal' range.

but if you recommend 600:1, this is only 178:1 !

and the chart you posted is :

17ß-oestradiol Progesterone Luteal
5.5 - 13.2 pmol/L 259 - 979 pmol/L

are these units correct, are they both pmol/L? or is one of them supposed to be nmol/L

i am asking because when i do my conversion,

388 pmol/L estrogen
45 nmol/L progesterone x1000= 45000 pmol/L


and i certainly do not feel great on that, and it would seem that my progesterone level is enormous compared to what you have posted. so i am not sure if your units are correct, or if my system is messed up. (i spent a lot of time on the math !!)

if it's my system that is messed up, than i have a huge amount of progesterone and estrogen according to your chart.

so i'm confused



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Oct 24, 2012
Question Re: Levels
by: Wray

Hi Nira Bless you for pointing out my error! I must have been dreaming when I wrote that. If you look at the Saliva Tests we run, you'll notice the women all had very low progesterone prior to using it. But afterwards their levels shot up to ±3000, so the ratios were much higher. It appears you must have had a serum or blood test done. These are given in pmol/L for oestrogen, and nmol/L for progesterone. Saliva tests use the same measurement, i.e. pmol/L for both. So if your oestrogen is 388pmol/L, then you divide this by 1000 to get it into nmol/L, i.e. 0.388nmol/L. This figure is then divided into the progesterone result, giving you a ratio of 115.97:1 as you found. For some reason I change the oestrogen to nmol/L, rather than the way you did it. As you point out your ratio is too low, and you would not feel good on this. So the 178:1 I gave is an error, albeit still higher than yours of 116:1.We do have a page on Hormone Testing you could look through. If interested in using progesterone, please make sure you use sufficient. I recommend 100-200mg/day, more if symptoms are severe. It is trial and error finding the right amount, and levels fluctuate due to lack of vitamin D, dark cloudy days and winter, large meals, particularly with lots of sugar in, a high phytoestrogen content in food etc. You live in Canada, please have a vitamin D test done. Levels are generally very low in people living there, see here, here, here, here and here. For more info on vitamin D levels, test kits etc see the Vitamin D Council, GrassrootsHealth and Birmingham Hospital. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml (175-250nmol/L) and not the 30ng/ml (75nmol/L) most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although recent research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Take care Wray

Oct 24, 2012
Levels question
by: Jane

Yes I have a question about levels. It seems 3000 is too high for progesterone.

Oct 24, 2012
Levels question
by: Wray

Hi Jane I've given Nira our saliva test results page, it does show levels ±3000ng/ml. They can of course go much higher. We do have a page on this too, see here. It's the ratio that is critical not the quantity of each. Take care Wray

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