
PSA on the rise

by John

My PSA on 1/31/2017 was 7.7. I started on Source Naturals progesterone cream twice a day on 2/15/2017. I got my shipment of Natpro about 10 days ago and started that twice a day until this past Friday, 3/3/2017 and got my PSA retested. It is now 9.1.

I've been taking 15,000 D3 iu for about three months and DIM since 2/1/2017.

Question: would the progesterone cream cause my PSA to rise initially?

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Mar 07, 2017
PSA on the rise
by: Joy

Hi John

There could be a number of reasons for a rise in PSA levels. Your body is still adjusting to progesterone therapy, or you are not use enough Natpro, how much are you using? An infection could also be the reason, have you had an infection recently? Richard Ablin, the man who discovered PSA says "As I have been trying to make clear for many years now, P.S.A. testing can't detect prostate cancer and, more important, it can't distinguish between the two types of prostate cancer - the one that will kill you and the one that will not. Infections, over-the-counter drugs like ibuprofen, and benign swelling of the prostate can all elevate a man's P.S.A. levels, but none of these factors signals cancer." I am sure that stress could raise levels too. Calcium D-glucarate is far better in reducing excess estrogen than DIM.

A Vitamin D3 deficiency could also be a cause, if low it reduces the benefits of progesterone. Although you have been taking 15 000iu's for 3 months, what exactly is your level?

Perhaps the following pages and references will help you:

How to use Progesterone Cream
Estrogen Dominance
Progesterone for Men
Vitamin D3
The Great Prostate Mistake
Mortality Results from a Randomized Prostate-Cancer Screening Trial

Mar 08, 2017
PSA on the rise
by: Anonymous

Joy, Thank you so much for your comments. I order my own tests so I will get my D3 level checked soon. Getting in to see a urologist where I live takes two months and then the first thing they want to do is a biopsy it seems.

I am administering the Natpro progesterone cream about 1/4 teaspoon twice a day anally. I started taking the DIM thinking it was the best thing to boost my system, but I can order Calcium D-glucarate and will do so. I also take

Here is the history of my PSA levels for the past seven years.
Dr. Bli PCP 1/19/2010                    PSA reading 5.2
Dr. Bl PCP 3/18/2010                    PSA reading 4.3
Dr. Moor 9/2/2010 PSA reading 4.6
Dr. Cav PCP 2/4/2011                   PSA reading 4.9 Gluten-free start
Dr. Brow Urologist 4/2/2011     PSA reading 4.6
Dr. Brownr Urologist 8/12/2011   PSA reading 3.6 Gluten-free end
Personal annual test   5/31/2012        PSA reading 4.1
Personal annual test  3/9/2013           PSA reading 5.6
Personal Annual test 7/25/2013 PSA reading 8.3 infection prior to knee surgery
Dr. Amesqui PCP 2/6/2015             PSA reading 5.8
Dr. Wea 5/22/2015 PSA reading 6.1 Gluten-free start
Dr. Wea 8/17/2015 PSA reading 5.7 Gluten-free
Life Ins. 10/26/2015 PSA reading 6.3 Gluten-free
Quest Diag 11/24/2015 PSA reading 4.6 Reduced Sugar
Quest Dia 3/14/2016 PSA reading 4.7
Quest Dia 11/8/2016 PSA reading 6.9 too much sugar?
Quest Diag 11/16/2016 PSA reading 7.6 start gluten/sugar free
Quest Diag 12/1/2016 PSA reading 7.2 sugar free
Quest Dia i 2/15/2017 PSA reading 7.7 too much stevia and red meat?
Quest Diagnostics 3/1/2017 PSA reading 9.1 ??????

Up until March 2015, I was using some progesterone cream so that may have made a difference?
Thank you again.

Mar 08, 2017
Natpro side effects
by: Anonymous

I've been on Natpro for nearly two weeks and am having dizziness with chills. Is this something to be expected?

Mar 08, 2017
Natpro side effects?
by: John

I've been on Natpro for nearly two weeks and woke up this morning dizzy (that continues now through mid-day) and poor balance. I am also having chills. This is very unusual for me. Is this something to be expected?

Aug 28, 2021
Prostate cancer screening
by: Anonymous

Prostate cancer screening and early detection does NOT save men’s lives. Let’s do the math. Per the USPSTF (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force): "A small benefit and known harms from prostate cancer screening" and "Only one man in 1,000 could possibly have a life saving benefit from screening". However about 1.3 to 3.5 deaths per 1,000 from prostate blind biopsies. Also 5 men in 1000 died and 20.4% had one or more complications within 30 days of a prostatectomy. This does not include deaths and injuries from other procedures, medical mistakes, increased suicide rate, ADT therapy complications, heart attracts, depression, low quality of life, etc, caused by prostate cancer screening and treatments. Detection and overtreatment for prostate cancer has killed or destroyed millions of men’s lives worldwide from understated and multiple undisclosed side effects. The doctor that invented the PSA test, Dr. Richard Ablin now calls it: "The Great Prostate Mistake", "Hoax" and "A Profit Driven Public Health Disaster".

My story:

Recommended books:
The Great Prostate Hoax by Richard Ablin MD (the inventor of the PSA test)
The Big Scare, The Business of Prostate Cancer by Anthony Horan MD.

Jul 30, 2023
biopsy danger
by: Anonymous

A 12 or 18 core blind biopsy, holey prostate! One million dangerous prostate blind (TRUS) biopsies are performed in the USA each year and they should be banned: Invasive, dangerous, degrading and unnecessary. Men with a high PSA tests result are often sent to an urologist for a blind biopsy. This technology is (obsolete) 30 years old. Would you use a cell phone or drive a car that was designed 30 years ago? You may not own your biopsy samples. Blind prostate biopsy cost in the USA is at least $3 billion annually. False positives and false negatives do occur. Men should be told about other options; Percent free PSA test, 4Kscore test, SelectMDX, PCA3 test or a 3T MRI test before receiving a blind biopsy. These tests can often eliminate the need for a risky and invasive blind biopsy. Unfortunately, sometimes insurance companies may not pay for other tests. Insertion of 12 or 18 large hollow needles through the dirty rectum into a gland the size of a walnut, a blind biopsy can result in pain, infections, a risk of temporary or permanent erectile dysfunction. Biopsies can cause, urinary problems, An infection rate of 7.2%, up to a 6.9% hospitalization rate within 30 days from a complication, sometimes even death from sepsis (About 1.3 to 3.5 deaths per 1,000). There is also debate that a biopsy may spread cancer because of needle tracking, no one can give you a 100% honest answer. A blind biopsy is degrading and can also increase PSA reading for several weeks or months, further frightening men into unnecessary treatment. Blind biopsies are almost never performed on other organs.

Jul 30, 2023
Biopsy Dangers
by: Joy

Natural progesterone and vitamin D3 will help greatly as discussed further down on this post.

Take care.

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