
Progesterone treatment while pregnant

by Maria G. Guevara
(Brownsville, Texas)

My doctor prescribed progesterone suppositories and I'm not sure I should continue to take them. I have read about the side effects and precautions and it says pregnant women should not take it. What should I do?

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Jul 19, 2008
Progesterone treatment while pregnant
by: Wray

Hi Maria Suppositories are an excellent means of getting progesterone into the body. And to date I have not found any adverse side affects from using progesterone. If any occur when first starting its use this is due to 'oestrogen dominance'. See here for details:

Pregnant women are often given progesterone suppositories to prevent a miscarriage. It's often given when a woman has IVF treatment, to ensure the foetus stays in place. Hope this reassures you Take care. Wray

Oct 07, 2008
by: Vive

My Dr. prescribed this medication but it came with no instructions, how do I insert this product?

Oct 09, 2008
Progesterone treatment while pregnant
by: Wray

Hi Vive The easiest way is to use your fingers. If you find the suppository too dry, adding some oil, yoghurt or butter to the outside is effective. It's much easier to use as a pessary, inserting it into your vagina. It will reach the uterus where it's needed much quicker. If you find this unpleasant, then an alternative would be to use the cream. Hope this helps, take care Wray

Oct 23, 2008
Progesterone side effects?
by: Vicky

I've finished my medication and I'm just concerned because my stomach was really bloated and my breasts were very tender and now I'm done and I was just wondering if that was normal?

I woke up yesterday and my stomach was not as bloated and my breasts are not hurting as much. Could it be that these are the side effects progesterone gives you? Please advise I'm really worried. Thank you.

Oct 27, 2008
Progesterone treatment while pregnant
by: Wray

Hi Vicky The side affects you experienced were due to oestrogen dominance. Progesterone activates the oestrogen receptor sites, which then causes oestrogen to become the dominant hormone initially. You didn't use the progesterone for long enough, as it does take time to settle down, but I can assure you it does.

Now that you're not using the progesterone, the oestrogen has calmed down hence the symptoms are going. We do have a web page on oestrogen dominance you might like to look at, it explains everything. Take care Wray

Jan 12, 2009
Progestrone and my past history
by: Anonymous

I've always been told by doctors that I should not take hormones because I have had cancer when I was younger. Now I am pregnant and my doctor said that my progestrone levels are on the low side... he is going to give me some cream. Should I be concerned?

Jan 14, 2009
Progesterone treatment while pregnant
by: wray

There is no need to be concerned. They should have made it clear the hormone to avoid is oestrogen. Progesterone is vital for a successful pregnancy, when we can make up to 420mg/day, compared to the 20-40mg during our monthly cycle.

If progesterone caused cancer, every pregnant woman on this planet would have it! We do have a web page on cancer you might like to look at it:

We also have one on pregnancy too:

Take care Wray

Sep 30, 2009
Synthetic v. Plant based Progesterone
by: Anonymous

You should be highly aware that many doctors do not know that there is a difference between synthetic progesterone sold by pharmaceutical companies under different brand names which are known to cause cancer and other problems in women while plant based (usually made from soy or yam) progesterone which is bio-identical--that plant based progesterone has the same molecular structure as the human body and does not cause the same side effects as synthesized progesterone. Bio-identical progesterone is safe in prescribed doses. Make sure your doctor prescribes bio-identical plant based progesterone. Also, you must have sufficient levels of progesterone in your body to support the first trimester of pregnancy.

Oct 16, 2010
I am taking Progesterone I am 6 weeks
by: Anonymous

I have been taking Progesterone for three days and this morning I had some light spotting but not sure if I should worry. I had my tubes tied in 1999 and have been pregnant three times in the past six years. In 2006 I had a ruptured tube that was removed and the other tube was retied. As of today I am on my third pregnancy as I mentioned and I would like to keep my baby. I am confused and don't really understand what's going on with my body from one day to the next. My HCG levels are increasing not as much as my doctor would like and my progesterone levels are low but not dangerously low. I just need some insight some peace of mind. I have had two ultra sounds but it was too soon to tell it does not appear to be an ectopic pregnancy but again it still may be to soon to tell. I have searched the internet for similar situation but I have not found anything. Please advise!

Oct 20, 2010
I am taking Progesterone I am 6 weeks
by: Wray

Hi there You say you have been taking progesterone. If this means you have been given oral progesterone it's not the best delivery system. Please see our page on Progesterone application methods. And the dose, how much were you told to take, as this has a bearing on it too. I recommend between 100-200mg/day, dependant on symptoms. It's essential to use a good delivery system. Bleeding of any kind means progesterone levels have dropped. In your case it appears only a little, as you say it's slight spotting. You should have been given the progesterone before you fell pregnant, as initially it stimulates oestrogen. This means oestrogen has risen, which in turn would suppress progesterone, hence the spotting. It's essential to make progesterone the dominant hormone, so I suggest you use about 200mg/day. hCG or human chorionic gonadotrophin is a hormone produced by the developing embryo after conception. Once the embryo has implanted a specialised part of the placenta takes over production. The role of hCG is to prevent the corpus luteum from disintegration. The corpus luteum is critical for the production of progesterone for the first 8 weeks, until the placenta takes over production. Please note that hCG starts dropping after 13 to 16 weeks gestational age as the corpus luteum is no longer needed. So if your hCG levels are still low, it means the corpus luteum is not producing enough progesterone. In which case it's vital you use supplementary progesterone. But this must be with a good delivery system, and a high enough amount. Please see our page on Pregnancy. Take care Wray

Oct 25, 2010
Progesterone in later pregnancy
by: Anonymous

I am 11 weeks pregnant and have insufficient grandular tissue leading me to not be able to breast feed without supplementing with formula. There is a study that showed that taking progesterone suppositories, 100mg a day, can help with gradular tissue development. My question is if taking progesterone this late in pregancy can somehow negatively affect the baby. How far into pregnancy can I take it? Anyone out there tried this for the same reason? Thanks, Karen.

Oct 28, 2010
Progesterone Therapy
by: Anonymous

I recently had a cystectomy and my right ovary removed. My OBGYN has prescribed me progesterone treatment to use to keep me from miscarrage. When taking this treatment, I have severe nausea, tenderness and discomfort at my incision site where they removed the cyst/ovary, and headaches. When I experience these symptoms, I stop taking the treatment for 2-3 days at a time to regain my wellness and when I start to feel better, I try to continue with the treatment. Will this affect my child as to I am only between 4 to 6 weeks pregnant. I have not experienced any vaginal bleeding at all. I dont want to loose my child and I truly do not want my baby to come in this world with any birth defects or retardation. What should I do. Should I be worried that if I dont follow the treatment as prescribed my child while have birth defects or some form of mental retardation. Please help. -Concerned Mother

Oct 29, 2010
Progesterone in later pregnancy
by: Wray

Hi Karen Progesterone can be used at any time during pregnancy. You are now in the 1st trimester and your ovaries will be making between 11.2 - 90.0 ng/ml or 35.6 - 286.2 nmol/L. By using a cream or suppository you will merely be supplementing what you are already making. By the 2nd trimester, when the placenta takes over production of progesterone, you will be making between 25.6 - 89.4 ng/ml or 81.4 - 284.29 nmol/L. By the 3rd trimester, your level will have increased to 48.4 - 425 ng/ml or 153.9 - 1351.5 nmol/L. Please see Medline Progesterone. I'm not sure if you mean granular or glandular tissue, so I'm assuming glandular. I would like to see the paper you mention, as I have never found a paper showing progesterone increases tissue in the breast. Oestrogen plays a major role in promoting cell proliferation, while progesterone influences its differentiation. Maybe this differentiation is what the paper was referring to. Please see here, here and here. Progesterone is vital for a successful pregnancy, insufficient is often a cause of miscarriages. Using supplemental progesterone will not affect the baby negatively. Whereas progestins do affect it negatively. For more info on progesterone use during pregnancy please see our page on Pregnancy. Take care Wray

Oct 30, 2010
Progesterone Therapy
by: Wray

Hi there Stopping and starting progesterone while pregnant can cause a miscarriage. It's the drop in progesterone which causes them, in fact it's the most common reason for a miscarriage. It's such a pity you were not given progesterone before you fell pregnant. It's essential to do this, to prevent Oestrogen Dominance which is what you are experiencing now. It's evident you had a high level of oestrogen prior to pregnancy, as oestrogen stimulates cysts to grow. In fact progesterone, by suppressing excess oestrogen, will cause the cyst to be reabsorbed. There was no need for the op. Many women experience nausea or 'morning sickness' in the early weeks of pregnancy, it's also caused by excess oestrogen. Dr Dalton treated many thousands of women with progesterone if they had nausea. The worse it is the more progesterone is needed. I've found if nausea is bad and has been going on for some time, at least 330mg/day progesterone is needed to prevent it. You don't say if you have been given oral progesterone or suppositories. If oral it's not the best delivery system, please see our page on Progesterone application methods.
I suggest you use an efficient absorption system, ie injections, suppositories or a cream, and use at least 200mg/day. If you use a cream you can rub it directly on the incision point, it's an excellent anti-inflammatory. If you don't use the progesterone, you baby won't be retarded or have birth defects, as you are making progesterone yourself. Obviously your obgyn was giving it to you as a precaution. But if you want to continue with it, you must use a high amount to prevent the nausea. For more info please see our page on How to use progesterone. We also have a page on Pregnancy. Please read through this, it gives all the info you need on how to use it while pregnant. And please read this page here. Take care Wray

Nov 05, 2010
i used it
by: Anonymous

when i first got pregnant my doctor had me to use it and i miscarriage the next week so i don't think it's safe at all

Nov 09, 2010
i used it
by: Wray

Hi there I think your doctor probably gave it to you far too late in your pregnancy. This is often the case, it should be started before you fall pregnant. It's not possible for progesterone not to be safe, we make large quantities when pregnant. In fact without progesterone no woman would carry a child to term. And low levels or a drop while pregnant causes a miscarriage, which undoubtedly happened to you. We do have a page on Pregnancy you might like to look at. Take care Wray

Nov 13, 2010
Should I continue
by: Jennifer

I have been taking compounded progesterone pills 50mg for 10 months due to estrogen dominance. I have not seen my dr since then and we have moved. I just found out I am pregnant after 4 years of trying. I was supposed to take the progesterone on days 14-28 so I stopped when I was supposed to get my period. Should I start again? Will it cause a problem if I do or don't? I am planning to call my old dr, but we just got phone and internet up and now have to wait till next week. Plus he doesn't work everyday. Any help someone can give would be greatly appreciated.

Nov 15, 2010
Should I continue
by: Wray

Hi Jennifer It's lucky the dose of progesterone was so low, because stopping it as you did while pregnant can cause a miscarriage. Oral progesterone is mostly destroyed by the gut and liver, so only about 80-90% is getting into the blood stream. Which means the 50mg/day you were taking amounted to no more than 4mg progesterone. For more info please see the page on Progesterone application methods. If you've had miscarriages in the past, then it would be advisable to start again. But if not, there should be no reason to, as initially the corpus luteum, followed by the placenta at 3-4 months, make sufficient progesterone for the entire pregnancy. Just watch out for signs that progesterone is dropping, ie spotting, bleeding, nausea (this is not normal!), headaches and water retention. If any signs of these occur start using the progesterone again. But it's best in a form which is absorbed well, injections, suppositories or a cream. More info on the link I've given above. We do have a page on Pregnancy, please look through it, as it gives all the info you need on using progesterone. You might like to see these two sites too, here and here. Take care Wray

Nov 24, 2010
Do side effectscontinue to increase from days 14 - 28?
by: Sydneygirl

Dear Wray, I have been on Crinone twice daily since Nov 15. I had my embryo transfer on Nov 17. I had the standard tiredness, bloating, breast enlargement start in the first 3 - 4 days. I had my cycle day 21 blood test on Nov 22 for progesterone and the results were "fantastic." I wish I had asked for the levels. Since then, my bloating, weight gain has increased. Does the Crinone keep making your levels of progesterone increase or does it plateau at some stage? Many thanks.

Dec 01, 2010
Headaches and progestrone treatment while 15 wks pregnant?
by: Anonymous

So I am amost 16 weeks pregnant. At 11wks I started getting fierce frontal Region headaches. Sometimes they start at 8am other times the afternoon. Always. Every weekday. Weekends: they are very mild to none at all. They still continue, now getting more intense and unbearable. I drink a gallon of water a day, eat well, and take prenatals...don't drink, smoke or do drugs. My doctor is prescribing progestrone as a potential treatment...does this sound right? Is progesterone a way to treat pregnancy headaches? What physical side effects to my body could this cause?

Dec 05, 2010
Do side effects continue to increase from days 14 - 28?
by: Wray

Hi Sydneygirl Crinone will increase your level. But more significantly, your own production of progesterone will increase as pregnancy progresses. Look at the reference ranges below.....
Pregnancy (serum) 1st trimester 11.2 - 90.0 ng/ml or 35.6 - 286.2 nmol/L, 2nd trimester 25.6 - 89.4 ng/ml or 81.4 - 284.29 nmol/L, 3rd trimester 48.4 - 425 ng/ml or 153.9 - 1351.5 nmol/L Medline Progesterone So by the 3rd trimester you should be making over 400 ng/ml or 1351.5 nmol/L per day. It's a pity they didn't start you earlier on the progesterone, as you are going through the Oestrogen Dominance phase now, read this page for more info on it. I'm pleased you've been given vaginal progesterone, often oral is given which is the least effective delivery system, see this page on here. How much progesterone you are getting? Crinone contains either 45 mg or 90 mg per dose, I hope it's the 90mg. I'm also pleased you're using it twice daily, as levels of progesterone drop after about 13hrs. I'm not sure how long they want you to use it for, often 3-4 months is the cut off time. Normally they tell you to just stop it, please don't follow this advice. Going cold turkey off progesterone is not a good thing, it's far better to reduce the amount slowly over a month. It is safe to use it throughout pregnancy too. Once you've stopped please watch for tell tale signs of levels dropping, ie nausea, headache, BP rising, water retention. Just start using it again if this should occur. We do have a page on Pregnancy, please read through it. There are three nutrients which are of paramount importance in pregnancy, please consider taking them. They are Vitamin D, see here, here and here. Taurine, see here, here and here. And omega 3, see here. please see this video here. Take care Wray

Dec 06, 2010
Headaches and progestrone treatment while 15 wks pregnant?
by: Wray

Hi there I'm pleased your doctor is giving you progesterone and not drugs, as it can help migraines/headaches, see here, here and here. At 16 weeks the placenta is normally making sufficient progesterone to maintain the pregnancy, see......
Medline Progesterone (serum)
1st trimester 11.2 - 90.0 ng/ml or 35.6 - 286.2 nmol/L
2nd trimester 25.6 - 89.4 ng/ml or 81.4 - 284.3 nmol/L
3rd trimester 48.4 - 425 ng/ml or 153.9 - 1351.5 nmol/L
It could be your level is not high enough, hence the headaches. They seem to be related to stress, as you say they occur during the week, but not at weekends. Are you still working, can you stop? Stress drops progesterone, have they checked your levels? Please get them to do so if not, and a vitamin D test too. A lack of vitamin D reduces the benefits of progesterone. Vitamin D is vital to both the mother and the developing child, see the Grassroots Health website for more info. And here and here. We do have a page on Pregnancy, please read through it for more info. You might like to see this video on Vitamin D: Pregnancy and Lactation Another vital nutrient is taurine, see here, here and here. Plus omega 3, see here. Take care Wray

Jan 20, 2011
scared to stop progesterone
by: Anonymous

I had a frozen embryo transfer nov 2. I am now pregnant with twins. I just turned 14 weeks today. I have been on 200 cc of progesterone in oil shots and 4mg of estrogen daily since before the transfer. My ob says to stop the meds at 14 weeks because the placenta should be making the hormones now. I asked about follow up bloodwork and he said not unless i begin to spot or cramp. I am scared to come off of the shots. I have had 3 losses already and i am afraid. Is it ok to quite the meds cold turkey as my dr says at this point and time. I have enough meds to take through 14 weeks 3 days and am considering taking them till then then stopping. Is it ok to do this? What side effects will i experience if any and is it safe to stop them now? Also would it be better to taper off of the meds instead of cold turkey? Thanks

Jan 21, 2011
scared to stop progesterone
by: Wray

Hi there I'm surprised you've been given oestrogen too, and which kind? Oestriol is the pregnancy oestrogen, whereas oestradiol is the predominant oestrogen when not pregnant. It's usually low in pregnancy. It's a pity you weren't given progesterone suppositories/pessaries, injections are painful. Progesterone cream is as affective too. I never recommend going cold turkey on any nutrient, drug or hormone. It's always safer and kinder to the body to taper off slowly. One of the causes of miscarriages is a drop in progesterone levels. Although you are now at 14 weeks and the placenta should be making sufficient progesterone, I don't think it's worth the risk. Many women I've helped with recurrent miscarriages have actually continued using the progesterone throughout their pregnancy, it's safe to do so. We do have a page on Pregnancy, please read through this to get a better idea of how to taper off. Take care Wray

Feb 07, 2011
*****Progesterone while pregnant*****
by: Private

***The doctor prescribed a progesterone vaginal to pregnant woman who has a high risk of giving birth premature. This medicine will prevent of your uterus for having a contractions and making your uterus to smooth out so your cervix will not open up also this medicine has no side effects whatsoever. Most of the woman who take this medication really helps them from giving birth full time and have a healthy baby. As for myself i was 23 weeks pregnant with twin girls when they found out that my cervix was open 2cm, and I taking progesterone every night really helps me not to contract at all and I'm 25 weeks pregnant right now and everything is doing good and it really helps. If the doctor couldnt do stitches to your cervix because your far behind your pregnancy they suggest you to take progesterone to hold on a full term pregnancy. The doctor doesnt prescribed any medicine if they know it not gon work, so if your scared taking it, so no make sense you gon put all this comments and making other pregnant woman to decide for you. YOU SHOULD TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR...

Feb 24, 2011
*****Progesterone while pregnant*****
by: Wray

Hi there I'm pleased your doctor has given you progesterone. Although oral progesterone is not the best Delivery system. It should also be used twice a day minimum, as levels drop after about 13hrs. The best systems are injections, suppositories or creams. We do have a page on Pregnancy you might like to read. Take care Wray

Mar 24, 2011
Progestrone Suppository
by: Laksur


I have had 2 miscarriages (1st one at 13 weeks and second at 5th week) and after I got pregnant again, my doctor prescribed me progestrone suppository 3 times a day from 4th week to 10th week. I want to know if the baby has any genetic/ birth defect and the natural process of miscarriage is stopped by taking progesterone, what are the chances of such defects being carried forward and not being discovered before birth?


Mar 24, 2011
Progestrone Suppository
by: Laksur


I have had 2 miscarriages before after having a healthy baby boy. The first miscarriage was at 13 weeks and the second at 5 wks. After I became pregnant again my doctor prescribed progesterone suppository 3 times a day from 4 wk to 10th week. I would like to know if the baby has any birth defect then by taking progesterone then the natural process of miscarriage will be stopped and what are the chances of such defects being discovered later or after birth?

Mar 28, 2011
2 miscarriages
by: Anonymous

Hello, I had two miscarriages, my doctor gave me the progesterone pill 200mg, and three days later i miscarried. I'm pregnant again (4 months after my lasdt miscarriage) only about 4 weeks and I started taken the progesterone and i also take baby aspirin, to help blood flow. Do u think my chances are better, I really want this baby.

Apr 20, 2011
Progestrone Suppository
by: Wray

Hi Laksur You do have a point, but I can't answer you. Maybe your doctor can? He suggested you use the progesterone, he's given you a very good amount too. I can only imagine he had no worries about a genetic defect, and that low progesterone was your problem. Please don't just stop the progesterone, please decrease the amount slowly. We do have info about this on our Pregnancy page. Take care Wray

Apr 20, 2011
2 miscarriages
by: Wray

Hi there I don't know if your chances are better, no one can tell you that. But your doctor should have given you the progesterone before you fell pregnant. One possible reason for the previous miscarriage was Oestrogen Dominance. When first using progesterone or increasing the amount, it initially stimulates oestrogen. This is the reason I suggest women use the progesterone before Pregnancy. Please look through this page we have, as it gives you info on how to use it while pregnant. Take care Wray

May 27, 2011
by: Anonymous

I just wanted to say, "Thank You, Wray"
I came with a question and you have supplied a multitude of answers and links and my mind is now set at ease about being given Progesterone to prevent miscarriage. My doctor told me all the same information but it has been comforting, none the less, to be given so much information to read myself. Much appreciated. =) ~!E

Jun 01, 2011
by: Cait

Hi, I'm hoping you can help. I had a miscarriage at around 7-8 weeks in late November 2011. I had to have a D & C. We've been trying to get pregnant again since then with no luck. After charting my temps, I noticed that my cycles are short with a short luteal phase lasting 6-10 days. My doctor prescribed the Progesterone from 2 days after ovulation for 14 days. It didn't work this cycle, I am not pregnant, but it did lengthen out my cycle. Is this treatment successful? How long should I expect before it works?? P.S. I already have a baby girl 2 1/2 years old, so we know everything works. :)

Aug 02, 2011
Treatment left out
by: Anon_L

Hi, I'm on a suppository Progesterone treatment. It comes in little refrigerated capsules. I accidentally left out the kit for about 5 hours. I quickly put it back in the fridge. Is it still good? Do I have to order more?

Aug 14, 2011
IUI and Progesterone suppositories
by: Anonymous

I am hoping you can help me with my question on progesterone. I currently have completed a 3rd cycle of IUI. I was asked to test 16 days post insemination - today and have tested positive for pregnancy. Yippie. On cycle #2, they did a progesterone test on day 21 and found that I had low progesterone and put me on supposotiries but 2nd cycle still failed. This cycle I have been on suppositories since insemintation. Today I went back to the clinic to ask if I should continue taking them - and they were confused. They have given me a 2 wk supply and want to wait till I have my scan (7th week) - They did not talk about gradually decreasing it... This sounds a little bit crazy to me.

What do you advise? Is there any issue with having too much progesterone in the body? I am on CYCLOGEST at present.

Sep 05, 2011
missing dose
by: Anonymous

Hello- I am 7weeks, 5days pregnant and on 100mgs of progesterone twice a day. This morning I went to get my prescription and the pharmacy which advertised they would be open 9am-1pm on Monday holidays was closed! I can't get my medicine anywhere today and I am scared to death I'm going to miscarry from the drop. Any advice? They should be open tomorrow, and probably love my frantic message!

Sep 12, 2011
Progesterone effect on fetal tooth developement
by: Anonymous

I have had 6 pregnancies and with 2 of them used IM progesterone / P-17. All my other children have had normal tooth development and progression, but the 2 children that I received progesterone therapy with have malformed enamel and aggressive tooth decay. All other factors are the same. I breast fed all, same water source, same diet same oral hygiene habits... etc. What do you think?

Sep 13, 2011
Bleeding whilst taking progesterone pessaries
by: Anonymous

I have just completed my third cycle with fresh donor embryos. The cycle was essentially artificial as ovulation had been suppressed. On this cycle I was prescribed progesterone pessaries (200mg)twice daily instead of Crinone twice daily, and was also taking Progynova (Oestradiol Val 2mg)3 x daily. On Day 11 of the cycle I started to bleed and had a blood test the following day on Day 12. Blood progesterone levels were 24 and considered within normal range so no additional progesterone was prescribed. I continued with the progesterone 2 x daily until day 17 blood test despite ongoing bleeding. Blood test on day 17 showed progesterone level of 13.
Can you suggest why progesterone levels would have been falling whilst taking the medications? Is there a maximum of progesterone that can be absorbed by the body via supplementation? Do some women require higher levels of progesterone than average for implantation?

Sep 25, 2011
taking progesterone supp
by: Anonymous

I am 5 weeks preg, my ob put me on progesterone supp 200 mg 3x day... started spotting brown a couple days ago now has turned to mixed brown and red blood. I know it is not normal but can everything still be ok. I have had two prior miscarriages an i passed large clot..this time there has been no clotting just brownish/redish blood...please help

Sep 26, 2011
Why progesterone if i've had two healthy pregnancies?
by: cam

I am early in my pregnancy that my doctor hasn't told me how far, just early he says. I started to have a period bleed while pregnant. This morning He has put me on a progesterone suppository treatment. I have had two prior pregnancies which were healthy with no problems. Now, in this third one he says my pregnancy hormone level is low. Is it safe for me to use this suppository or will it prolong my pregnancy and end in miscarriage and does low progesterone mean a baby with abnormalities?

Sep 27, 2011
Progestrone Levels - 11 weeks
by: Anonymous

Hi Wray, Via ivf i'm 11 weeks pregnant. My last blooks at 10 weeks showed P4 at 80. Dr now wants me to cut down on crinone gel from 2 day to one a day ..... is this safe at 80?

Also all my hormone levels dropped from 8 weeks to 10 weeks - dr says this is normal ??

Oct 19, 2011
IM so confused
by: Bellasmommy28

Hi, im 9 weeks pregnant and i just started my 200 Mg progesterone Vag. Supporties once daily, I also have been told to start taking Vit D-3 2000 once a day, Plus i have an incompete cervix, i would like to know what is the Progesterone for and will this effect my IC?

Oct 26, 2011
Peach colored discharge

Hi. I am 5 weeks pregnant and I have been on Crinone for a couple of weeks now. I noticed today that I have light pink, peachy, or salmon color discharge today, they are cottage cheese like in consistency. Before I had the same cottage cheese like discharge but it was white/off white. Now I am concerned since there is some color to it. I dont have any bleeding though but at times have light cramping. Is the peachy, cottage cheese like discharge normal while on Crinone?

Oct 27, 2011
by: Wray

Hi E I'm so sorry I missed your post, in fact I seem to have missed everyone else's too! I do hope the pregnancy is progressing well, you might in fact have had the baby. Do let me know how you are. And I'm delighted I was able to reassure you, but don't loose that doctor, he's rare! Take care Wray

Oct 27, 2011
by: Wray

Hi Cait Another apology to you too, I'm so sorry I missed your query, now 4 months late. Needless to say I will answer you. Your luteal phase is far too short, and it's best to use the progesterone from ovulation, rather than two days after. The corpus luteum begins making progesterone immediately after ovulation. I would have to know how much progesterone he gave you, but it appears sufficient as it lengthened your cycle. I recommend 100-200mg/day, more if need be. You say the progesterone 'didn't work' as you're not pregnant. But progesterone won't make you pregnant, only if you ovulate can you fall pregnant. Do you know if you ovulated? Progesterone does successfully lengthen a luteal phase, it also prevents miscarriages and pre-term births. You ask how long before it works, do you mean before you fall pregnant? If so, then this will only occur if you ovulate. You might like to read our page on Pregnancy as it explains how to use progesterone, and the role it plays in pregnancy. It might be an idea to get a mini-microscope to check for ovulation. You'll find more about this on the pregnancy page. Take care Wray

Oct 27, 2011
Treatment left out
by: Wray

Hi there Late in replying again, I'm so sorry. Suppositories don't have to be kept in the fridge, unless they have no preservative, or they are likely to melt in the heat. But 5 hours will not harm the contents if there is no preservative. Take care Wray

Oct 27, 2011
IUI and Progesterone suppositories
by: Wray

Hi there Another apology for a late reply, I'm so sorry about this. And far too late to give advice too. I do hope all has gone well, but would like to comment that I believe progesterone should be started before conception, to ensure there's sufficient. It doesn't surprise me you miscarried in cycle 2 if they only gave you progesterone on day 21. I'm amazed they only gave you two weeks supply this cycle, the first 3-4 months are the most critical in any pregnancy. The placenta does not start producing progesterone until week 8, and then very little to begin with. Often the corpus luteum is not producing sufficient during this time and a miscarriage occurs. I would always advise someone with recurrent miscarriages, or going through IVF, to use progesterone for at least 4 months, if not the entire pregnancy. We do have more info on our Pregnancy page. The body can make over 400ng/ml/day progesterone in the third trimester. So even using two by 200mg suppositories each day you still wouldn't be using too much. A sudden drop in progesterone can bring on the very problems or symptoms that it's trying to help. This is why I advice reducing the amount slowly. Interestingly the same mistake was made with patients under going IV transfusions of progesterone for TBI. The treatment was initially stopped suddenly, much as a drug is, and the patients regressed. They now reduce the amount slowly. Take care Wray

Oct 27, 2011
missing dose
by: Wray

Hi there Many apologies for the very late reply, far too late to help you. I do hope you managed to get the progesterone, and nothing untoward occurred. Is it not possible to get more progesterone each time, so this can't happen again? I'm not sure why you're using progesterone, but if it's to prevent a miscarriage, the amount is fine, but is it oral? As this is the least effective Delivery system, as most of it gets destroyed by the gut and liver. injections, suppositories and creams are a better system. We do have more info on ourPregnancy page. Take care Wray

Oct 27, 2011
Progesterone effect on fetal tooth developement
by: Wray

Hi there Apologies for the very late reply. There are two forms of P-17. It's normally referred to as 17OHP. 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) is a naturally occurring metabolite of progesterone. Whereas 17-hydroxyprogesterone caproate, is a synthetic progestin also used to prevent miscarriages and pre-term births. Often the same term is used for both compounds. No adverse side affects have been reported with the use of 17OHP, which is produced primarily by the adrenal glands, and increases in the third trimester. But 17OHP-C I would not recommend, and there are safety concerns about the effect it has on the foetus. I would always favour the use of progesterone though, and let the body metabolise it naturally into 17OHP. There is no evidence to date of any adverse side effects to the foetus while using progesterone during pregnancy. Take care Wray

Oct 27, 2011
Stopping Progesterone at 12 weeks
by: Athom

I am 10 weeks pregnant and on progesterone (vaginally) I was told to stop at 12 weeks. should I continue to be safe?

Oct 28, 2011
Bleeding whilst taking progesterone pessaries
by: Wray

Hi there Many apologies for the late reply, over a month late, I'm so sorry. It's possible they changed the script as you weren't getting enough progesterone via the Crinone. This comes as either a 45mg or 90mg application, assuming you were using the 90mg twice a day you would be getting 180mg/day, now you're getting 400mg/day. The minimum amount should be 200mg/day, although I would have recommended more like the 400mg. Oestradiol valerate is usually given to encourage the lining to proliferate in the initially stages. But after this has occurred, progesterone stops the proliferation and causes the lining to become a secretory lining. If you're still taking the oestradiol, I would imagine this is causing the bleeding. MMP's are enzymes that break down protein. They play a role in the breakdown of endometrial tissues at the end of the menstrual cycle. If they are over active, as would be the case with excess oestrogen in the body, as oestrogen stimulates their production, the result is a pathological reaction. A high level of MMP's can lead to inflammation, spotting and/or excessive bleeding in the uterus. If a low level of progesterone is present, and a high level of oestrogen, the lining will continue to grow. With a high level of MMP's the lining will also continue to break down. Progesterone suppresses both MMP's and oestrogen. Did they check your oestrogen level? As excess oestrogen suppresses progesterone. As far as I'm aware, there doesn't appear to be a maximum level of progesterone. Dr Dalton gave 2400mg/day to her patients with post natal psychosis, TBI patients are given over 1200mg/day progesterone via IV transfusion. The amount of progesterone given to women for IVF, miscarriages or pre-term births varies greatly. Between 200-600mg/day is the norm, maybe given on the whim of the doctor, maybe because of a paper he's read. i would always err on the side of more rather than less, I've found low amounts, for whatever reason, do little good. I'm running out of space so will start a new comment below. Take care Wray

Oct 28, 2011
Bleeding whilst taking progesterone pessaries
by: Wray

Hi there These are a few papers on IVF and progesterone, see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here. We do have a page on Pregnancy which explains the role progesterone plays. Take care Wray

Oct 28, 2011
taking progesterone supp
by: Wray

Hi there I seem to have missed so many posts on this page, I do apologise. You have certainly been given on an excellent amount of progesterone, which would normally stop any bleeding. I suspect you might be short of vitamin D, please have a test done. This nutrient is so vital for normal ovarian function, ovulation, conception, a successful pregnancy and for the growth of the foetus, see here, here, here and here. These are excellent videos to watch too, see here and here. vitamin d is such a vital nutrient, and a low level reduces the benefits of progesterone. For more info on testing etc see the GrassrootsHealth Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml and not the 30ng/ml labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day. Although the latest research is suggesting 10,000iu's per day, see here. Take care Wray

Oct 28, 2011
Why progesterone if i've had two healthy pregnancies?
by: Wray

Hi Cam I apologise for this late reply. Progesterone suppositories are safe, and used in many clinics to prevent miscarriages, preterm births and assisted reproductive techniques. Certainly preferable to the injections which are sometimes used. Progesterone will not prolong your pregnancy. Certain changes which occur within the body just prior to delivery override it's effect. Progesterone is vital for a successful pregnancy, but there is no evidence a low level causes abnormalities. We do have a page on Pregnancy which explains it's role. Take care Wray

Oct 28, 2011
Progestrone Levels - 11 weeks
by: Wray

Hi there I'm so sorry this reply is so late. 80ng/ml is a good level, and it would be safe to begin reducing the amount. Two things in his favour, he's reducing the amount and not stopping the progesterone cold turkey. And he's waited until the 10th week, which is past the the two months when miscarriages are more likely to take place. Although I'm always in favour of continuing until the 3-4 month stage has past, in fact there's no harm done in using the progesterone the entire Pregnancy. It's not unusual for hormone levels to drop during the second trimester. But for the drop to occur between 8-10 weeks, shows your corpus luteum is slowing down progesterone production. This is normal at 8 weeks, but the drop indicates your placenta has not begun producing the same quantity. This is the reason I would always recommend continuing progesterone until the placenta has fully taken over. See Medline Progesterone for levels of progesterone in pregnancy. Take care Wray

Oct 28, 2011
IM so confused
by: Wray

Hi Bellasmommy28 I have no idea why you've been started on the progesterone at such a late stage. It would be best to ask your doctor, maybe you have been spotting? Or he's worried about the cervix. I'm pleased you've been given vitamin D, such a vital nutrient for pregnancy and the growth of the foetus, but the level is far too low. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml and not the 30ng/ml labs and doctors regard as adequate. And the minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. These are excellent videos to watch too, see here and here. Take care Wray

Oct 28, 2011
Peach colored discharge
by: Wray

Hi there The gel is bioadhesive, attaching to the lining of the vagina, accumulation can occur. The vaginal discharge appears as white globules. The ingredients can contain carbomer, phenoxyethanol, caprylyl glycol, sorbic acid, triethanolamine, polyacrylamide, C13-14 isoparaffin, laureth-7, glycerine, vegetable oil, methyl and propylparaben. I can only assume the peach colour is caused by a small amount of blood. This would indicate your progesterone is dropping slightly, the cramping indicates this too. As progesterone stops any uterine cramps. Crinone comes in 45mg or 90mg applications, you don't say how much you are using. But if you're using progesterone to prevent a miscarriage the minimum you should be using is 200mg/day, although some doctors advocate up to 600mg/day. Are you using this much? We do have a page on Pregnancy which will give you more info. Take care Wray

Oct 30, 2011
pregnant but progestrone level is 8
by: Anonymous

last week I did blood test and found pregnant with low progesterone. I have been using progesterone suppositories 200mg/twice a day since then. Is there any possibility for miscarriage?. I am not sure how many weeks I am pregnant now since I have irregular periods (today CD 46). Have another blood check tomorrow.

Oct 31, 2011
Peach colored discharge
by: Concerned

I am using the 90mg suppositories. My progesterone seems to be rising at a normal rate but my doctor prescribed it as a precautionary medication, I guess. Since I had 3 miscarriages before during which times my progesterone was low. The peach colored discharge stopped (it was only there for maybe 30 minutes)and now it is back to cottage cheese looking globules. I keep on having light cramping at times. My doctor thinks it is due to my uterus expansion. And yesterday I felt some fluttering in my tummy. I am only 6 weeks! I am sure it is not movement, but what could it be? Do you think I should ask to increase the dose of my progesterone? Thanks a lot for your help!

Nov 03, 2011
pregnant but progestrone level is 8
by: Wray

Hi there Progesterone certainly helps prevent miscarriages, it's often a drop in levels which cause them. There are other causes, but at least you are taking preventative measures. We do have more info on our Pregnancy page. I'm delighted your doctor has given you a sufficiently high amount too. Take care Wray

Nov 03, 2011
Peach colored discharge
by: Wray

Hi there I don't believe 90mg is sufficient, specially as you've had 3 miscarriages. But evidently your doctor thinks it's fine. I've not heard of the uterus expanding so fast it would cause cramping. I suggest you monitor it and if it gets worse tell him. One role progesterone plays in pregnancy is keeping the uterus 'quiet', ie no cramping or contractions. And it's far too early to feel movement, see these images for a 6 week foetus here. This is an excellent site here which gives full explanations of the various weeks through pregnancy. Take care Wray

Nov 03, 2011
6 wks Pregnant just started progesterone
by: Anonymous

Hi, After a scary week of blood tests & re-testing, my doctor has put me on 200mg progesterone suppository due to my progesterone level read of only 8.0 on my last blood test. The HCG is high at over 6000 and all other levels are clear. Im petrified & stressed & so very scared about miscarrying. Is there anything else I can possibly do to help increase my levels. This is my first pregnancy & im overly anxious with every bit of information.

Nov 05, 2011
Pink Colored discharge
by: Concerened

I know that it cannot possibly be movement, but I was just wondering what else it could be. I spoke to the doctor a few days ago and he gave me the ok to use 90 mg of progesterone twice daily. So I guess that puts me with 180 mg per day now. However, I noticed that when I use the progesterone, I get cramping for about 20-30 minutes. So when you say that progesterone keeps things quiet, it looks like that's not the case with me. My doctor said that it is normal and to continue to use progesterone...Thanks again for your feedback.

Nov 08, 2011
Pink Colored discharge
by: Wray

Hi there I'm pleased you've been given more progesterone, but please watch out for the cramps. These are evidence your progesterone is too low. The cramping you get when using it is it's stimulating oestrogen, plus the prostaglandins and other bio-chemicals which cause cramping. It's one of those paradoxes explained on our Oestrogen Dominance page. Take care Wray

Nov 08, 2011
6 wks Pregnant just started progesterone
by: Wray

Hi there Unfortunately miscarriages are quite common, particularly if the woman is stressed. I had five miscarriages, all brought on by stress. I'm pleased you've been given 200mg/day progesterone, as it's evident your corpus luteum is not producing sufficient progesterone. In spite of the hCG. Please consider a vitamin D test, this is vital for a successful pregnancy, see here, here, here and here. These are excellent videos to watch too, see here and here. For more info on testing etc see the GrassrootsHealth Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml and not the 30ng/ml labs and doctors regard as adequate. And the minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Take care Wray

Nov 15, 2011
How do I know if the progesterone I am taking is natural or synthetic?
by: Hopeful for #2

I am pregnant again for the second time. My first ended in miscarriage and it took a while for this one to happen. My fertility specialist gave me progesterone suppositories starting 6 days past ovulation. I have been reading about natural vs. synthetic and since I have just started taking it I think if mine is synthetic I should be able to switch to natural if there is a risk with the former. How do I know if the progesterone I am taking is natural or synthetic? I purchased it from my fertility doctor. I will ask when I have my next appointment, but in the meantime, is there a way to tell? It came with no labels or brands, just instructions on how to open the package, not even how to insert it.

Thanks for any advice.

Nov 17, 2011
How do I know if the progesterone I am taking is natural or synthetic?
by: Wray

Hi there I find it extraordinary that so many drugs come with no label now. As if we are all too stupid to understand it! Normally suppositories are natural, it's the caps and injections which can be drugs. But you would have to confirm with the specialist, as often they believe the synthetic and natural are one and the same. Can you not phone rather than wait for your next appointment? Take care Wray

Nov 18, 2011
6wkd 6 days just started progesterone
by: Anonymous

Hi I have had heavy bright red bleeding for four days now and doctor just proscribed progesterone 100 mg take once a bed time. I have had a healthy daughter of 16 months now I don't understand how everything was good during that pregnancy and not during this one? Is there a good chance that I started this to late and will more than likely have a miscarriage? I think from reading all that I have one this page that I need to be taking more than 100mg a night maybe 100 mg x3 a day? I'm confused I'm just now learning about this like I said it's never been an issue before.

Nov 18, 2011
please please help
by: Anonymous

Hi there, from past 6months my cycles were regular,but there was no egg release. This time there was a dominant follicle but did not grow on time. So i was on letrozole to increase the size(increased to 25*25mm) and later on 22nd day of my cycle i was given pubergen injection for egg release (ovulation) (Me nd my hubby were in relation everyday before, after and on ovulation date). Later after 1wk, my doc suggested to start susten200mg (vaginally) for 15days (as it was induced ovulation, she said the progesterone levels will be low) and given a date where my period is due.However i din't get my period and im 1wk late. i dint stop susten as my doc suggested to continue 10 more of them.

I have these symptoms from past 2wks such as nausea throughout the day without vomiting, but have vomiting sensation, frequent trips to bathroom,mild headaches, mild abdominal cramps that come on and off, fatigue, dizziness, sleeplessness during nights,wierd feelings around my abdomen, i feel bloated, my breasts are numb and little painfull when pressed.

I am trying to get pregnant. I don't have any miscarriages. My doubt is y'day when i have done HPT, it came -ve. So do progesterone affect the result? and do u think I am pregnant? I am so worried that i cannot handle the -ves anymore as we are trying for past 3yrs. I don't have these symptoms at all before my periods anytime. Please help me, should I go for urine test now or after i finish all the progesterone pills. I used to have pcod earlier but later from past 6months i was diagnosed each time and there is no sign of it.

Please help me, do u think i have any chance of being pregnant now. May be i have got a false -ve result due to the effect of susten.

Nov 18, 2011
How often should your progesterone levels be checked?
by: Leah

Hi! I am 33 years old and have an 8 and 6 year old son. In the past year I have had 2 miscarriages and now just found out I am pregnant again(4weeks) My doctors think miscarriages were due to low progesterone. Three months ago I started taking promitrium mid cycle. I had blood work done on this past Monday and they said my progesterone level was 26.5 and that was a good number. They said there was no need for me to come back and have it checked again. I am just really nervous because I can't get past 6 weeks. Do you think I should have it tested again to make sure this level didn't drop?

Nov 22, 2011
6wkd 6 days just started progesterone
by: Wray

Hi there I would suggest you do increase the progesterone to at least 200mg/day. It must be used a minimum of twice a day too, as levels drop after about 13hrs. It's impossible to know why this pregnancy is not going as well as your first. Maybe you've had more stress recently, as this drops progesterone levels. We do have a page on Pregnancy which gives more info. I would also ask you to have a vitamin D test done too. This nutrient is vital for a successful pregnancy, see here, here, here and here. These are excellent videos to watch too, see here and here. For more info on testing etc see the GrassrootsHealth Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. And the minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Take care Wray

Nov 22, 2011
please please help
by: Wray

Hi there It's so difficult to know if you are pregnant without a test, and what's causing your problems too. You say you don't have PCOS anymore, as that makes conceiving difficult. But it is possible to reverse it, as this page shows. You mention Susten, so I imagine you must be living in India. Please have a vitamin D test done, it's low in most of us, but particularly in India. Vitamin D is vital for ovulation and a successful pregnancy, see here, here, here and here. These are excellent videos to watch too, see here and here. For more info on testing etc see the GrassrootsHealth Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. And the minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. We do have a page on Pregnancy too, which gives more info on how to use progesterone. Take care Wray

Nov 22, 2011
How often should your progesterone levels be checked?
by: Wray

Hi Leah Are you still taking the Prometrium? Because after 2 miscarriages it would be advisable. Oral progesterone is not the best Delivery system. It would be better if you opened the capsule and added it to a small amount of cold pressed oil or a natural skin cream, and rubbed this on your skin. It should also be used a minimum of twice a day, and a minimum of 200mg/day. I believe your progesterone level could be higher, these are the ranges for pregnancy…..
1st trimester 11.2 - 90.0 ng/ml or 35.6 - 286.2 nmol/L
2nd trimester 25.6 - 89.4 ng/ml or 81.4 - 284.29 nmol/L
3rd trimester 48.4 - 425 ng/ml or 153.9 - 1351.5 nmol/L
See Medline Progesterone. We do have a page on Pregnancy with more info. If you're worried it's best to have a test, as worry drops progesterone levels which can cause a miscarriage. The test would put your mind at rest. Please have a vitamin D test done, it's vital for a successful pregnancy, see here, here, here and here. These are excellent videos to watch too, see here and here. For more info on testing etc see the GrassrootsHealth Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. And the minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Take care Wray

Dec 07, 2011
Suppository & M/C
by: Anonymous

If i continue my progesterone, will it keep me from having a natural miscarriage? I had an iui nov 2 and started progesterone 3 days after on the 5th, 2x/d. I don't have a 28 day cycle. Last cycle was an unusual 38d before my 1st day of LMP of oct14. Again, iui nov2.
Anyway, dr diagnosed me with several types of m/c: threatened and finally blight ovum. She suggested stop taking the progesterone. I have no excessive bleeding, no pain symptoms of M/C. I initially bled because of sex and told her which prompted all her m/c diagnosis.
She said a week ago at 5ish week that the sac was small. This week dec 6 she said it doubled in size but no fetal pole. She said something is wrong and that soon im going to lose the pregnancy and might not be a viable pregnancy. I disagree after reading blogs and that timing is generally based under the standards of a 28 day cycle.
I'm giving the pregnancy a chance until my first prenatal visit either towards the end of dec or early jan. Will continuing my progesterone keep me from having a natural miscarriage?

Dec 07, 2011
Pls help me! I don't know what to do.
by: Mari

I'm 6 weeks pregnant (today I’m 6 weeks) and just Monday I got my HCG and Progesterone levels and they are extremely low. My HCG's are about 5000 and Progesterone 5.8!!! My doctors send me to get an ultrasound and we were able to get a heartbeat of 124.

I'm very concern because I started taking progesterone about a week an half ago because my progesterone was already low and now on Monday when they checked again, it continues to be extremely low (5.8). I was taking the suppositories twice a day at 100 ml, since yesterday my doctor asked me to take 200ml twice a day. Now I'm not sure why my progesterone continues to be so low and if is even going to help my baby or if is too late.

I do have 4 big fibroids, the biggest is a bout 8 cm. I wonder if my fibroids are blocking the progesterone. I have shared my concerns with my doctor but she insists that since that there was a heart beat, that it looks like everything seems ok. I saw my doctor yesterday and she asked me to see her in 4 weeks, now I’m not a doctor but since my progesterone is so low, i would think she needs to monitor my progesterone right? I’m just afraid that is too late and why my body is not absorbing the progesterone.

I’m also amazed that I haven’t had any bleeding and the baby seems okay even with such a low number in my HCG and progesterone. I’m considering changing doctors. Please help me! any feedback will be appreciated. Thank you for your time.

Dec 07, 2011
continuation on low progesterone and help!
by: mari

I was reading about progesterone and how it drops every 13 hours.. I wanted to ask you if the fact that the day I got my blood work done, I did not take my progesterone suppository in the morning had anything to do with getting such a low progesterone level. I took it sunday night and on Monday morning i didn't take it and then got my blood work around 11 am.. I also did not have any food or water since Sunday night.. not sure if these factor could have affected my progesterone levels (5.8) prior to that i had been taking my progesterone daily twice a day for about a week and a half one a day and one at night (100 ml.) .. Thank you very much once again

Dec 08, 2011
Suppository & M/C
by: Wray

Hi there Many miscarriages are due to low progesterone levels, or a sharp drop in levels. If she diagnosed you with several types of miscarriage, surely she would have done a progesterone and hCG test? And I take it she prescribed the progesterone, how much did she give you? Amounts vary from 200mg/day to 600mg/day for IUI or IVF treatments. If it is a blighted ovum or some genetic problem, the progesterone won't prevent a miscarriage. But if you think otherwise, then I suggest you stay on the progesterone until certain. I find it so strange doctors go by the LMP, and not from ovulation, as this is of course when conception occurs. And of course they should take into account the cycle length if they insist on using the LMP. Normal cycle lengths vary from 21 days to 35 days, making 28 the average only. If yours was 38 days, it falls out of the normal range, but evidently they thought it fine to go ahead with the IUI. But as it was an IUI, they would know exactly when conception took place, or they would not have done the procedure. The uterus must have been primed and ready to receive the sperm, an egg only lives 24 hrs, 48 at the most. Little point in fertilising you days before. So if fertilisation did take place, and you had the IUI on 2nd Nov, then you are now 36 days pregnant. We do have more info on our Pregnancy page. Take care Wray

Dec 08, 2011
Pls help me! I don't know what to do.
by: Wray

Hi Mari Your hCG is on the low side, it ranges from 1,080 - 56,500 mIU/ml, see American Pregnancy Association hCG levels. But your progesterone is very low, it should range from 11.2 - 90.0 ng/ml in the first trimester, see Medline. On the other hand they've found a heart beat and don't seem too concerned. It's most important to use the suppositories twice a day, as a sudden drop in progesterone can cause a miscarriage. If you have been forgetting to use them that could possibly account for the low level. We do have a page on Pregnancy, it explains progesterone's role and how to use it. Please look through it. Take care Wray

Dec 10, 2011
body's natural defenses vs. Progesterone supplements?
by: Anonymous

If a pregnancy is deemed not viable at six weeks, will my body be allowed to bleed out in order to have a natural miscarriage while continuing to take 200mg/ 2x day progesterone? I'm still taking it in hopes that the diagnosis is wrong and r/o the possibility of wrong timing. I'm due for an US on the Dec 21, which makes the standard timing of 9 wks gestational and 7 weeks post conception or 38 days pregnant. I was told on dec 6 that in the next two weeks, i would have severe cramping and heavy bleeding and go to the ER meaning actual miscarriage but will that happen while continuing to take the vaginal progesterone suppository ?
I understand from reading your website progesterone is supposed to keep me from bleeding.  Will the body know when it's time to expel the pregnancy from the body and ignore the progesterone ? 

Dec 11, 2011
body's natural defenses vs. Progesterone supplements?
by: Wray

Hi there If the body deems the foetus unviable, then other factors will over ride the progesterone and you should then have a miscarriage. I suggest you let it takes it's course and ask your doctors for more advice when you see them. Take care Wray

Dec 11, 2011
Twins Question
by: Lori B

I just found out I'm preg with twins after an ivf with donor embryos. I'm six weeks and 2 days. I'm suddenly having brown discharge covering the toilet paper and I'm worried. I take 100mg Sup of Progesterone 2x/day and have been for months. I mentioned the brown discharge to my doc and he said it's probably a side effect of the progesterone. Do you think I should ask him to check my levels again and is it common to need more after finding out your having twins? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.

Dec 11, 2011
vitamin d and low progesterone
by: Anonymous

Hi there! Thank u so much for educating us! A few days i wrote to u regarding my very long progesterone. I was reading other posts in your page and i came across an article on vitamin D. My vitamin D Level was very low and my doctor prescribed me with 50,000 once a week. Im pregnant and i also have low progesterone. I think im starting to see the relationship. I have two questions.
1. Since im pregnant and i had vitamin D defficiency and now im taking a pill once a week 50,000... Is that enough vitamin while being pregnant?
2. My progesterone level was 5.8 and i was talking ptog. 100 2x per day. Recently my doctor raised my prog. Suppossitories to 200 BUT she gave me the option to take it twice or three times per day. Not sure what to do. Will too much progestetone harm the baby? What if i take the prog. Suppossittories too close in time? For example if i take one at 8 oclock and the other at 2 pm and the other one at 9 pm? Any feedback would be very apprecciated. I feel alone in this problem, especially since i dont know if i should take the 400 ml or 600 ml a day..thank u so much

Dec 12, 2011
Twins Question
by: Wray

Hi Lori The brown discharge is normally old, oxidised blood. The suppositories do not turn brown, you would have noticed this before as you say you've been using them for months now. Twins do require more nutrients than a singleton pregnancy, but in the early days they won't be drawing much from you. I suggest you ask your doctor to check your levels again, particularly progesterone. hCG is the hormone which stimulates progesterone production, if the corpus luteum is not responding to the message, little progesterone will be made. Admittedly you are using supplemental progesterone, but I would advise using more. When he does the test, please ask him to do one for vitamin D, this is essential for a successful pregnancy and the growth of the foetus, see here, here, here and here. These are excellent videos to watch too, see here and here. For more info on levels, testing etc see the GrassrootsHealth, Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. And the minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Another nutrient you could consider is taurine, this is also vital for the foetus, see here, here and here. We do have a page on Pregnancy which gives more info. Take care Wray

Dec 12, 2011
vitamin d and low progesterone
by: Wray

Hi there 50,000iu's once a week is giving you about 7000iu's per day, which is a good dose. But it's far better to take it daily, we were designed to get it daily from the sun. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. And the minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Vitamin D is essential for pregnancy, see here, here, here and here. These are excellent videos to watch too, see here and here. I'm relieved your doctor increased your progesterone, 200mg/day is the minimum which should be given for IVF, IUI or recurrent miscarriages. We do have a page on Pregnancy which gives more info, plus studies using progesterone. You'll notice 600mg/day is often given too, so there's no harm in it. The times you've given are fine too. You might be interested to learn that Dr Dalton would give her patients 6 x 400mg suppositories in one day if symptoms were very severe, notably post natal psychosis. This averages out at about 1 every 2-3 hours. For more info on vitamin D levels, testing etc see the GrassrootsHealth, Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Take care Wray

Dec 17, 2011
stitching and progesterone pessaries
by: Anonymous

hi i need to know if after you have a sutture and dont continue to take the progesterone pessarie could that be a cause for an early miscarriage

Dec 18, 2011
stitching and progesterone pessaries
by: Wray

Hi there Do you mean a cervical suture? It can help prevent a miscarriage if the cervix is opened more than normal. More often than not, a miscarriage is caused by low progesterone, or a sudden drop in levels. Providing a genetic abnormality was not found. Progesterone is vital for Pregnancy, a sharp drop in levels by discontinuing the pessaries would almost inevitably cause one. Please read through the page I've given you as it explains how to use progesterone. Take care Wray

Dec 19, 2011
by: Anonymous

hi I was taking the Hydroxprogesterone 250mg and pregnant with twins. I had pelvic pain and alot of back back after my second shot. I have past peterm labor problems and was told to take the shot that it would help me to not have contractions.My only problem is that the shot is not meant for twins and can cause misscarrige which happened to me.
I started taking the shot at 16 week and at 17 almost 18 weeks I went into labor. I lost my twins when throughout the whole pregnancy didnt have any problems. I never threw up or had any pain at all until I started taking the shot. I even told my husband that Im not going to get another one after my second shot because of the pain I felt after. Not in the shot site but the pelvic pain. And worse of all I got to the hospital for two days and was told there was nothing they could do to stop contractions and on the third day gave birth to live twins that pass three hours later. Im in such grieve and anger with the hospital and looking into legal counsel. Question? was it just one of those things that happen? Looking on google tells me differently but maybe someone can help me at ease. always can write to me at (Note from webmaster, we don't publish email addresses as it can invite spam)
thank you.

Dec 20, 2011
Progesterone Vaginal Tablets
by: SarMcn

Hi I am currently 6.4 wks pregnant with my 3rd child and I had my first prenatal visit yesterday. During my ultrasound the doc found a hematoma and put me on progesterone vaginal tablets. I wanted to know if you can get the same symptoms even if its delivered vaginally? Will I be able to go about everyday while on these tablets? And since my baby had a heartbeat whats the risk of miscarraige while on progesterone???

Dec 21, 2011
by: Wray

Hi there I would have to know what version of hydroxyprogesterone you were using. There are two forms… 17-OHP and 17-OHP-C. 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP) is a naturally occurring metabolite of progesterone. Whereas 17-hydroxyprogesterone caproate (17-OHP-C), is a synthetic progestin also used to prevent miscarriages and pre-term births. Often the same term is used for both compounds. No adverse side affects have been reported with the use of 17-OHP, which is produced primarily by the adrenal glands, and increases in the third trimester. But 17-OHP-C I would not recommend, as there are safety concerns about it's use. It doesn't appear to reduce preterm contractions either. I would always favour the use of progesterone though, and let the body metabolise it naturally into 17-OHP. There is no evidence to date of any adverse side effects to the foetus while using progesterone during pregnancy, and it's more potent that 17-OHP-C, see here and here. The hospital was evidently trying to help, they know nothing about natural progesterone, only about drugs. So I don't think legal counsel will help you. Progesterone does help quieten uterine contractions, see here. We also have a page on Pregnancy you might like to look through. It explains the role progesterone plays and how to use it. I would also recommend having a vitamin D test done, it's vital for pregnancy, see here, here, here and here. These are excellent videos to watch too, see here and here. Continued below.

Dec 21, 2011
twins Part 2
by: Wray

Hi there For more info on levels, testing etc see the GrassrootsHealth, Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. And the minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Take care Wray

Dec 21, 2011
Progesterone Vaginal Tablets
by: Wray

Hi SarMcn I'm not sure what you mean by "the same symptoms even if its delivered vaginally". What symptoms are you expecting? Progesterone is effective if vaginal delivery is used. The tablets won't affect what you do, although they can leak out. For more info you might like to see our page on Delivery systems. Progesterone won't cause a miscarriage, the reverse in fact, as it's vital for pregnancy, a drop in levels often causing miscarriages. We do have a page on Pregnancy you might like to look through. Take care Wray

Dec 22, 2011
by: Naomi

I am just wondering what a normal dose for progesterone compound suppositories are. I am 9 weeks and started having a lot af cramping like i am going to get a heavy period. This is the first pregnancy I have had with no bleeding...even 1 sucuessful pregnancy I bleed the entire time. I am also currently taking Lovenox for the FVL. The doctor just prescribed me progesterone 200mg 3x/day. The pharmacist called me because they yhink the dose is to high. Is this a normal dose...600mg/day?

Dec 22, 2011
by: Wray

Hi Naomi The amount can vary between 200-600mg/day for IVF, threatened miscarriage or pre-term births. We do have a page on Pregnancy which has plenty of papers you can read. Many women use this much and more for adverse symptoms they're experiencing. If the situation warrants it, then only a high amount will help. I imagine you've been given 600mg/day because of the cramping, progesterone does quieten the uterus. I'm puzzled why you've been given the Lovenox. Have you had clots in the past? It seems strange to give you a blood thinner when one of your problems is bleeding throughout pregnancy. Progesterone thins blood, please take this into account, you might have to reduce the drug. Please consider having a vitamin D test done. This also thins blood, and is vital for a successful pregnancy and a healthy child, see here, here, here and here. These are excellent videos to watch too, see here and here. Take care Wray

Dec 28, 2011
Advice please
by: Anonymous

Hi, I am seeking advice please. I am 10wks Pregnant but previously have had a M/C at 8 wks. I have PCOS am being monitored by an early pregnancy clinic and at 7 wks they placed me on Progesterone 200mg OD for 30 days to help the lining of my womb become stronger. As i mentioned before I have had a ten week scan all is well thankfully but they have not continued me on the Pregesterone. The nurse had informed me that I shouldn't need them now and have been discharge from early p clinic and advised to await 12 wk scan appointment. But, I have read on this blog that i shouldn't stop taking them ? Please if anyone could help it I would be very greatful.

Jan 01, 2012
100mg pessary every night @ 4 weeks pregnant
by: Mum Of 6yo genius!

Hello Wray, Wish you a very Happy New Year!

I suffered a missed miscarriage at 11 weeks 4 months ago, but the foetus had stopped growing at 9 weeks. My doctor checked my progesterone levels last month during the tail end of my menstrual cycle (level was 21).. She gave us the go ahead to try again, I have a positive pregnancy test today!! Last month during my 3-month check up after the D&E, she prescribed progesterone pessaries 100mg every night as soon as I had a positive pregnancy result. I will therefore start taking them tonight.

I'm writing for some reassurance please, just to know if you feel this course of action would be beneficial to sustain the pregnancy? I have never used these before this, so am also a little nervous about side-effects. I have heard that it can cause spotting, but from your responses above, this could be a myth...

Thank you for your time and dedication to this forum.


Jan 02, 2012
Advice please
by: Wray

Hi there OD can stand for many things, do you mean oral progesterone? It's not the best Delivery system. Normally injections or suppositories are given, although I have found a cream to be as effective. I would never recommend going cold turkey with progesterone, for whatever problem it's being used for. Adverse symptoms can come back, and in the case of miscarriages, the sudden drop can cause one. It's always best to taper off slowly, although it is safe to continue it throughout pregnancy. To say you 'shouldn't need it now' is very lax, did they not do a test to see your levels? Or check your hCG levels? We do have a page on Pregnancy you can look through. It explains the role progesterone plays and how to use it. Please have a vitamin D test done, this is also implicated in miscarriages, see here, here and here. It's also vital for pregnancy too, see here, here, here and here. These are excellent videos to watch too, see here and here. Continued below. Take care Wray

Jan 02, 2012
Advice please Part 2
by: Wray

Hi there For more info on levels, testing etc see the GrassrootsHealth, Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. And the minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Take care Wray

Jan 09, 2012
How long does it take to Absorb?
by: JenD

I have been using progesterone pessaries for this pregnancy following a m/c a few months ago. I use them at night. However, I am having to get up to go to the bathroom a few hours after going to sleep. How long does it take to absorb? Will it be fully absorbed after a few hours when I get up to go to the bathroom?

Jan 10, 2012
I am so confused
by: Sony

Hi Wray earlier u gave a reply to my question and it was very helpful. I stay in India.I used susten before my last cycle (i used it only for one cycle). However,unfortunately I was not pregnant and I had my cycle on Nov 29.I didn't want to use susten anymore and i dint use it at all. On Dec 9th night i suffered with very bad stomach pain. Later on 20th Dec i noticed light brown discharge.But i din't get my period yet. i had very bad stomach crampings until yesterday and also nausea, vomiting sensation and also for the past 10days i have white discharge all the time. I feel as if my period is cuming but not. Do you think i can be pregnant this time or are these symptoms due to the susten i used earlier?? My hubby and i are intimate all the time evreyday until 31st Dec. your reply would be very helpfull as i am afraid to do for a test.

Jan 14, 2012
How long does it take to Absorb?
by: Wray

Hi JenD Yes it's rapidly absorbed in the vagina, as there's a plentiful supply of blood vessels. These transport the progesterone within minutes to the uterus where it's needed. We do have a page on Pregnancy you might like to look through. There are plenty of papers on studies. Progesterone is an excellent diuretic, which is why you are going to the bathroom after a few hours. Please have a vitamin D test done, its vital for the growing foetus, see here, here, here and here. These are excellent videos to watch too, see here and here. Another nutrient you might consider is taurine, also vital, see here, here and here. Take care Wray

Jan 14, 2012
I am so confused
by: Wray

Hi Sony Without a test it's very difficult to tell if you're pregnant or not. Nausea is a symptom of early pregnancy, but you shouldn't be having cramps or a white discharge. The symptoms won't be due to the susten, this is progesterone and often used for miscarriages. Although if pregnant, it should never be used for just one cycle. We do have more info on our Pregnancy page. The info explains how to use progesterone, when to use it and how much. Please take a look. Please also have a vitamin D test done, it's low in most of us, India in particular. It's vital for a successful pregnancy, see here, here, here and here. These are excellent videos to watch too, see here and here. For more info on vitamin D levels, testing etc see the GrassrootsHealth, Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Take care Wray

Jan 25, 2012
nw 6 wks preg. can i start progestrone nw.
by: sony

hi, wray
I am 6 weeks pregnant from Lmp and i'm primi. Today my gyne did a obstretic scan and told preg. is normal and heartbeat could be seen but corpus luteum was not seen on both sides. So she told me to take I.M. progest 500mg / week along with 200 mg vaginal tablet. But when i insisted on non injectable she told me to take 300mg vaginal suppostary.
I have no problems as of now or bleeding. Now i wanna know..
1. should i test my hormonal level first?
2. Is it safe to start so late?
3.Is 300 mg vaginal tab. adequate
I am from India, pls advice i am dieing of anxiety. Thanks Wren.

Jan 25, 2012
nw 6 wks preg. can i start progestrone nw.
by: Wray

Hi Sony It is normal to do both an hCG and a progesterone test if low levels are suspected. Maybe your gyne prefers to work by looking at the corpus luteum. It's so very tiny I'm amazed she could detect it. Suppositories are pleasanter than injections, which are painful by all accounts. It is safe to start at 6 weeks, in fact that's when most gynes start their patients. Although I would always recommend starting before falling pregnant, as miscarriages can occur at an earlier age. I recommend nothing less than 200mg/day if a miscarriage is likely. We do have more info on our Pregnancy page. If you're concerned ask your gyne to have tests done. Take care Wray

Jan 25, 2012
thanks a lot.
by: Sony

hi, Wray. Thanks a lot for replying so fast. U really relieved my tension. Sony :-)

Hi Sony I'm glad! Take care Wray

Jan 27, 2012
IVF Treatment w/progesterone
by: Veronica

Hello this is my 1st IVF all 3 embies attached 1 demised at 7 weeks now pregnant with twins Doctor had me stop the suppositories and injections starting my 2nd trimester. Now I'm 15 weeks at 13weeks I miscarriage my demise I bleed a lot ever sense then I been spotting could this mean I need more progesterone?

Jan 28, 2012
IVF Treatment w/progesterone
by: Wray

Hi Veronica I'm a bit puzzled by your comment. Do you mean you are no longer pregnant now, or that one embryo is still viable? I would never recommend stopping progesterone at 12 weeks. It's still a critical stage in the change over from corpus luteum production and placental production. Another thing, stopping progesterone cold turkey can cause a miscarriage. If you are still pregnant, and you're spotting, it definitely means you are low in progesterone. Please see our page on Pregnancy for more info. Take care Wray

Feb 01, 2012
6 weeks pregnant!
by: Djenie

I'm 6 weeks pregnant and my progesterone level is 14 which is normal but because I've already had 4 miscarriages so they going to start me on progesterone supository so i ask her what was the side effect she said it was Cramping . Which scares me away ! What do you think I should do??

Feb 01, 2012
6 weeks pregnant!
by: Wray

Hi Djenie I don't see how she could have said a side effect is cramping, as progesterone prevents cramping. Although it is possible for Oestrogen Dominance to occur when increasing the amount of progesterone. This is because progesterone stimulates oestrogen initially, this is the reason for morning sickness etc which we get when first pregnant. It does pass, and if you have had 4 miscarriages it's best to use it to prevent another. We do have more info on our Pregnancy page. Take care Wray

Feb 01, 2012
by: Veronica

Hi Wray Yes I'm still pregnant with twins I miscarriage the 3rd one 3 weeks ago, the spotting has slowed down dramatically so that makes me feel good seeing all that brown every time I wiped had me on the edge. I need to change provider I feel like this OB is not following me up like he should.

Feb 01, 2012
by: Wray

Hi Veronica Well I'm relieved to hear you're still pregnant. And pleased the spotting has slowed down. If you still have some progesterone left I suggest you continue using it. Take care Wray

Feb 07, 2012
Taking Duphaston & Letrozole 2.5mg
by: Sirohi


I am going to turn 33 yrs this April and have had a child without any problems about 4 yrs back, however he passed away in 10 days of his birth due to . I then conceived twice since then,both being missed abortion cases in 7 weeks after having spotted along with cramps.
After the 2nd missed abortion I have done all tests required including blood profiling and found out that I have blood coagulation problem. Homo-Cysteine level was 15 which was 2 points above normal range(13 -->MTHFR +ve)
My doc has advised me to take Ecosprin 75mg Daily , Folic Acid 5mg Daily , Letrozole 2.5mg from 3rd to 7th day of cycle , Duphaston 10mg daily from 13th to 22nd day of cycle.

I am TTC since 2 mnths, however am appalled that my doc never advised me on taking Progesterone which happens to be the most important hormone for successful pregnancy. I wanted to know if I should take Susten 200mg twice daily once I have confirmed pregnancy. If I take Susten 200mg twice daily, would it be harmful to me or my baby in any way?? Is it necessary to first check my progesterone levels before taking the supplement?? I am very confused and being in Nigeria now since 2 yrs does not help me much in terms of medical facilities. I bring my meds from India.

Your advice will be most welcome as I need to know when shud one start to take Susten suppositories ,once confirmed pregnancy or from date of ovulation? I am already taking duphaston , does that suffice?

P.S: I have never had problem conceiving, sustaining pregnancy is a challenge and no PCOD.

Thanks :)

Feb 07, 2012
Taking Duphaston & Letrozole 2.5mg
by: Wray

Hi Sirohi I'm thoroughly confused as to why you are taking Letrozole and Duphaston if you're trying to fall pregnant. Letrozole is an aromatase inhibitor, which prevents the production of oestrogen, and is primarily given for breast cancer. It's used off label for ovulation induction, you don't have a problem ovulating! Duphaston is a synthetic progestin, it's not progesterone, see here. It was was taken off the market in the UK in March 2008. All synthetic progestins have the potential to harm, see our page on Contraceptives. They do cause bleeding at the end of the cycle, as progesterone does, but cannot be broken down by the body into the progesterone metabolites. These are as important for pregnancy as progesterone is. And the last thing you want is bleeding at the end of the cycle if you're trying to fall pregnant. If you used only progesterone, this would help build a safe, natural lining for the embryo to implant. And the last thing you do is stop it if you have fallen pregnant, this often causes a miscarriage. We do have a page on Pregnancy which explains how, when and how much to use. Please have a vitamin D test done, this is often the cause of miscarriages too, see here, here and here. It's also vital for a successful pregnancy and the growth of the foetus, see here, here, here, here, here and here. Continued below.

Feb 07, 2012
Taking Duphaston & Letrozole 2.5mg Part 2
by: Wray

Hi Sirohi These are excellent videos to watch too, see here and here. For more info on vitamin D levels, testing etc see the GrassrootsHealth, Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Take care Wray

Feb 09, 2012
3 weeks 5 days pregnant
by: Anonymous

Hi, I had a miscarriage in 2003 followed by a very successful pregnancy. 4 years later- another very successful pregnancy. In november 2011 I miscarried at 8 weeks and had to have a d and c. My husband and I decided to ttc as soon as doctor said it was safe. Now I am pregnant again (yay!): I called my doctor to let him know and he prescribed progesterone vaginal suppository (I am uncertain of the mg as the pharmicist hasn't got them in yet).
My concerns are: I have read that progesterone can cause uterine contractions as a side effect. Is this true? Also I have read several posts of ladies who indicated they started the progesterone then days later miscarried. Was progesterone the likely cause? I am scared to take it and scared not to take it. Also I will be 36 years old in April so worried my levels of progesterone may be dropping due to age? My doctor did not seem to think blood tests were neccessary. I really need advice!

Feb 10, 2012
3 weeks 5 days pregnant
by: Wray

Hi there Progesterone suppositories normally come in 100-200mg sizes. 200mg/day should be the minimum to use. Progesterone is vital for a successful pregnancy, it cannot cause contractions! If it did none of us would have had children. We make over 400ng/ml per day during the third trimester. In fact progesterone stops the contractions, and keeps the uterus 'quiet', see here. One cause of miscarriage is a sudden drop in progesterone levels, it appears those women must have stopped the progesterone. Maybe they forgot to use in for a day? What ever you do, do not stop the progesterone suddenly, and use it daily for the first 3-4 months. Always reduce the amount slowly if you are not going to use it for the duration of the pregnancy, by no more than 16mg per reduction, staying on the reduced amount for a few days, before continuing with another reduction. All doctors make the women stop it suddenly. We do have more info on our Pregnancy page. Take care Wray

Feb 10, 2012
Stopping prometrium at 13 weeks
by: Hima

Hi, I have been on prometrium 200 mg twice a day vaginally since 3 days past my iui. After a positive pregnancy test, I have been taking 3 per day. My doc asked me to stop the supplements after 10 weeks but I insisted to be on them for 12 weeks. I have reduced to 2 doses in the week of 13. I just started 14 th week and my doc asked my to stop it now. I started brown discharge 3 days after reducing dose from 3 to 2 in 13th week. My doc says the bleeding could be from the irritation from prometrium and I should stop but i am worried. The progesterone blood results in 13th week were 40. Does that include supplements too? Is it safe to stop prometrium now that I started 14 th week? Thank you for any advice that you may offer.

Feb 11, 2012
Stopping prometrium at 13 weeks
by: Wray

Hi Hima Stopping progesterone suddenly can cause a miscarriage. The drop you made from 3 suppositories to 2 was too fast, hence the brown discharge. If the prometrium was causing irritation, why only now?! I recommend reducing progesterone by no more than 16mg per reduction. Not only that but staying on that reduction for a few days, before reducing again by 16mg, and so on. In other words very slowly. You dropped from 600mg/day down to 400mg/day in one day. 1st trimester levels range from 11.2 - 90.0 ng/ml, and 2nd trimester levels range from 25.6 - 89.4 ng/ml, see Medline Progesterone. So the 40ng/ml is within range, and yes the test does pick up any supplemental progesterone. Although normally it would be higher with the amount you're using. If you have any left I suggest you continue with them. But it's impossible to reduce a suppository slowly! You could try cutting off 1/8th, which would reduce the total amount by 25mg. See how you get on, and if fine, cut off 1/4 the next time, and so on. Then use up the cut off portions in decreasing amounts. This is why I prefer a cream! We do have a page on Pregnancy you could look through. Take care Wray

Feb 11, 2012
Progesterone Pessaries
by: Anonymous


For the past 1 year and a half I have noticed spotting 2 weeks before my expected period. After going to the gynae for some time she decided to put me on cyclogest 200 since she thinks I have low porgesterone. She said that this will help my body prepare for a baby just in case fertilization occurs. After 7 days of cyclogest i noticed that I still got the usual spotting and she put me on cyclogest 400. I felt sick after one day of taking them but I seem to be fine now. What i wanted to ask is if you think I am on the right track please? And by the way i visited my gynae since I was not managing to get pregnant. I have carried out tests and she has also confirmed that ovulation is happening.
Thanks a lot

Feb 11, 2012
Progesterone Pessaries
by: Wray

Hi there You are on the right track, and your gynae is spot on. A lack of progesterone does cause spotting, normally it occurs in the last few days of the luteal phase, not in it's entirety. And I'm delighted she's decided to give it to you before conception, and not as most of them do, after it! We do have a page on Pregnancy which gives you an idea of what progesterone does. Take care Wray

Feb 11, 2012
Progesterone pessaries
by: Anonymous

Thanks so much wray. And well done for all this interesting information that is explained very well.
Thanks. :)

Feb 12, 2012
by: Anonymous

My progesterone level dropped I think from stress from 26 to 16 in a week. I requested progesterone and was on 200 mg suppositories Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday 2x a day. I consulted with another doctor Monday who thought I should check levels again. On Tuesday, it was 40 and she recommended only using 200 mg 1x a day suppository for now, so from Tuesday until this Sunday ( less than a week) I have only used it once a night. But I just began to worry that this decrease could cause problems. I know the suppositories are absorbed locally, less shows up in the blood. Was my uterus used to this dosage even after only four days? Is it safer for me to return to the 200 mg/ 2 times a day until 12 weeks. I just began my 8th week of pregnancy.

If someone has experience I this please let me know. Was this okay to taper after 4 days? Or should I immediately return to the 2x a day since that was started, albeit for a short time,

Feb 12, 2012
Addition to last post
by: Anonymous

The doctors I have seen do not do progesterone monitoring- I am requesting checking this for the first trimester based on what I have read,
I have another question - after 4 days of the 200 mg 2x as suppositories, would it have shown up in the blood work? The second doctor I consulted said it would not show up that quickly. Was the 40 level then most likely my own? My initial level a couple weeks ago was fine- 26. The stress over a week was intense- a family crisis almost a shock, but has remedied. I spent the week after with guided imagery and meditation and felt very relaxed. Could the 4o then be my own level?

I am wondering if I should request 100 mg and take that during the day, with 200 at night, as a way off tapering off, though I have only been on 200 mg per night the last five nights. I am just worried that was too quick of a change and I need to remedy it now with an increase and then a taper. Please let me know, Wray, what you would recommend given this situation. Thank you do much.

Feb 12, 2012
Addition to last post
by: Anonymous

The doctors I have seen do not do progesterone monitoring- I am requesting checking this for the first trimester based on what I have read,
I have another question - after 4 days of the 200 mg 2x as suppositories, would it have shown up in the blood work? The second doctor I consulted said it would not show up that quickly. Was the 40 level then most likely my own? My initial level a couple weeks ago was fine- 26. The stress over a week was intense- a family crisis almost a shock, but has remedied. I spent the week after with guided imagery and meditation and felt very relaxed. Could the 4o then be my own level?

I am wondering if I should request 100 mg and take that during the day, with 200 at night, as a way off tapering off, though I have only been on 200 mg per night the last five nights. I am just worried that was too quick of a change and I need to remedy it now with an increase and then a taper. Please let me know, Wray, what you would recommend given this situation. Thank you do much.

Feb 12, 2012
Prometrium too early
by: Annie

I think I may have inserted my first tablet too early. I had a positive ovulation test Friday morning. Took my first tablet vaginally 40 hours later. Was that too soon? Should I continue? I read if you took too early it would prevent ovulation. My doctor prescribed 6 months ago and I was nervouse to try. I have not been able to get pregnant and thought I better give it a go.

Feb 12, 2012
re spotting
by: Anonymous

Dear Wray,

I have been spotting sometime before my period. I was prescribed pessaries and my brown spotting did improve but I can still see some slight spotting. Is this ok or would this still be a problem for me to get pregnant? This is my first cycle that I have used them.

Thanks a lot

Feb 13, 2012
Progesterone pessaries
by: Wray

Hi there Thanks for the kind words! Take care Wray

Feb 13, 2012
by: Wray

Hi there I think every pregnant woman should have some progesterone handy in case of stress. I had five miscarriages, all due to stress, but knew nothing about progesterone then. Nor it seems did my doctors! I'm so pleased you asked for the progesterone, it's certainly raised your levels. They are within the normal range for the second trimester, see Medline Progesterone. I would never suggest decreasing so suddenly, from 400mg to 200mg, this is the reason I dislike suppositories. I normally recommend 16mg reductions, not 200mg! But the thing to watch for is any spotting or brown discharge, which you haven't mentioned. It is safe to increase back to the 400mg/day if you feel it will make you less stressed worrying about it. Amounts range from 200-600mg/day if a miscarriage is likely, so you are still within that range. When you do taper, please do so much slower than the way you did it, and do not stop cold turkey, which is more than likely what you will be told to do. We have more info on our Pregnancy page. Take care Wray

Feb 13, 2012
Addition to last post
by: Wray

Hi there Progesterone travels rapidly round the body, within minutes it's in the uterus if used vaginally, see here, here here. So of course the tests picked up the progesterone from the suppositories! It takes time after a shock, for the corpus luteum to resume the previous output. I think I have answered your other questions in my previous reply. Take care Wray

Feb 13, 2012
Prometrium too early
by: Wray

Hi Annie It will only prevent ovulation if you use it about 8 days before ovulation, and you use 200mg/day or more. You don't say what strength your tablet is, but probably 100mg? Secondly, something no one seems to know, there is a rise in progesterone ±50 hours prior to ovulation. This surge comes from the brain, and it's suspected it actually causes the LH surge which initiates ovulation, see here, here, here and here. So using it 40 hrs later is fine. We do have a page on Pregnancy you might like to look through. Take care Wray

Feb 13, 2012
re spotting
by: Wray

Hi there Any spotting means progesterone levels are low. MMP's are enzymes that break down protein. They play a role in the breakdown of endometrial tissues at the end of the menstrual cycle, see here. Progesterone suppresses MMP's, see here. So it's only when the corpus luteum stops making progesterone at the end of the cycle, that levels plummet and the MMP's can begin breaking down the lining. In some instances they can cause a pathological reaction if excess oestrogen is present, as oestrogen stimulates their production. This can lead to inflammation, spotting and/or excessive bleeding in the uterus. If a low level of progesterone is present, and a high level of oestrogen, the lining will continue to grow. With a high level of MMP's the lining will also continue to break down. This can of course lead to heavy continual bleeding in some women. I imagine the pessary is 100mg? This might not be sufficient, I recommend 100-200mg/day, more if symptoms are severe. We do have a page on Pregnancy you might like to look at. It explains how to use progesterone, when and how much, plus the role progesterone plays. Take care Wray

Feb 13, 2012
Taking Duphaston & Letrozole 2.5mg
by: Sirohi

Hi Wray,

Thanks so much for your prompt response Wray, I did get my menses on 11th Feb and hope things workout soon for us. I have switched off Letrozole and Duphaston. Will keep you posted.

Thanks again for your advice.

Feb 13, 2012
re spotting
by: Anonymous

Dear Wray

I am currently on 400 a day but I only started 400 a day after 7 days because we realised that 200 a day is too little. Although I still saw brown discharge my gynae has recommended in taking 400 a day for the next cycle.


Feb 14, 2012
Taking Duphaston & Letrozole 2.5mg
by: Wray

Hi Sirohi I'm relieved to hear this! Don't forget the progesterone and vitamin D. Take care Wray

Feb 14, 2012
re spotting
by: Wray

Hi there I'm pleased your gynae has increased the amount, it's so safe, and why take an uneccesary risk. Take care Wray

Feb 15, 2012
Prometrium too early
by: Annie

I think I may have inserted my first tablet too early. I had a positive ovulation test Friday morning. Took my first tablet vaginally 40 hours later. Was that too soon? Should I continue? I read if you took too early it would prevent ovulation. My doctor prescribed 6 months ago and I was nervouse to try. I have not been able to get pregnant and thought I better give it a go.

Feb 15, 2012
Prometrium too early
by: Wray

Hi Annie I have answered your query. If you look back up the page to Feb 13th. Take care Wray

Feb 15, 2012
How to say decrease?
by: In 8th week pregnancy

I am on 200 mg/ twice a day suppository. It was recommended in the posts to decrease by 16 mg at a time for a few days. First, is that possible with a suppository? Would 50 mg be (100 cut in half) be acceptable? Second, did you mean 16 mg total per day or 16 mg off each dose?
Also, if I would like to be on 200 mg a day, is it better to be on that once a day at night as recommended or better to do 100 mg twice a day? Thanks!

Feb 15, 2012
I meant how to SAFELY decrease :)
by: In 8th week pregnancy

My iPad is auto filling and changing what I write! Also I meant if is POSSIBLE with a suppository to decrease in small amounts? do they come in 25 mg or 50 mg prescriptions?

Feb 15, 2012
Natural FET and Cyclogest pessaries
by: indecisive

I am to have a natural FET on monday the 20th after detecting a LH surge on the 13th. I am having 2 five-day blasts put in.
I got worried as I wasn't even given progesterone on this cycle and though I've read they are not needed on a natural cycle,I have 13 400mg pessaries left from my last failed IVF and am contemplating on using them. If I were to use them (against my clinics recommendation) , when should I start?
My period started 1.2.
lh surge 13.2.
Many thanks x

Feb 15, 2012
re spotting
by: Anonymous

Therefore would you think taking 400 twice a day would be better than 400 once a day? I obviously have to speak to my gynae re this beforehand.


Feb 16, 2012
I meant how to SAFELY decrease :)
by: Wray

Hi there I did notice the spelling error and changed it. I must say I was very puzzled by the word! Now I understand. Reducing gradually with a suppository is very difficult, which is why I prefer a cream. Having used suppositories myself, there's no way I would go back to them! Too many women write in saying they have stopped using the suppositories, as per doctor instructions, and then begin getting a discharge, or miscarriage. I did suggest to one woman she shaved off an 1/8th from each suppository. This would reduce the amount by 25mg for a 200mg supp. I don't believe it should be reduced by more than this in any one day, but I do err on the side of caution. I've not heard back yet if this is working for her. I also suggested she save the cut off bits to use later. You could try the 50mg per reduction and see if this works. If you do notice a discharge, please increase back to where you were. I always suggest staying on the reduced amount till stable, before reducing further. Progesterone levels begin falling after about 13 hrs, so it's better to use it a minimum of twice daily to keep levels up. In women who are still ovulating, progesterone is released in spurts throughout the day, certainly not once a day. We do have more info on our Pregnancy page. Please let me know if the 50mg reduction was fine, as I would like to be able to advise others. Take care Wray

Feb 21, 2012
by: maria

hi i was givin progesterone wen i was almost 7 weeks pregnant and i stared spoting dark brown nd i wanted to see if thatz normal because im worried

Feb 22, 2012
by: Wray

Hi Maria I think you should speak to your doctor. The brown spotting is normally a sign progesterone levels are dropping. I would appear you need to use more. Take care Wray

Feb 23, 2012
Cyclogest 400x 2x daily
by: Anna

I suffered a missed miscarriage in my first pregnancy last year (embryo measured 7 weeks). At the time I saw an ob-gyn who prescribed Cyclogest 400mg twice a day (rectally) for next time. I am now pregnant and I started taking them just 2 days ago at 4 weeks + 1 day. I wanted to look for more in-depth information on progesterone because in just those 2 days I noticed small improvements in the subtle pregnancy symptoms I had (sudden, unusual spotting on my face and being tired) as well as my body feeling more 'quiet' (what I interpreted as 'less pregnant"). I ignorantly assumed that pregnancy symptoms would worsen with progesterone! Well, thanks to your wonderful website now I understand things a bit better. I am very pleased to be on progesterone but my question is whether at 800mg per day the dose is perhaps too high? Tapering it off will not be easy either but I'll worry about that in 8 weeks' time - now I just hope all goes well with this pregnancy. I will also ask for Vit D test as there is some history of low vit D in my family. Thank you and regards, Anna

Feb 23, 2012
Large drop in Progesterone
by: Anonymous

I am a little concerned, I have had two chemical pregnancies and a missed miscarriage at 6.5 weeks in the last year and and now am currently 6.5 weeks pregnant. At 4.5 weeks my progesterone level was at 49. I had an ultrasound that resulted in a 6.5 week embryo with a 1 cm subchorionic bleed and good fetal cardic activity. I however had my progesterone checked due to my history, and it had dropped to 15.4 from 49 two weeks prior. HCG was 36,174. I was only given 100mg prometrium at bedtime (to be inserted vaginally) I am concerned that this is not an adequate amount. I have had no spotting, I have had mild cramping. Any Advice or thoughts would be appreciated!

Feb 23, 2012
Side effects of Progesterone
by: Anonymous

I've been taking progesterone now since my last ovulation.. vaginally. 200 mg/night. My question is.. what are the side effects of taking progesterone? Is cramping one of them?

Feb 25, 2012
Cyclogest 400x 2x daily
by: Wray

Hi Anna I'm delighted you've been given such a high amount. All too often women are given 100mg, maybe 200mg, it's not worth the risk if miscarriages have occurred. Dr Dalton would also use 800mg/day for her patients with problems. You might like to read what she has to say about pregnancy here. I'm so pleased the web site helped to straighten things out, bless you for the kind words! No one should suffer any adverse symptoms when pregnant, they are invariably caused by low progesterone levels. This only stimulates oestrogen all the more. But it's only because you were given such a high amount, this stops any Oestrogen Dominance dominance symptoms from ever occurring. It's something I struggle to get across to women, who've all been advised to use such low amounts they suffer horribly, then blame progesterone! Progesterone does calm us down, plus it keeps the uterus 'quiet' too, hence feeling 'less pregnant'. I see you've read about tapering off slowly, it is difficult with suppositories. Incidentally they can be used in the vagina too, best at night as they tend to leak if used in the morning. Please look into the vitamin D, it's so critical. A new paper has just been published, which gives credence to the minimum level of 50ng/ml that specialists have urged us all to aim for, see here and here. Take care Wray

Feb 25, 2012
Large drop in Progesterone
by: Wray

Hi there As I said to Anna above, who's been given 800mg/day, 100mg/day is not sufficient. The minimum given to women with problems is 200mg/day. We do have more info on our Pregnancy page. There are plenty of papers you can read, or print out if you need to convince your doctors. Progesterone should be used a minimum of twice a day too. Take care Wray

Feb 25, 2012
Side effects of Progesterone
by: Wray

Hi there Cramping is a sign of Oestrogen Dominance. When first using progesterone it stimulates oestrogen, which being an excitatory, inflammatory hormone is implicated in the cramping. The symptoms should pass with time, but if not it's evident you need to use more. It's also best to use it a minimum of twice a day, please see our page on How to use progesterone cream for more info. Take care Wray

Feb 28, 2012
Excessive progesterone shot
by: Kelly

Dear Wray,

I was told by my doc to take utrogestan 50mg*2 2times a day and progesterone 50*2 alternate day.
I did a stupid thing today,i went for another shot even yesterday i had already. Is it too much?I did that cos fetal HR dropping from 128 to 80 yesterday.
So i thought it might be the dose too low. My last blood test was 21/02 283.2 n/mol

I been worried about it, does the extra shot done today will
Cause side effect?
Hope to hear from you soon.

Feb 28, 2012
Excessive progesterone shot
by: Wray

Hi Kelly I'm a bit confused as Utrogestan is progesterone, so I don't understand what you mean by taking the Utrogestan and the progesterone. This means you were getting 200mg/day. But as Utrogestan is oral progesterone not much of this getting into the circulation, as it gets destroyed in the gut and liver. Oral progesterone is the least effective Delivery system. By shot do you mean an injection? Either way 100 plus mg which is what you're getting, not the full 200mg/day, is not too much. If there are problems with a pregnancy amounts between 200-600mg/day are given. We do have a page on Pregnancy which gives more info. Take care Wray

Feb 29, 2012
IVF#1 - Hypogonadotropic Hypopituitarism - 400mgx4 Cyclogest
by: SarahAK

Dear Wray,

I have Hypogonadotrophic Hypopituitarism, low ovarian reserve and a slightly atrophied uterus (4.5cm long).

I've had 2 failed IUIs, this February was my 1st IVF, they were able to find 5 eggs but only one was mature and fertilised. They did a day 3 transfer.

For my IUI#1 I was on Duphaston 10mg twice daily.
For IUI#2 I was on cyclogest 400mg rectally thrice a day.
For my IVF my doc put me on 400mg Cyclogest four times daily with additional Duphaston 10mg twice a day.

My question is, that with HRT and with my first IUI I bled exactly 14 days after ovulation. For IVF my egg collection was on the 20th, according to which in case of no implantation I should start to bleed on the 5th of March. I know progesterone delays menstruation, but I don't want to get too hopeful before my beta which has been scheduled for the 12th of March. So can I start to bleed before the 12th of March, while on Cyclogest 400mgx4, in case I'm not pregnant?

Thank you!

Mar 01, 2012
VF#1 - Hypogonadotropic Hypopituitarism - 400mgx4 Cyclogest
by: Wray

Hi SarahAK I see your doctor is taking no chances! 1600mg/day progesterone is very high, but not too high. I've found amounts of 400mg/day and up can stop bleeding, so there's every chance you won't on such a high amount. Although you were given 1200mg/day for your second IUI, and presumably bled then? Why give you Duphaston after such an expensive procedure and no progesterone is beyond me. Duphaston contains dydrogesterone, a synthetic progestin. But because it's a progestin, it's not broken down into the normal progesterone metabolites, these are as important as progesterone itself. For more info on progestins see here.
(Scroll down to the second link on Google to see the full pdf paper). There is a section on dydrogesterone and it's metabolites, which bear no relation to progesterone metabolites. I would also suggest you use the cyclogest vaginally, or at least at night, as it can leak during the day. The vagina has an abundance of blood vessels, and studies have found the progesterone travels within a few minutes to the uterus where needed. It would take slightly longer rectally. We do have a page on Pregnancy with more info and many studies you can read. I don't know much about the HH you suffer from, but one thing I do know and that's LH and FSH are low, and that ovulation rarely, if ever occurs. They never think of giving progesterone prior to IUI or IVF. And usually give gonadotropin stimulators. And yet it appears that it's progesterone that actually initiates the LH surge, which in turn stimulates ovulation, see here, here, here and here. Possibly with low LH it would not have much if any effect, but I would have thought worth a try. Take care Wray

Mar 02, 2012
Never tested but put on 100mg progesterone per day
by: Anonymous

Hello. I recently had an mc at 7 weeks in January, from the tests I learned that it was a natural mc and most likely a chromosome defect. Im pregnant again, about 6 weeks and have been on progesterone since week 4. Without testing my progesterone levels my Dr has put me on 100 mg vag supp. Per day. Ever since I started I have been terribly sick, dizzy, tired and have lower abdominal pain so bad at night that I can't sleep. I called my Dr and asked if I had to continue as she told me there was no evidence it helped and from what I understand my mc wasn't due to low progesterone. She left it up to me. I stopped taking the progesterone 2 days ago and for the first time woke up feeling ok. Now
I'm terrified. I don't believe in over medicating and I don't believe I needed the progesterone. Will my stopping cause another mc? If I start to spot, will starting them again help?

Mar 02, 2012
by: Anonymous

Dear Wray,

Does ovulation occur on the same day every month or can it vary? and can a late ovulation indicate a problem?


Mar 03, 2012
Never tested but put on 100mg progesterone per day
by: Wray

Hi there Was the chromosomal defect actually checked, or was it a thumb suck diagnosis? Low progesterone is often the cause of miscarriages. The minimum amount given for miscarriages is 200mg/day, up to 600mg/day. Although one woman has just written in saying she's being given 1600mg/day, evidently her doctor is taking no chances. The reason you felt sick etc, was the low amount of progesterone you were given. It stimulates oestrogen, which is the cause of the symptoms. An explanation of this can be found our our page Oestrogen Dominance. It's essential to use enough progesterone to prevent this occurring. You would feel ok once you'd stopped the progesterone, as it's no longer stimulating oestrogen. You appear to have too much of this. It's also essential to start progesterone prior to conception, so that the oestrogen dominance effect is dealt with while not pregnant. Although if enough is given, this doesn't normally occur. We do have a page on Pregnancy which gives a fuller explanation. Please have a vitamin D test done, it's also essential for a successful pregnancy, see here, here, here, here, here and here. Continued below.

Mar 03, 2012
Never tested but put on 100mg progesterone per day Part 2
by: Wray

Hi there These are excellent videos to watch too, see here and here. Too low a level is implicated in miscariages, see here, here and here. For more info on vitamin D levels, testing etc see the GrassrootsHealth, Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. The drop in progesterone could cause a miscarriage. If you do start spotting you could try adding it back again, but it must be sufficient. I don't know whether this will save the pregnancy. Take care Wray

Mar 03, 2012
by: Wray

Hi there Ovulation should occur on the same day every cycle, but often it doesn't occur at all. All women ovulate, irrespective of the cycle length, 12-14 days before bleeding. The length varies enormously in women, ranging from 21 days to 35 days, which makes 28 days the average. Depending on the length of your cycle, deduct 12-14 days from when you bleed, and that will give you an idea of when you should ovulate. We do have more info on our page How to use progesterone cream. Take care Wray

Mar 05, 2012
Cyclogest 400mg 2x daily
by: Anna

Hi Wray, many thanks for your reply to my previous question, I felt reassured.

I try to take my cyclogest 12 hours apart. However, yesterday it was 13.5 hours and I am now a little worried. In your experience, what is a 'safe' interval between doses? Many thanks and kind regards,

Mar 05, 2012
by: Anonymous

I see... I have been using these ovulation kits. Last month I got an LH surge on day 14 and this month on day 17. Do you think there is a great discrepency? At the moment I am on metformin and taking progesterone pessaries due to brown discharge occuring at around 7 DPO.


Mar 05, 2012
Cyclogest 400mg 2x daily
by: Wray

Hi Anna Please don't worry, the high amount you're using will ensure the drop is minimal. It was really meant to emphasise to women who are told to use progesterone once a day, that it should be used at least twice. When pregnant the drop can be critical to sustaining the pregnancy. Some have missed a day or two and had a miscarriage. Take care Wray

Mar 07, 2012
by: Anonymous

I've had a MMC at 9 weeks and I MC at 6 weeks and am now 6 weeks pregnant again. I woke up Monday morning to brown discharge so I went to my doctors and practically begged for progesterone suppositories. He gave me a 15 day supply of 400mg. The first day I took 2x400mg, the 2nd just one 400mg but I woke up to spotting this morning! So today I have used 2x400mg already because I was so worried - I have no more spotting and my cervix remains unreachable as always.
So my question is should I stick to 2x400mg a day and ask my doctor for more? And because I've taken the 800mg already today - its 1.15pm, will I be ok tonight until tomorrow morning?
Thanks :)

Mar 07, 2012
progesterone stopped at 11 weeks
by: Anonymous

Hi Wray,
I am 11 weeks pregnant with twins and was taking 1mg progesterone in oil for 12 weeks - 1 week prior to IVF transfer. My ob/gyn and also my reproductive specialist told me to stop the progesterone because the fetus are now producing the progesterone. We heard the healthy heartbeats last week. I am sooo worried after reading your posts. I also asked 2 of the nurses and they also said that its perfectly find to stop - they said they usually stop the progesterone at 10 weeks. Please let me know because i do have some vaginal suppositories but all 4 of the professionals said its perfectly fine to stop. They also told me to stop reading posts on the internet. Anxiously awaiting your reply.

Mar 09, 2012
progesterone injections
by: Anonymous


I spotted at weeek 4 of my preg and started bleeding from week 5, I bleed for 5 days with cloths so my Dr, gave me progestrone injection then the bleeding increased with more clots.
I had a miscarrriage 3 days after.
My Doctor adviced that when next I take-in he would want to start me with progestrone immidiately.
Please advice I'm scared and don't want any mistakes.

Thanks a lot.

Mar 09, 2012
Surrogate question
by: Wendybeth77


I am a gestational surrogate for a couple. I had a transfer at the beginning of February which we were told didn't take per a blood test 2 weeks later. I stopped taking all meds per the protocol that day. I would have expected to get a really heavy bleed once off the progesterone and estrogen but it only lasted a couple days and was only red for a day and then brownish. I've noticed that I am constantly hungry lately over the past couple of weeks and I CAN NOT for the life of me stay up past 9:30 which is SO not like me. I am a night owl, up till 12:00-1:00 each night. I know the easiest thing to do would be to take a home test but I am wondering if it is possible that my own body took over making progesterone for the donor eggs and maybe I am pregnant with late implantation?

Any knowledge or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Mar 09, 2012
Progesterone and HPT test results
by: Anonymous

Hi, DH and I had a M/C after first time TTC in 01/2012, we tried again on 02/2012 I tested positive on a hpt 15 days after ovulation. I went to the hospital with appendix pain and learned I have very low progesterone (average being 32.6-140 in first tri) and mine was 33.6. So I saw my Doctor after and asked for progesterone as I was afraid of m/c again. She prescribed me 200mg of promethium progesterone suppositories, and I was supposed to use twice daily. I started on Monday, and only used 200mg until I realized thursday am I was supposed to be on 400mg, at this point I started 400mg per day and have been doing that for two days. I no longer felt pregnant today, my boobs aren't sore and I took a hpt this am and it was negative. So I took three more and they were negative. I can't get an apt with my doc for almost a week.
Is there any way the progesterone could affect my hpt and I may still be pregnant? Or have I miscarried again and the progesterone is keeping it from passing? Thanks for any help.

Mar 10, 2012
by: Wray

Hi there What a brilliant move on your part, but to have to beg your doctor for progesterone is very sad. It's an extraordinary thing, but not until a woman has 3 miscarriages do they consider giving progesterone. 800mg/day is a very good amount, you shouldn't need to increase it further. If he will give you more stick to that for at least a month. It's best to stay on progesterone for 3-4 months, until the sensitive time is past. If he won't then you could begin reducing, which is difficult with suppositories. The reduction must be done slowly, so easy with a cream, it gives me headaches trying to work out for suppositories! I usually suggest shaving off 1/8th of a 200mg suppository, 1/16th will be very difficult off a 400mg suppository. The idea is to stay on each reduction for a few days, before reducing further. If any signs of spotting should occur, it would be essential to increase back to the previous amount. The bits you cut off should be kept and used when enough has accumulated. Progesterone only begins dropping after about 13hrs, so if used twice a day, you'll be fine until the next day. We do have more info on our Pregnancy page. Take care Wray

Mar 10, 2012
progesterone stopped at 11 weeks
by: Wray

Hi there I would agree with the sentiments about looking at internet posts, most of which have no back up. It's essential to read the studies done. One thing I cannot agree with is stopping the progesterone cold turkey, this can cause a miscarriage. It should always be tapered off gradually. But you say you have only been using 1mg progesterone, this will have contributed nothing to your own production. It needs to be a minimum of 100-200mg/day to have any significant effect. I'm rather surprised you were only given 1mg progesterone, as normally after IVF women are given suppositories ranging from 200-600mg/day. So I don't think you need have any concerns about stopping it, but if you wish to continue do so, no harm will come of that. The problem with using the suppositories is the high amount they will give you, because stopping those suddenly is too risky. And then do you have enough to continue with them, you might find it hard to get more. We do have more info on our Pregnancy page, which has plenty of papers you could read. Take care Wray

Mar 10, 2012
progesterone injections
by: Wray

Hi there It's essential to start progesterone before conception, not after one is pregnant. This avoids an unnecessary miscarriage. We do have more info on our Pregnancy page. Take care Wray

Mar 10, 2012
Surrogate question
by: Wray

Hi Wendybeth77 I have no knowledge at all of surrogate mothers, maybe you are pregnant after all. But it seems likely the oestrogen they gave you has upset the balance, as it can cause constant hunger. To rule out pregnancy, I suggest you have another test done, home test kits are not that reliable, it's best done via a lab. Do you know what oestrogen they gave you, was it oestriol the pregnancy oestrogen, or oestradiol? And was it progesterone, or one of the synthetic analogues they favour instead of the natural? I really admire you for doing this, but please look into the meds they gave. Did you have any others to prime your body first. Why I ask this is a friend of mine was a surrogate mother, all went well with the pregnancy, but she's now been taking seizure meds for over 20 years. She believes it was the drugs given to her which caused it, please look into them. Take care Wray

Mar 10, 2012
Progesterone and HPT test results
by: Wray

Hi there Women are lead to believe pregnancy symptoms are normal. If enough progesterone is secreted there should be none. If a low level is secreted symptoms can be severe, leading to hyperemesis in some cases. The high amount of progesterone you're using would stop these Oestrogen Dominance symptoms, which is why your breasts are no longer sore. I suggest you ask your doctor to do a pregnancy test when you see her, as home test kits are not that reliable. Although 400mg/day can stop bleeding, you haven't been on it long enough to have much effect. We do have a page on Pregnancy you can look through. Take care Wray

Mar 13, 2012
by: Anonymous

Why Dr prescribe Suggest 200mg after an Artificial insemination? Is it better to take it orally or like ovule?

Mar 13, 2012
Can taking progesterone for too long prolong pregancy?
by: Clare

Hello - curious rather than concerned. I was taking 400mg per day (or do I mean microgramms - 400 anyway), Cyclogest from 3 months pregnant for a weak cervix. Seems it did a great job - I am now 41 weeks pregnant with no signs of labour. In fact my midwife just failed to do a membrane sweep due to my cervix being so tightly shut.
I was told to stop taking Cyclogest at 34 weeks but carried on until 35 weeks as I was still working and was keen for a couple of days rest ... is it possible that taking Cyclogest so late is contributing to me being overdue?

Mar 14, 2012
by: Wray

Hi there we do have a page on Pregnancy which will answer your question. And our page on Delivery systems which explains the difference between oral or vaginal progesterone. Take care Wray

Mar 14, 2012
Can taking progesterone for too long prolong pregancy?
by: Wray

Hi Clare You do mean mg! We make up to 420mg/day in the third trimester, see our page on Hormone Testing. I'm delighted you were given it and a good amount too. Stopping the Cyclogest 6 weeks ago would be more than enough time for any progesterone it was supplying to have 'worn' off. In fact Dr Dalton used Cyclogest and would keep her patients on it for the entire pregnancy. This page might interest you here. So I see no reason why the natural cycle of events won't result in labour soon. Please let me know, and I wish you many blessings. take care Wray

Mar 14, 2012
Spotting -update
by: Anonymous

Hi thanks for your reply RE Spotting.
My doctor has agreed to the 2x400mg a day which is great news and for as long as I would like!
I did carry on spotting that week but a ultrasound put me at just 6 weeks and a heartbeat was seen :)
I am now using them rectally but i do still have lingering nausea all day and sore boobs. Does this suggest that my own personal progesterone supply is actually low as I still have these symptoms even though I am taking a pretty high dose of supplements?
Thanks Natasha :)

Mar 17, 2012
High risk Pregnancy on injections
by: Nanonda

Hi, I have found this forum very informative and it seems like some very knowledgeable responses. Thank you for the links to Pregnancy! May I just explain my situation and if you have any suggestions, by all means, please feel free! This is my 5th pregnancy, 1st miscarriage, 2nd delivered preterm at 23 weeks and she died soon after, 3rd emergent cerclage at 20 weeks and delivered at 32 weeks and now healthy 7 year old, 4th prophylactic cerclage, weekly 250mg 17p injections from 16-36 weeks (with many visits to the hospital with contractions) and delivered at 37 weeks and now healthy 3 year old. This last summer I was diagnosed with secondary adrenal insufficiency and have felt so much better we thought we would try pregnancy again. With a prophylactic cerclage, and weekly 250mg injections again we were hoping things would be better than they are. In some ways the pregnancy has been better, no spotting, much less vomiting and no extreme weight loss, but I still have a very irritable uterus and lots of cervical pressure. I am now 20 weeks and have already been in the hospital 3-4 times with tightening and pressure that did not go away with rest. If I have to, I will stay on full bed rest to get this baby (who is a boy!) here at a good time, but I feel like if my injections were at a higher dose I would have less irritability. The injection also does not last the whole week, which also happened the last pregnancy, and I have been supplementing with the suppositories on the last 2 nights before my next shot is due. One thing I want to mention as well is that I have very few side effects from the injections and feel miserable with the suppositories. So ideally, I would like to just have a higher dose of the injection. From my limited research it seems that it is not common to increase the injection dose over 250mg in the second and third trimesters. What suggestions do you have and any good references would be greatly appreciated!

Mar 18, 2012
Spotting -update
by: Wray

Hi Natasha I'm so delighted he agreed to the 2 x 400mg and for as long as you like! Amazing man, don't loose him! The symptoms you have now, plus the spotting, show progesterone, yours and the supplemental as low. But if you continue on that amount they should go. Please have a vitamin D test done, it so vital for a successful Pregnancy, see here, here, here, here, here and here. These are excellent videos to watch too, see here and here. For more info on vitamin D levels, testing etc see the GrassrootsHealth, Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Take care Wray

Mar 18, 2012
Should mention...
by: Nanonda

Hi, I just thought to mention that since my diagnosis (secondary adrenal insufficiency) last summer I take daily, oral hydrocortisone. Thanks...

Mar 18, 2012
High risk Pregnancy on injections
by: Wray

Hi Nanonda It's interesting you feel unwell on the suppositories. I can only assume you are getting Oestrogen Dominance from them, which indicates they are working better than the injections. And giving you far more progesterone. This might sound contrary, but evidently you are getting the full benefit of the progesterone, particularly if used in the vagina. You don't mention their strength, usually they contain 100mg or 200mg progesterone. To my mind you are getting far too low a dose from the injections, 250mg once a week amounts to no more than 38mg/day. Even with no pregnancy, I recommend 100-200mg/day. Normally amounts given to prevent miscarriages range from 200mg to 600mg/day. As you can see from Natasha above, she's been given 800mg/day, another woman wrote in saying her doctor was giving her 1600mg/day! Apart from suppositories and injections, the only other option I can suggest is a cream. But I feel you will also get oestrogen dominance from this too, as the progesterone is absorbed very well. If you do try one, please make sure you use sufficient, at least 200mg/day, as the injections are barely doing anything. One study found that using 40mg/day "…. only low plasma progesterone levels were found (median 2.5 nmol/l)". The ranges for the luteal phase are 15.9 - 63.6 nmol/L (5 to 20 ng/ml), see here. So the injections are not even raising your progesterone to luteal phase levels. Progesterone levels begin dropping after about 13 hrs, so I'm not surprised they don't last the whole week. The only other suggestion I can make is having the injections daily, not a pleasant thought! You might like to read through our page on Pregnancy. Please have a vitamin D test done. I've given Natasha info on testing, and the papers, please read through them, and watch the videos too, they are excellent. Take care Wray

Mar 20, 2012
Just want to be a mommy...
by: HWeaver

I have just finished my 10 days on progesterone pills due to irregular periods. I have been on tow rounds of Clomid and one other cycle of progesterone pills before this round. With all other rounds of medication, my levels still show that I have not ovulated. At this point i am waiting for my period to start so I can start my third round, first round of 150 mg, of Clomid. My last period started jan 17 and I have not had one since. I have taken OPT's which said I was negative before taking the progesterone pills but i was wondering what would happen if I was pregnant and taking these progesterone pills? My body has not been the same since stopping birth control last July... I just want to be a mommy!

Mar 21, 2012
Just want to be a mommy...
by: Wray

Hi there Please check to see if the pills you are taking are progesterone, and not a progestin ie a Contraceptive. All drug based contraceptives have the potential to cause harm. It can take a great deal of time to heal after being on contraceptives, so please be patient, rather than forcing your body to ovulate. If the pill is progesterone, oral is the least effective Delivery system. If the pill is progesterone is won't harm the foetus, if a progestin it has the potential to. Anovulation is often caused by nothing more than a lack of progesterone and vitamin D, has anyone checked your levels? We have more info on our Menstruation page. Has anyone checked for PCOS? As this causes both irregular cycles and anovulation. I know you want to become pregnant, but please consider using the nutrients to heal first, rather than drugs to force you to ovulate. Ovulation induction drugs have adverse side effects, see here, and here. Please have a vitamin D test done. vitamin D is vital for ovulation, conception a successful pregnancy and the growth of the foetus, see here, here, here, here, here and here. Continued below.

Mar 21, 2012
Just want to be a mommy... Part 2
by: Wray

Hi there These are excellent videos to watch too, see here and here. For more info on vitamin D levels, testing etc see the GrassrootsHealth, Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Take care Wray

Mar 22, 2012
Third time lucky
by: Anonymous

Hello Wray,

I am currently 6+0 weeks prg. I started spotting -brown discharge 6 day ago that stopped and then spotting yesterday. I am now on a 400mg vaginal pessary once a day which reading your replies is not the best since levels start to drop off after about 13hrs. I have also had pink/red blood and very strong cramping since starting them yesterday compared to brown discharge (and cramping) before. My sore boobs however have gone.
I am also on 75mg of aspirin (despite no clotting issues being found), take Pregnacare and a total of 800iu of D3.

My question is are there any circumstances for which me increasing to 2x 400mg per day could be unsafe for the baby? Do you think I have not given 400mg a day long enough and should maybe move to 2 x 200mg per day? I have had 2 previous mc -one at 9 weeks and one at 5 weeks. I have a lovely 2 yr old who I had no problems with although I do remember when she was scanned they commented that the blood flow to the uterus was not as high as it should be. Didn't seem to do her any harm though since she is a little genius!

Thank you for your help.

Mar 24, 2012
Third time lucky
by: Wray

Hi there I would always recommend using progesterone twice a day, so to my mind 2 x 200mg/day would be better. 2 x 400mg is fine too, there's no harm to that. In fact one woman wrote in recently saying her doctor had given her 1600mg/day via suppositories! It's an unfortunate fact, but it's not until we've had 3 miscarriages that progesterone is thought about. And then it's given too late I feel. It should be started before pregnancy, this allows time for the body to adjust to the higher level, and symptoms such as you're experiencing now don't occur. We do have a page on Pregnancy you might like to read through. The lack of blood flow is a sign progesterone was too low, it evidently wasn't sufficiently low to cause a miscarriage with your daughter. This was probably what occurred in the two miscarriages you had. For now I suggest you cut the suppository in half and use it twice a day, until you can get more. Progesterone is an anti-coagulant, so I don't understand why you've been given aspirin, see here. Particularly as you have no clotting issues. Take care Wray

Mar 25, 2012
by: Anonymous

I read some of the posts about progesterone suppositories and I am now nervous. I a 7 weeks and a check of my levels showed my progesterone at 13.5. This concerned my Dr and he prescribed me 50 mg suppository at bedtime until 20 weeks. You mention that if not on it before falling pregnant Mau cause miscarriage which I am obviously trying to prevent and also a once daily dose it will drop after 13. Hours. Can this also cause miscarriage? Don't know if I should take them now, I'm nervous!

Mar 26, 2012
Is progesterone supplement really necessary?
by: Anonymous

I am 6wks pregnant and had a spontaneous pregnancy (natural). My ivf doctor followed me until 6weeks. They did labs and 2ultrasounds. My progesterone was 14.5 on my first beta test. He is now releasing me to my regular gyn and does not recommend any progesterone supplement. My obgyn is insisting on prescribing progesterone supplements ( because of my age factor 42). I feel uncomfortable in taking if it is not necessary. Will it do me more harm than good? especially if my level is normal?
Still debating to pick up from first visit with obgyn is next week

Mar 27, 2012
Pregnancy while having Mirena
by: LT

Hello, Sorry for my poor English. I live outside USA, so English is not my mother-tongue :)
I had a Mirena placed at late November 2011. Ultrasounds showed that it was placed well.
To make thing short: I've got pregnant in February. My ginecologist didn't succeed to get Mirena out. After doing more ultrasound tests with two different specialists: no one is sure if it is in or out.
I was checked by proffessor (who has very high reputation and I know him for several years and trust his opinion). He says that it might happen that Mirena has gone out of vomb but not completely. He suspects that it is half-out (all this is very surreal for me). No one can tell what end of Mirena is out (I mean no one knows if it still secrete Progesteron into the vomb) .
We planned to have more children, so I'm not against the idea of pregnance.
Hence no one wants to perform laporascopy test to discover what is going on.
Now, suppose the Mirena is still in (half or complete) and it secretes the Progesterone into the vomb.
I know there is a risk of miscarriage. And there is nothing I can do about.
The question is: can these dose of Progesteron harm the embryo? Are there statistics or researches on that?
And here comes the stupid question from woman with hormons: say the embryo will be boy,
can Progesteron influence him and his hormon levels as to even change the "orientation"
Sorry for that last question, but I can't help thinking of that.
Please make some order in my situation. Of course I'm observed by ginecologists and he is
checking relevant information for me right now.

THanks in advance

Mar 29, 2012
by: Wray

Hi there I don't say you will get a miscarriage if not on it before falling pregnant. I do say it's better to start it beforehand, then any Oestrogen Dominance that might be experienced, will be over and done with before falling pregnant. Your level is slightly low, it should be between 11.2 - 90.0 ng/ml during the first trimester, and 25.6 - 89.4 ng/ml during the second. We have a page on Hormone Testing which gives all the levels of the hormones involved in pregnancy. I'm glad your doctor thought of the progesterone suppositories, but to my mind too low an amount. See if it increases your level, if not I suggest you ask him for a higher amount. W do have a page onPregnancy you might like to look through. You are producing some of your own, so this might take care of the drop. Otherwise cut it in half and use it twice a day. Take care Wray

Mar 29, 2012
Is progesterone supplement really necessary?
by: Wray

Hi there Your progesterone level falls within the range for the first trimester, this is between 11.2 - 90.0 ng/ml. We do have a page on Hormone Testing which shows all the levels. Plus a page on Pregnancy, and this one here too. I'm inclined to agree with the obgyn. Progesterone is vital for a successful pregnancy, it cannot do harm. The higher the level the less likelihood of anything going amiss. Take care Wray

Mar 29, 2012
Pregnancy while having Mirena
by: Wray

Hi LT I really feel they should try harder to find the Mirena. It does not release progesterone but a progestin called levonorgestrel. This has been shown to lower progesterone levels, plus impeding the blood flow in the uterine arteries, see here. A good blood flow is critical for the health of the foetus. This is another paper here. Levonorgestrel is derived from testosterone, so has androgenic properties, this can affect a female foetus adversely. It can increase the risk of an ectopic pregnancy too. This is the prescribing information here, and please see here too. Your question is not stupid, progesterone, not levonorgestrel, is vital for a successful pregnancy, it does not affect the sex of the child. Interestingly a high level of progesterone is found in the brain of male foetus's, they believe this is necessary for the full development of the male. We do have a page on Pregnancy, and please see this page here too. You might like to read these comments here from women who've used the Mirena. Take care Wray

Mar 31, 2012
2 angel babies, 10mnth old son, 4wks preg
by: gavins mom

I fell preg 2x in 06 and lost both one at 6wks the other at 13wks. Well I fell preg oct 2010 found out at 6wks got to the dr he perscribed prometrium 200mg 1x vaginally well I am happy to say june 11 2011 I had a 6lb 13oz baby boy. I am currently 4wks preg my progesterone is 9.6 so I am on 200mg 1x vaginally I will find out in 2days if its going up enough. Luckily no cramps or bleeding so we are praying for miracle num 2. I give all prayers to everyone trying and trust ur dr I did!!

Apr 03, 2012
very scared for my baby
by: Reyna Camacho

ive had 2 misscariges and know iam pregnant 5w6days today iam using progesterone vaginaly but last night that i showered i was washing my vagina and as i was doing that i felt a piece like of ruber and as i was cleaning my vagine more pieces of like caogulated white stuff was coming out ?could that be the cream that coagulated ? is this normal very woried but i have not have bleeding or nothing like pain but just very concerned?

Apr 04, 2012
Switching to Progestin after Progesterone in pregnancy
by: Vicky

My wife is pregnant and I am confused as to why the doctor has put her progestin (Duphaston) after giving her progesterone for 18 weeks.
Shouldn't she be continuing with Progesterone, if reqired.

Apr 05, 2012
Update -Spotting
by: Natasha

Hi Wray - I wrote to you previously about spotting that I'd been having and that I am taking 2x400mg a day.
I'm now 10 weeks and after having a private scan today (much better quality) the tech said id had some spotting because there is a bleed showing but away from the sac and baby is doing great. She said it was old implantation blood.
So now I know that there is a reason could I start reducing the progesterone? When is advisable to start and what kind of time frame? Im hoping some of this bloat and weight gain (hope its water) will reduce after!
Thanks :)

Apr 05, 2012
Progesterone before you start TTC??? help!
by: Mari

first of all thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. I few months ago I had my a m/c, it was the first time I was pregnant too. I know that my progesterone was extremely low and I'm not sure if this had anything to do with having 7 fibroids (from 3 cm to 7 cm.) My doctor gave me large dosis of progesterone suppositories but I guess that it didn't work. She told me that most likely I had low progesterone becaue there was some abnormalities with the baby. But I think I have read in the past that there may be a correlation between fibroids and low progesterone because of the estrogen dominace. Today, I went to see her because we would like to try to get pregnant again and I asked her if I should start taking progesterone before we get pregnant and she said no because that would prevent me from getting pregnant. I'm confused and I really don't know what to do or how I can prepare my body for a pregnancy and avoid another m/c if possible. Sometimes I'm not sure if this doctor knows what she is talking about. Thank you so much.

Apr 07, 2012
very scared for my baby
by: Wray

Hi Reyna It could be a piece of tissue that came away, creams don't coagulate. Or are you using one of the vaginal gels, as they have a bio-adhesive, and that can come away looking like rubber. For more info see our page on Delivery systems. If you have no other symptoms I don't think you should have any concerns. Take care Wray

Apr 07, 2012
Switching to Progestin after Progesterone in pregnancy
by: Wray

Hi Vicky I'm puzzled too! Duphaston contains dydrogesterone, a synthetic progestin. But because it's a progestin, it's not broken down into the normal progesterone metabolites, these are as important as progesterone itself. In particular allopregnanolone. For more info on progestins see here.
(Scroll down to the second link on Google to see the full pdf article entitled "Classification and pharmacology of progestins"). There is a section on dydrogesterone. Take care Wray

Apr 07, 2012
Update -Spotting
by: Wray

Hi Natasha I don't think you should start reducing yet, the bloating is not caused by progesterone. The reverse in fact, as it's an excellent diuretic, so good it's now given to Traumatic Brain Injury victims to prevent oedema. 10 weeks is still within the time frame of possibly miscarriages. It is the first three, possibly four months that are critical. 25% of miscarriages occur during the first six weeks when the child is still in the embryo stage. The risk drops to 8% after eight weeks, when the child is now termed a foetus. During this time the placenta is developing and after about two months starts secreting progesterone, while ovarian production starts declining. If at this point placental production is insufficient to meet the demands of the growing foetus a miscarriage can occur. It is therefore advisable to continue with the progesterone until at least the third month. Tapering off is easy to do if using a progesterone cream, difficult if using injections or suppositories. Either switch to a cream, or in the case of suppositories, divide them into 25mg pieces, adjusting the tapering by using as many pieces as required. Take care Wray

Apr 07, 2012
Progesterone before you start TTC??? help!
by: Wray

Hi Mari Fibroids are caused by oxidative stress, and exacerbated by oestrogen. Evidently the uterine lining was not in a suitable state for the implantation to take place. Please have a vitamin D test done. A low level reduces the benefits of progesterone, plus it's a potent antioxidant, and has been known to reduce fibroids, see here, here, here and here. For more info on vitamin D levels, test kits etc see the GrassrootsHealth, Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Vitamin D is also vital for Pregnancy, see here, here, here, here, here, and here. Continued below.

Apr 07, 2012
Progesterone before you start TTC??? help! Part 2
by: Wray

Hi Mari And a final one here. These are excellent videos to watch too, see here and here.
Even as far back as 1947 10,000-20,000iu's were suggested, see here. Plus a lack causes miscarriages, see here, here and here. Low levels of progesterone cause miscarriages, but so do high levels of free testosterone, often overlooked. A level of progesterone over 12.3 ng/ml in early pregnancy indicates a normal pregnancy. A ratio of 1.05 or higher for free testosterone to total testosterone indicates a miscarriage is likely. But if the free testosterone ratio is lower than 0.84 a normal pregnancy occurs. A short cervix increases the risk of pre-term births, progesterone reduces the risk. Where either of these checked? It's always advisable to start the progesterone well before pregnancy to allow the body to adjust. Many women are started on progesterone many days, often weeks after they fall pregnant and suffer oestrogen dominance symptoms. It's bad enough suffering from these when first pregnant, but twice?! Take care Wray

Apr 08, 2012
side effects
by: Anonymous

Was wondering if anyone can help me? I am taking progynova 2mg twice daily and 200mg of progestrone pessaries twice daily, as trying for a baby, but i feel sooo ill on them, feel really sick, my husband says i look really pale and i am very tired and dizzy, not sure if i should carry on with them or it might past, Its Easter weekend so no one to talk to for some reasurrance. Has any one else had simliar side effects??

Apr 09, 2012
side effects
by: Wray

Hi there I'm not sure why you've been given oestradiol valerate (progynova), are your oestrogen levels low? Are you not producing mature eggs? Are you having IVF treatment? If so one study found adding the oestradiol valerate did not show any benefit, see here. You should have been warned about the Oestrogen Dominance affect when first using progesterone. Although you are using a high amount of progesterone, 400mg/day normal prevents this, but obviously not in your case. Adding extra oestrogen, ie the progynova, would merely make symptoms worse. I would ask your doctor to increase the amount, to overcome it quickly. Or you could use more suppositories until you get to see him. I would suggest trying 600mg/day, ie another suppository and see if that helps. You could also look through our page on Pregnancy, and this page here too. And if you are having IVF treatment, please see this page on Signs of Infertility. Take care Wray

Apr 09, 2012
thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you for replying to me, I am 39 years of age, I have had 10 miscarriages,after lots of tests done and i have what you call Sticky Bloody Syndrome, I have to take asprin everyday to thin the blood, My specailist have given me prognova and progestrone cause i have started ovaluting and i when doing tests beforehand they where very low. I am due for a blood test tomorrow to see if my levels have increased, if i am not pregnant i think i come off them and do it all again when i am ovaulating. Is this normal to feel so sick, tired and sweating! i will ring the Clinic tomorrow but i feel awful on them.

Apr 09, 2012
thank you
by: Wray

Hi there It's the same old story, they never check for the natural things which could be occurring that's causing them. All detailed on the pages I gave you. I can't believe you've had 10 miscarriages! I had five and thought that bad enough. And why oh why the aspirin, you need progesterone and vitamin D, both these prevent coagulation, see here, here, here and here. We have many papers on the pregnancy page on miscarriages, please read through them as it might through some light on it for you. This is one very comprehensive paper here. And these here and here. Vitamin D in particular is needed if you have antiphospholipid syndrome. Please have a test done, it could be your level is very low. Oestrogen causes clotting, so I'm very puzzled you've been given it. Please read the pregnancy page, it explains the use of progesterone well before conception. And yes it is normal to feel sick, if you've not using enough progesterone. This is invariably the case if a high level of oestrogen is present, and you will have a high level if you're taking 4mg/day oestrogen. If you look on the HRT page and the Contraceptives page, you'll notice how high an amount you are taking compared to these. Please have a vitamin D test done, it's vital for ovulation, a successful pregnancy and the growth of the foetus, see here, here, here, here, here and here Continued below.

Apr 09, 2012
thank you Part 2
by: Wray

Hi there And here. These are excellent videos to watch too, see here and here.
Even as far back as 1947 10,000-20,000iu's were suggested, see here. A lack of vitamin D reduces the benefits of progesterone and it's implicated in miscarriages, see here, here and here. For more info on vitamin D levels, test kits etc see the GrassrootsHealth, Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Take care Wray

Apr 10, 2012
8 msc
by: Anonymous

hi i'm currently on my 9th pregnancy after 8 miscarraiges the last being triplets i can never make it to the heatbeat stage as soon as i do i miscarry my doctor has told me he's prescribing this in tablet form am i better to get it in a different form thanks xxx

Apr 10, 2012
please help
by: Anonymous

I am 4 weeks and 2 days pregnant and the doctor called me today to tell me that my progesterone levels are at 11 so he started me on the progesterone pill 100 mg two times a day. I'm so afraid of having a miscarriage. Are my progesterone levels dangerously low or just a little? And will these pills help me???

Apr 12, 2012
8 msc
by: Wray

Hi there Oral progesterone is the least effective Delivery system. Most of it getting destroyed in the gut and liver. And please make sure it is progesterone. So often the terms progesterone and progestin (synthetic) are used interchangeably. We do have a page on Pregnancy you can look through.

Apr 12, 2012
please help
by: Wray

Hi there We do have a page on Hormone Testing which gives the levels of the pregnancy hormones. Your level is at the very lowest limit. As I said to the anon comment above, please make sure it is progesterone you're getting. And have a look through the pregnancy page too. Take care Wray

Apr 14, 2012
to the lady with 8 miscarriages
by: Anonymous

I am currently on a caps. That I take vaginally 1x a day. If u take it oral ur organs take a lot of the important stuff out as with vaginally it gets right on the cervix. Hope this helps

Apr 14, 2012
to the lady with a progesterone of 11
by: Anonymous

My progesterone was 9.6 dr put me on 100mg vaiginally for the 1st trimester. Said 10 is what they would like to see 4 days later I was at 12 he was good with that but I will continue on the meds till my second trimester. Hope this helps.

Apr 16, 2012
Need advice
by: De-gifted

I really love al these posts but need advice.i m/c naturally twice before 12wks.i'm on 3rd day menstrating now,when can i start taking progesterone?which method is the best and am i to continue even afta conceiving?also,after the 2nd m/c jan.21st dz 2012,i'm nt really sure i ovulated.can i use clomid since i use it and got prego nov.2011 before m/c jan.2012?

Apr 17, 2012
Need advice
by: Wray

Hi there I think it's best you read our page on Pregnancy. It explains how to use progesterone. Plus this one here. I would avoid the clomid, see here, and here. There are many different Delivery systems, the best are injections, suppositories or creams. And yes you should continue the progesterone once pregnant. I'm pleased the website has been of help to you. Take care Wray

Apr 20, 2012
what to do
by: Anonymous

hello, im 7 weeks pregnant and everything is going fine i think, i have no spotting , no nausea , no headeache , my breast dosent hurt to much but im always hungry . when i was 3 weeks pregnant my progesterone level was at 71 mmol then 7 days later it went down to 51mmol at april 2 and april 12 was 44.5mmol my hcg level keeps rising perfectly tough. should i start progesterone or should i still wait to see if the levels go down some more. my fsh level is at 0.1
thank you in advance

Apr 20, 2012
what to do
by: Anonymous

hello, im 7 weeks pregnant and everything is going fine i think, i have no spotting , no nausea , no headeache , my breast dosent hurt to much but im always hungry . when i was 3 weeks pregnant my progesterone level was at 71 mmol then 7 days later it went down to 51mmol at april 2 and april 12 was 44.5mmol my hcg level keeps rising perfectly tough. should i start progesterone or should i still wait to see if the levels go down some more. my fsh level is at 0.1
thank you in advance

Apr 21, 2012
what to do
by: Wray

Hi there Although your progesterone was dropping, it is still within range. The first trimester varies from 35.6 to 286.2 nmol/L. We do have a page on Hormone Testing where you can check your levels. You also say you have no typical symptoms other than hunger, so there's probably nothing to worry about. Has your doctor not said anything to you about the dropping levels? It's now over a week since your last test, has the next one revealed a drop? If so I think you should speak to your doctor about it, unless he says something first. It never harms to use supplemental progesterone if you feel it will help you. We do have info on our Pregnancy page and more here too. Please consider taking vitamin D and taurine, both essential for a successful pregnancy, but more importantly vital for the growth of the foetus. There's info about each on the pregnancy link I've given you. FSH should be very low, if detectable in pregnancy. Your blood sugar is dropping too low, hence the hunger. Please try to avoid eating any carbs, as this will only add on extra weight. You might like to see our page on Nutrition for more info. Take care Wray

Apr 21, 2012
by: Anonymous

thank you for your quick response, well i talked to the doctor and she said to stop testing, that it dosent mean anything wrong and that people dont usually test progesterone levels . i can test easily because of my work im a nurse she also said that if im stressed about it then she will prescribe me 200mg of prometrium vaginally once a day at bedtime. she didnt give an explanation to why progesterone levels can went down from 71 to 44.5 but also said, like you said that its still in a normal range. i wont lie to you im a little bit stressed.

Apr 23, 2012
by: Wray

Hi there Progesterone is normally only checked once a woman has had 3 miscarriages, not before. It could be continual testing is causing you unnecesscary stress, as you watch the levels go up and down. If your doctor has offered the prometrium then accept it, as it will stop you stressing! But it should be used twice a day minimum, as levels drop after about 13 hrs. So you could cut the suppository in half, and use the pieces am and pm. It's best to reduce slowly once you feel less stressed, please see our page on pregnancy on how to do this. Take care Wray

Apr 23, 2012
Progesterone Oil
by: Anonymous

Hi...I am currently pregnant at 9 weeks 5 days. I got pregnant through IVF. Before the transfer i was put on Estradiol as well as prometrium vaginal suppositories once a day and progesterone oil 1cc once a day. I last saw my fertility doctor last wed and he said I could stop the estradiol and suppositories but to continue the oil for another week. My worry is, is it too soon to stop the oil injections? From things I've read most women continue on till their 2nd trimester. Would I do any harm if I continue the injections till my 12th week? Another reason I'm worried is because I suffer from hypothyroidism, which is being treated with medication, and have always had low levels of estrogen and progesterone. I got pregnant with a donor egg because I had only one follicle on one ovary and after months of trying to produce an egg it was unsuccessful. I don't want to do or not do anything to jeopardize my pregnancy. My first prenatal visit is next week.

Apr 24, 2012
Progesterone Oil
by: Wray

Hi there I'm not in favour of stopping progesterone early, in fact Dr Dalton would often keep her patients on it for the duration of the Pregnancy. We have another page here too. I don't know how much progesterone is in the 1cc, maybe 50mg? and in the suppository, maybe 100-200mg? Which ever is the higher of the two I would use, suppositories are far less painful too, plus they work as well. There are plenty of papers on the link I've given you. There are more on our Delivery systems page too. Progesterone should always be tapered off slowly. Incidentally it's vital for ovulation, and it could have been nothing more than a low level causing the anovulation. Vitamin D is also vital for ovulation. Please have a vitamin D test done. A lack of this not only reduces the benefits of progesterone, it affects the thyroid badly, see here, here and here. Plus it's vital for the growth of the foetus, see here, here, here, here, here, here and here. Continued below.

Apr 24, 2012
Progesterone Oil part 2
by: Wray

Hi there These are excellent videos to watch too, see here and here.
Even as far back as 1947 10,000-20,000iu's were suggested, see here. For more info on vitamin D levels, test kits etc see the GrassrootsHealth, Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Take care Wray

Jun 07, 2012
Is progesterone neccessary?
by: Anonymous

I am 2 weeks pregnant from conception and my doc had me take a blood test to verify the progesterone level was 24 so the doc had me re-check the level 4 days later which is now 16. He recommended i start progesterone pills 300mg every night, which I took tonight. i have one child and no history of miscarriages or complications. Is this supplemental progesterone really necessary? Im thinking about just not taking it again, would that cause a miscarriage?

Jun 07, 2012
Is progesterone neccessary?
by: Wray

Hi there He was obviously worried about the drop in progesterone, as it should increase steadily. Levels during the first trimester should be 11.2 - 90.0 ng/ml, see our page on Hormone Testing. I must add that this is most remarkable, as normally levels are never checked, and women have to have at least 3 miscarriages before anything is done. I would suggest you talk to him before stopping the progesterone, and ask him why he thought it necessary. If you do decide to stop please do so gradually. I'm not sure the amount of progesterone in each pill, but if possible decrease by no more than 25mg per reduction. Stay on that a few days before reducing again. We do have a page on Pregnancy you could look through. Take care Wray

Jun 09, 2012
Progesterone to try to prevent a 2nd miscarriage
by: Anonymous

I had a miscarriage in Feb of this year. Began cramping at 9 weeks and ultrasound was done to show baby stopped growing at 7 weeks. I had a D&C 2 days later. No levels were ever checked because all my other pregnancies were fine. It has taken me several months but I am pregnant again . The dr wanted to draw blood as soon as I thought I was pregnant so labs done on May 31(HCG 116 and progesterone 6.8) determined I was 3 weeks 4 days by dates. Started progesterone suppositories 100 mg twice a day( 6am and 6 pm) the next day on Friday June 1st. I also had heVy cramping like I was going to have a period at any minute on that Thurs.,Fri. And Sat. also. But by Su day the cramps had stopped and things felt good. On Monday June 4th had levels checked again HCG jumped to 605 but dr did not check again. I am continuing the suppositories and I go on June 15 fir a confirmation ultrasound. My main worry is starting about 2 or 3 days ago I am having severe bloating(I look 3 months pregnant), really bad constipation, lower back pain and pressure, abdominal discomfort (kind of feels like gas pain, pressure and occasional cramping - kind of feels like I need to pass gas but can't - gross I know but only way to describe the feeling) boobs sore and some nausea. The weird thing about the abdominal pain and discomfort is if I am walking or moving around I don't feel it is only when I am
laying down or sitting. Wondering if this is normal or if there is a problem. I have read the pregnancy thing and about oestrogen dominance ... Could these symptoms be this and if so how do you fix it or when should if stop?? I am so worried about another miscarriage. Any advice would be great!

Jun 11, 2012
Progesterone to try to prevent a 2nd miscarriage
by: Wray

Hi there Oestrogen causes water retention, by drawing water from the gut, hence the constipation. The tissues are swollen with water now, hence the bloating. See here, here, here and here. The Breast Tenderness is also an oestrogen related problem. The nausea too, see here. If it doesn't pass within a few days, I would suggest increasing the amount of progesterone you're using. Please consider having a vitamin D test done, as a lack of this is also implicated in miscarriages, see here, here and here. It's also vital for a successful Pregnancy. For more info on vitamin D levels, test kits etc see the GrassrootsHealth, Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Take care Wray

Jul 27, 2012
Progesterone 100MG SUPP Questions!
by: MNDadof2

Hi! My wife is 5.5 weeks pregnant now with our 2nd child and up until now had been taking Endometrin with no problems but due to complications with insurance we needed to find an alternative for this week and her nurse prescribed her PROGESTERONE 100MG SUPP that she is supposed to take vaginally 3x/day! The Pharmacy did not include directions on how to open the packages or how to use the suppositories! She thought that they would be just the same as the Endometrin so told the Pharmacy she knew how to use them!

Can anyone help us out PLEASE so I can try and help my wife before I leave for work at 5am in the morning (6 hours from now) she usually takes these at 630 each morning then again at 4 and 9pm each night.



Jul 31, 2012
Progesterone 100MG SUPP Questions!
by: Wray

Hi there Endometrin, according to their website, is a vaginal pessary or as some call it a suppository. So you would use those prescribed by her nurse in the same way, just insert them into the vagina. The easiest is by using a finger. Unfortunately the website does not say what excipients are used in the Endometrin. But our page on Delivery systems gives you some idea of what suppositories contain. Your wife might like to read our Pregnancy page too. Take care Wray

Aug 22, 2012
by: Mari

I feel so hopeless. I have 7 fibroids, from 3cm to 7 cm. I had a m/c last year and now I'm pregnant for the second time. On my last m/c my HCG were doubling okay every 3 days but my progesterone kept droping. I was put on prog. suppossitories 400 mg/day and I still m/c. I already wrote an email so I do apologized but this is before deciding to purchase the progesterone cream. This time around my HCG is doubling but not as fast. I have zero symptoms which I don't know if is normal. My progesterone started at 16.1 one week after my missed period and then within a week it drop to 11.1 and 10.1. I'm pretty sure that I suffer from low progesterone, I'm not sure if they are related to my fibroids or not. I'm currently taking prometrium pills twice a day/ 100 mg a day. I'm not sure if this is a viable pregnancy. My doctor does not want to increase my progesterone intake. I wanted ask, could I combine my prometrium pills along with the Naptro cream? How much should I use and how often? I apologized in advance for writing so much. I'm truly desperate and I feel that no one can understand me. I'm currently taking vitamin D and fish oil as you recomended as well.

Aug 24, 2012
by: Wray

Hi Mari I'm amazed the 400mg/day progesterone via suppositories didn't help you, as the range given for recurrent miscarriages is 200-600mg/day, possibly you need more. Unfortunately you're not going to get it via the oral progesterone, this is the least effective Delivery system. Most of it gets destroyed in the gut and liver, so you're getting very little. I suggest you open the caps and empty the contents into a skin cream. Then rub this on your skin, that way you will be getting the full benefit of the progesterone. If you have chromosomal problems this should have been picked up. Please ask your doctor. hCG could be doubling, but as I said to another woman with the same problem, it could be you have an incompetent corpus luteum. So no matter how much hCG you secrete, the CL is not going to respond. In which case you do need supplemental progesterone until the placenta begins secreting it. This occurs in very small quantities from about 8 weeks, increasing over the coming months. It's best to stay on the progesterone for at least 3 months, preferably 4 when the placenta is making sufficient. It could be the Fibroids are preventing the pregnancy from continuing, the embryo needs a healthy uterine lining to embed in. Fibroids are caused by oxidative stress, and large amounts of antioxidants are needed to reverse them, the most important being vitamin D. There's evidence that it can cause them to shrink, see here, here, here and here. Please have a test done, it could be your level i every low, in which case you would need a high dose to bring it up. For more info on vitamin D levels, test kits etc see the GrassrootsHealth and Birmingham Hospital websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml (175-250nmol/L) and not the 30ng/ml (75nmol/L) most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Take care Wray

Aug 27, 2012
Prog. Cream
by: Anonymous

First of all, I want to thank you and this amazing website. I want to thank you for your dedication. I can't find the words to thank you. I wanted to ask you. If you are pregnant and you suffer from low progesterone and you want to use progesterone cream, what is the quantity you have to use? I know that normally, when you use another method it has to be between 100mg to 600 mg. But what about when you use the cream? How do you measure it? I guess I'm just having a little trouble understanding how much cream to use? Thank you again for your time.

Aug 30, 2012
Prog. Cream
by: Wray

Hi there Bless you for the kind words! Normally suppositories are used for pregnancy, simply because doctors are familiar with it, and not with the cream. Which is a pity, as studies have found it's absorbed as well, and endometrial protection is apparent using one, see our page on Delivery systems. The amount given via suppositories is between 200-600mg/day, so my advice would be to use the same amount. If recurrent miscarriages have occurred due to low progesterone, I wouldn't hesitate to use 600mg/day. But if your pregnancy is proceeding normally, but you've been found to have low progesterone, you wouldn't need this much. I suggest you try the 200mg/day first, if you still find it's low, or you have adverse symptoms, increase it until you feel stable. A kitchen measuring spoon is the easiest way, these come in either tsp or ml. I'm not sure which cream you wish to use, but we do have a chart at the end of our page How to use progesterone cream which shows the mg/ml of progesterone. Take care Wray

Nov 30, 2012
oestrogen dominance
by: Samantha

Hello, I am 4 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I had my progesterone tested when I was 4 weeks and 1 day pregnant. I follow my periods sharply so I am certain of the dates. My progesterone was 16.68. The doctor suggested 100mg progesterone at bedtime. I am experiencing what you called the etrogen dominance. Both of my breast were really becoming sore now since I have been taking them for 3 days I have no sore breast anymore. Can this phase hurt the baby and did I really need the progesterone? I have two kids and one miscarriage. Would it hurt to taper off them now? I really feel like this is hurting my pregnancy than helping it. I never needed them before, and everything was going great I passed an 500 hcg pee test. Thank you for your time.

Dec 01, 2012
oestrogen dominance
by: Wray

Hi Samantha Your progesterone was in the normal range for the first trimester, albeit on the low side. But then you were only 4 weeks pregnant. It ranges from 11.2 to 90.0 ng/ml, during those first three months, we do have a page on Hormone Testing you could look through. The miscarriage could possibly have been due to low progesterone, so maybe your doctor was concerned about another one. I'm not sure why you're concerned though, as we make progesterone in increasing amounts while pregnant. I would never recommend oral progesterone though, as it's the least effective Delivery system. Most of it being destroyed by the gut and liver. Suppositories are normally given to women with recurrent miscarriages, although creams are just as effective. Amounts ranging from 200-600mg/day are given. You were getting probably no more than 10mg/day, possibly 20mg. I don't know why doctors are so hooked on the hCG test. It does show one is pregnant, but it's chief purpose it to stimulate the corpus luteum to make progesterone. If the CL is malfunctioning for some reason, no amount of hCG is going to help. Progesterone is vital for maintaining the pregnancy, not hCG. A lack of vitamin D can cause miscarriages too, see here, here and here. We do have a page on Pregnancy you could look through, and another here. They both give more info on progesterone in pregnancy and how to taper off. The videos about vitamin D in pregnancy are worth watching too. Take care Wray

Feb 02, 2013
Taking natural progesterone while TTC
by: Anonymous

I've been taking natural progesterone cream from ovulation, but I'm a bit scared to stop the cream if I get a BFN pregnancy test, just in case I am pregnant (I've read that some people don't get a positive test until a couple of weeks after the AF was due.) Also my periods can vary in length. What should I do?

Feb 03, 2013
Successful pregnancy!
by: Natasha

Hi I posted last year about using progesterone suppositories.
Well after 3 miscarriages, I used the suppositories for my 4th pregnancy until I was 14 weeks. I now how a perfectly healthy 15 week old son.
Had I not come across this website, I wouldn't have gone to see my doctor and begged him for the progesterone when I started bleeding.
Thank you :)

Feb 03, 2013
Taking natural progesterone while TTC
by: Wray

Hi there Please see our page on Pregnancy and this one here too. They explain the use of progesterone during pregnancy. If you're using the typical 20mg/day it's not going to do much if you stop it. It doesn't even raise levels to that found in the luteal phase. I go into this on our page about Progesterone Misconceptions. We also have a page on How to use progesterone cream. Take care Wray

Feb 06, 2013
Successful pregnancy!
by: Wray

Hi Natasha Bless you for letting me know the good news! I'm so pleased the site helped you. Next time you could try the progesterone cream, as it works just as well, pleasanter too! Take care Wray

Mar 16, 2013
PROGESTRONE pesseries at 36 weeks
by: mina

Hi I am 36.4 weeks preg with second child.i m on progestrone pesseries since 31 fiest child came early at 35.5d. my baby is small so i dont want her to come early. do you think i should continue with pessaries to prolong preg. i get contractions and tae panadine forte500 to relax. is there any harm of these medications. last week ultrasound showed my cervix as 0.9cm in length but closed.

Mar 17, 2013
PROGESTRONE pesseries at 36 weeks
by: Wray

Hi Mina Yes it is safe and a good idea to continue with the progesterone. It doesn't stop birth once the body has decided it's time. I'm surprised you have to take the panadine to stop contractions, as that is exactly what progesterone is designed to do, it keeps the uterus 'quiet'. It seems possible you're not using enough, you don't say how much you are using. We do have a page on Pregnancy you could look through, and another one here. Take care Wray

Mar 27, 2013
Progesterone at 8 weeks
by: 5th pregnany help

Hi, I just found this site.. I am currently 8 weeks today.. Last May I had a misscarraige at around 6 weeks or so. 5 days before my Progesterone level was a 4 on a Tuesday and I started suppositoires at 25 mg twice daily 2 days later on a Thursday and on a Saturday I misscarried. I found out I was pregnant this time and at 4 weeks or so my Progesterone level was 16.2 and I was still started on progest suppos 25 mg twice daily... Im going to a new Dr and she said that I could stop taking them bc of her reasons... Im so confused.. I only have 5 days left of the prescription and not sure what to do.. Please help with advise.. Thanks so Much... I went last week at 7 weeks and baby had a hr of 128...

Mar 29, 2013
Progesterone at 8 weeks
by: Wray

Hi there 50mg/day progesterone will not stop a miscarriage occurring if it's due to low progesterone. Between 200-600mg/day is normally given. We do have a page on Pregnancy you could look through, and another here. If you can't get more suppositories, the creams work just as effectively. We've helped many women struggling to fall pregnant, or with recurrent miscarriages to go on and have a healthy baby. You might like to look at this page we have on a progesterone cream. Please have a vitamin D test done too, as a lack of this also causes miscarriages, see here, here and here. Please take time to watch the videos on vitamin D at the end of the pregnancy page. For more info on vitamin D levels, test kits etc see the GrassrootsHealth and Birmingham Hospital. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml (175-250nmol/L) and not the 30ng/ml (75nmol/L) most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although recent research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Take care Wray

Apr 26, 2013
Need reassurance!
by: Hopefully Pregnant

Hello, I'm 6 weeks and considered high risk. I have had 4 miscarriages. I found out I was pregnant on the 17 April my levels was 158. Levels two days later was 395. I was put on Crinone 8% gel, once a day 19 April. 22 April my cervix was very sore to walk/sit. The next day early morning, I started spotting blood, only visiable when wiping. I went to the ER, my levels was 856.31. Then i noticed that some of the globes of gel was coming out too. No cramps. I've been spotting since and its going on 5 days with dark to now light blood. I've asked my doctor to switch progestrone meds to Endometrin 2x a day.. do you think i'm impending a miscarriage?

Apr 27, 2013
Need reassurance!
by: Wray

Hi there The levels you are giving me are for hCG, not for progesterone. hCG only stimulates the corpus luteum to secrete progesterone, it doesn't actually raise levels. If the corpus luteum is not functioning well, no amount of hCG is going to help. Have they checked your progesterone levels too, it's pointless only doing hCG. It's progesterone which ensures the embryo stays in place. I'm not sure which Crinone you were given as the 8% comes in 45mg or 90mg progesterone, neither of which are high enough to prevent a miscarriage, particularly if only used once a day. It must be used a minimum of twice a day as levels begin dropping after about 13 hours. Endometrin has 100mg per vaginal insert, it should be used a minimum of twice a day, the website recommends 2 to 3 times a day, see here. Amounts used to prevent miscarriages range from 200mg/day to 600mg/day, I would always err on the high side, and use 400mg/day. We do have more info on our Pregnancy page, theres's also more info here. Bleeding and spotting are a common occurrence in many pregnancies. It's only if prolonged and excessive is a miscarriage likely. If it takes too long to get the Endometrin, the creams are just as effective, as progesterone is absorbed well via the skin. Take care Wray

Jun 01, 2013
settling down of symptoms
by: Regi

Hi Wray. In an earlier post you mentioned that the symptoms of being on progesterone therapy settles down. I have been taking 200mg 3 times a day since the night prior to my 3-day embryo transfer. immediately I had severe bloating. I am now 9 days past transfer and waiting just under a week to do the pregnancy test. My worry is that I don't feel so bloated now, not like before which was a lot. Is this a sign of the progesterone symptoms settling as you say it does? or should I have cause for worry that maybe now my period will come. I haven't missed a dose. But I do feel more period like feelings.

Jun 01, 2013
settling down of symptoms
by: Wray

Hi Regi It does settle down, but it can take 3-6 months, and it also depends on the amount used. It appears you're taking oral progesterone, am I correct? If so this is the least effective Delivery system, "The liver and gut region removed a mean of 96 per cent of the progesterone entering these tissues", see here. So in effect you're getting very little. And if you had an embryo transfer, I fail to see how one night prior to transfer would be sufficient time for progesterone to change the endometrium from a proliferating lining to a secretory lining. It normally takes 12-14 days which occurs naturally during the luteal phase. Too little progesterone stimulates oestrogen, leading to Oestrogen Dominance. Did they do a vitamin D test and give you any? It seems so little is known about this, they've found vitamin D is essential for an embryo to implant successfully, see here and here. Progesterone is of course essential too, see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here. Continued below

Jun 01, 2013
settling down of symptoms Part 2
by: Wray

Hi Regi And more here, here and here. We also have a page on Pregnancy you could look through and another here. I take it that they have classified you as infertile, hence the IVF. We do have a page on Infertility you could look through. Often a lack of Progesterone and Vitamin D are a cause, which is usually overlooked. Take care Wray

Jun 01, 2013
Slowing down of symptoms (cont...)
by: Regi

Wow Wray, thank you very much for your quick response. No, I have been using the pills vaginally. And they allowed me the treatment given my age (39) though they said there was nothing wrong with my reproductive capacity (nor my husband's).

I don't think they did a Vit D test, but I did have lots of testing prior. And I have been taking vit supplements for a while, even prior to the whole IVF cycle.

What reasons could there be therefore for the symptoms of bloating to go? Does it just mean the body is now used to the hormones? That they are now balanced? It's just strange to be so bloated and then gradually not.

On a separate matter, I put one in vaginally this morning upon waking.. then as I was feeling bit emotional & ditzy, about an hour later when I went to take my vitamin pill I accidentally took another progesterone one! Swallowed down with water. Chemist later told me not to take another dose at lunch and just take the one at bedtime.

Am scared this all means I'm not going to test positive on Thursday. The 2ww is a rollercoaster of hope and fear, resignation and resilience!

Thank you for the links.

Jun 01, 2013
Slowing down of symptoms (cont...)
by: Wray

Hi Regi I'm not normally this quick! But I've caught up on the backlog I had. If there's nothing wrong with your reproductive capacity, I'm puzzled why you're going through IVF. It is normal to give progesterone for any assisted reproductive procedure. I'm pleased you weren't taking it, as that would have been a waste. The amount you were getting was very good, 600mg/day which would account for the bloating going so quickly. I find it difficult to persuade women, men too, to use a high enough amount. Too little stimulates oestrogen and then Oestrogen Dominance hits. Bloating is one symptom, very pleased it passed so quickly. You could safely have used one vaginally as you only got about 20mg from the swallowed one, which would do nothing. I do hope it turns out a successful procedure for you, although I still can't understand why you had it! Take care Wray

Jun 02, 2013
can progesterone cause vaginal cyst
by: tima

i av been on progesterone 100mg twice a day for abt a mth now due to short cervix,i use it vaginally.i started using it at 16 weeks now am 20 weeks,but somdays ago i notice somtin in my vaginal dat was nt der b4 i started using the progesterone.i chk online and found out it cld be a cyst,i need to no if dis is possible and if yes do i need to go to the ER cos my next OB appt is in 2 weeks.pls help.

Jun 05, 2013
can progesterone cause vaginal cyst
by: Wray

Hi Tima I take it you must be pregnant when you say you started the progesterone at 16 weeks and you're now at 20 weeks. It won't be the progesterone causing the cyst or whatever it is, your placenta is now making it too. It could be some other ingredient in the capsule to which you are reacting. You could try opening it and adding the contents to a small amount of skin cream and apply that to your skin. This will give your vagina a break and the problem might clear up. You will still get the full benefit of the progesterone through your skin. We do have a page on Pregnancy you could look through, and another here. Take care Wray

Jun 23, 2013
by: Anonymous

I haven't got my period for two weeks, went to see my dr and he gave me utrogestan for 10 days, he said I wasn't but if after 10 days of taking it and not having my period I could do a pregnancy test to see if I'm pregnant. My question is that taking it now could help me to get pregnant now? And also could I have sexual relations while taking it via the vagina? He told me to take it at night.Thank you very much

Jun 23, 2013
by: Wray

Hi there I'm not sure why you were given the progesterone. Have you been having problems falling pregnant? If you use progesterone prior to ovulation it can stop it, it acts like a contraceptive, but with no adverse side effects. We do have more info on our Pregnancy page. And you can have sexual relations while using it. Take care Wray

Jul 03, 2013
Bleeding after weaning off progesterone?
by: Anonymous

I started 100 mg progesterone suppository 2 days after I ovulated and got pregnant with twins that cycle. My doctor told me to stop at 10 weeks. I didn't feel comfortable stopping cold turkey so I have been weaning myself off. I am probably at 25mgs now. Six days after starting to wean I had significant bleeding. I have had an ultrasound and both babies had strong heartbeats but I am scared that weaning off progesterone has caused the bleeding. Can go back to 100 mg right away? Or do I need to slowly increase back up to 100 mg? Thanks!

Jul 04, 2013
Bleeding after weaning off progesterone?
by: Wray

Hi there It always surprises me women are told to stop progesterone cold turkey when pregnant. It shouldn't be stopped like that even if not pregnant! Any hormone or drug when stopping too quickly will have a rebound affect, and in the case of progesterone and pregnancy, it could result in a miscarriage. Have they done a progesterone test on you? How do they know the placenta is producing enough progesterone? It could be the sole source of the progesterone is coming from the suppository. Unfortunately they generally only test hCG, the hormone that stimulates the corpus luteum to secrete progesterone. This can rise, but progesterone doesn't, I've come across this before. It simply means the corpus luteum is not responding to the hCG. But if that is all they go on and not progesterone, they have no idea a miscarriage is imminent. After about 8 weeks the placenta begins to secrete progesterone, while the corpus luteum slowly declines it's production. If this 'takeover' isn't smooth, or the placenta doesn't pick up speed, too little progesterone is secreted by both to support the foetus. If stress occurs around this time, progesterone will drop. If vitamin D levels drop then this can initiate a miscarriage. It won't harm to go back up and do so right away. Please also check your vitamin D levels, as this is vital for a successful pregnancy and the health of the foetus. We do have a page on Pregnancy you could look through and another here. Take care Wray

Jul 04, 2013
by: melinda

Getting outer vag pain like before a this from pesseries of 4 days or the start of somthing else.scared I won't reconize when to go to hospital in time

Jul 05, 2013
Stopping Progesterone
by: Anonymous

Ever since I took the pregnancy test and saw the positive results I have felt like there is something wrong with this pregnancy. I've been feeling that way more and more now. First it's the cramping, which I know can be completely normal, but this cramping has been different from my other pregnancies... constant and painful when I have episodes of cramping. Second, it's the spotting that goes from brown to red, light to heavy. I know, spotting can be normal also. Then the other bigger issues... HCG levels, progesterone level, and the measurement of the baby. My first HCG level was 1520 at 6 weeks 2 days (June 17) and my progesterone level was 7.12. I started prometrium (progesterone) orally on June 18. I had more blood work done at 6 weeks 4 weeks (June 19) and my HCG level was 1997. On June 23 (7 weeks 1 day) I started bright red bleeding so my doctor had my levels checked again on June 25 (7 weeks 3 days) ... HCG 8962 and progesterone 14. Did my HCG level go up because my progesterone level went up due to the meds? I've been researching miscarriage and progesterone and have read on many websites that taking progesterone supplements can actually delay the miscarriage from happening. I'm wondering if this is true because low progesterone can be a sign of miscarriage... I began this pregnancy with low progesterone, cramping, and spotting. Then at my ultrasound on June 27 (7 weeks 5 days) the baby measured 6 weeks 2 days and had a heartbeat of 126. I know I didn't tell them the wrong LMP date. I know it was May 4th because I keep track of my cycles on my calender. According to their calculations my LMP would have been May 14th with ovulation on May 28th... so how was I able to get a positive test on June 6th? Supposedly 9dpo?? This doesn't make sense. My doctor said I could still miscarry so I'm wondering if I was in the stages of miscarriage at 6 weeks 2 days but the progesterone supplements have delayed it from happening?? I have not taken the progesterone supplements since June 26. The dosage was 100 mg once day orally. If I'm going to miscarry as doctor thinks how long until it will happen naturally?

Jul 05, 2013
Stopping Progesterone
by: Anonymous

Ever since I took the pregnancy test and saw the positive results I have felt like there is something wrong with this pregnancy. I've been feeling that way more and more now. First it's the cramping, which I know can be completely normal, but this cramping has been different from my other pregnancies... constant and painful when I have episodes of cramping. Second, it's the spotting that goes from brown to red, light to heavy. I know, spotting can be normal also. Then the other bigger issues... HCG levels, progesterone level, and the measurement of the baby. My first HCG level was 1520 at 6 weeks 2 days (June 17) and my progesterone level was 7.12. I started prometrium (progesterone) orally on June 18. I had more blood work done at 6 weeks 4 weeks (June 19) and my HCG level was 1997. On June 23 (7 weeks 1 day) I started bright red bleeding so my doctor had my levels checked again on June 25 (7 weeks 3 days) ... HCG 8962 and progesterone 14. Did my HCG level go up because my progesterone level went up due to the meds? I've been researching miscarriage and progesterone and have read on many websites that taking progesterone supplements can actually delay the miscarriage from happening. I'm wondering if this is true because low progesterone can be a sign of miscarriage... I began this pregnancy with low progesterone, cramping, and spotting. Then at my ultrasound on June 27 (7 weeks 5 days) the baby measured 6 weeks 2 days and had a heartbeat of 126. I know I didn't tell them the wrong LMP date. I know it was May 4th because I keep track of my cycles on my calender. According to their calculations my LMP would have been May 14th with ovulation on May 28th... so how was I able to get a positive test on June 6th? Supposedly 9dpo?? This doesn't make sense. My doctor said I could still miscarry so I'm wondering if I was in the stages of miscarriage at 6 weeks 2 days but the progesterone supplements have delayed it from happening?? I have not taken the progesterone supplements since June 26. The dosage was 100 mg once day orally. If I'm going to miscarry as doctor thinks how long until it will happen naturally?

Jul 06, 2013
Stopping Progesterone
by: Wray

Hi there According to this one study, progesterone can't prolong a birth if it's due, "Progesterone withdrawal induces preterm labor and delivery (which can be blocked by progesterone substitution) but exogenous progesterone, even in substantial quantities, does not prevent parturition at term", see here. Another study says "At term, functional progesterone withdrawal removes the suppression of ERalpha expression leading to an increase in ERalpha and a concomitant increase in myometrial estrogen responsiveness. Estrogen can then act to transform the myometrium to a contractile phenotype.", see here. You are not at term, but I feel this is occurring with you now. You have very low progesterone levels, but it appears they haven't checked your oestradiol levels. I would guess it's higher than it should be, because oestrogen "transforms the myometrium to a contractile phenotype." Progesterone counters this, see here. hCG wouldn't be influenced by progesterone rising. It's function is to stimulate the corpus luteum to secrete progesterone. But it could be your corpus luteum is not responding to the hCG. The amount of progesterone you're using wouldn't influence the pregnancy either, you're only getting about 10mg from the 100mg you're taking, possibly less, "The liver and gut region removed a mean of 96 per cent of the progesterone entering these tissues", see here. Oral progesterone is the least effective Delivery system. I fail to see how cramps can possibly normal in a pregnancy, it indicates progesterone is low and therefore not able to control them. One of it's main roles is to keep the uterus 'quiet' and to prevent it entering the inflammatory state of labour. Be it at term or prior to this. If you used a home pregnancy test kit on June 6th, this could account for the positive result, they are notoriously unreliable. If you want to keep the baby, then you need to use at least 500mg/day progesterone, but not oral! It needs to be in a cream form or suppositories. Both work equally well, we've had many successful pregnancies using the cream. Continued below

Jul 06, 2013
Stopping Progesterone part 2
by: Wray

Hi there Please get your vitamin D levels checked, this is vital. Low levels can result in a miscarriage, not only that, but if low it reduces the benefits of progesterone. For more info on vitamin D levels, test kits etc see the following websites, GrassrootsHealth and Birmingham Hospital. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L, and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. We do have page on Pregnancy you could look through, and another here. Take care Wray

Jul 14, 2013
How long does it take for prometrium to leave your system?
by: Anonymous

How long would it take for prometrium to be out of your system if you've taken 100 mg tablets 1x daily from 6 weeks 3 days to 7 weeks 4 days of pregnancy? Would levels drop or is there are chance the tablets gave the body a boost and/or the placenta was already starting to produce progesterone?

Jul 18, 2013
How long does it take for prometrium to leave your system?
by: Wray

Hi there Progesterone begins dropping after about 13 hours. It seems you were using it for only 1 week. And at a very low level if it's needed to boost levels to prevent miscarriages etc. Amounts of 200-600mg/day are given for Pregnancy problems, and in a form which is absorbed well. Oral progesterone is the least effective Delivery system, "The liver and gut region removed a mean of 96 per cent of the progesterone entering these tissues", see here. So you are in effect getting no more than 10mg/day. The placenta only begins producing progesterone round about week 8, and then only in very small amounts. At about 3 months the placenta finally producing the full amount. There's more info on the pregnancy page I've given above. Take care Wray

Aug 03, 2013
Miscarried twin now on 1200 mg progesteron
by: bek

Hi, I came across this website and Im so thankful for all the information and advice. A bit of background. I was 5 1/2 weeks pregnant last week (My last period date was 16th june and I had a 5 week cycle). I had extremely sore breasts but no nausea etc. I woke up in the morning and I had brown spotting. I rang the gp and got an apt immediately.. She did an external ultrasound herself with a small monitor and said it looked fine and that I may have twins as she could see a shadow behind first sac.She sent me for blood tests and then that night I started to bleed red blood and a few clots. I saw a sac come out and I knew straight away Id lost the baby. I was devastated. This was my 5th child. My youngest is 8 and this wasn't planned but I had wanted another child for years but my husband didn't. I thought this was my last chance to ever carry a baby. I went to the hospital on the Saturday for my 48 hourly hormone test and she said my HCG had dropped. It was 2000 on Thursday and now it was 500. She said I was miscarrying. I went back to my gp on Tuesday this week and my bleeding had actually stopped that morning. She said my progesterone was 8 last Thursday ( though she neve called me to let me know!) she did another ultrasound externally and the sac she saw last Thursday wasn't there but right at the back after pushing in quite hard she could see another sac measuring 5 weeks 5 days ( though I don't know how accurate she could measure as it was difficult to see and it wasn't an internal ultrasound and she is just a gp also there wasn't a heart beat yet but I think that's normal too at this stage)She said she wouldnt put me on progesterone even after I asked her. She said she will let nature take its course. I was shocked! I wanted to give this baby every chance seeing Id already lost one! My sister in law managed to take me to her GYN and he prescribed 1200mg 400mgx3 daily. I had blood tests this week but haven't heard from gp with results. Do you think there is a good chance this twin will live even after losing one? Does HCG and progesterone drop if you miscarry a twin? How fast should the levels rise again? I have no morning sickness and my sore breasts have gone but I read that this will not happen if you high amount of progesterone and no oestregen dominance? I don't want anymore ultrasounds. How do I know if things are progressing as they should be? I just want some peace of mind. I haven't bled or spotted at all for 5 days so Im hoping that's a good sign

Aug 03, 2013
me again
by: bek

Sorry forgot to add that Ive been on 1000iu Vit D in my natal care vitamins but after reading everything you wrote and researching it I got my husband to buy me more today and Im taking 6000iu from today. Do you think that's enough? 10000iu sounds like so much! Im also taking a high dose of magnesium and Vit C. My brother who is a naturolath also put me on Vitex Agnus Cactus which is a herb that will help my body produce more progesterone. I have a natural prog. cream from an acupuncturist too which Ive used twice but do you think that's too much progesterone? Im also on bedrest till I see GYN again late next week to get more progesterone suppositories Thanks

Aug 03, 2013
Miscarried twin now on 1200 mg progesterone
by: Wray

Hi Bek Thanks for the kind words about the site. I'm delighted the gyn responded so quickly and gave you a really good amount, suppositories too. Excellent news. I'm also shocked by the "let nature take it's course" attitude. 'Nature' now is so contaminated by oestrogen mimics and toxins it's hardly surprising many women have miscarriages. Unless there's a chromosomal defect, I see no reason for the twin not to survive. Evidently the gyn thought so too, or he would not have given you the progesterone, and would have checked for odd chromosomes. I never know why hCG is checked, all it does is stimulate the corpus luteum to continue secreting progesterone. If there is a problem with the CL and it can't secrete more, then no amount of hCG is going to help. But extra progesterone will. hCG certainly doesn't play a role in making the pregnancy viable, progesterone does that. So too does vitamin D, I'm glad you've increased to 6000iu. This is the amount recommended by two doctors who've studied it's role in pregnancy and breast feeding. There are excellent videos at the end of our Pregnancy page you could look at. This is another page on pregnancy here. The very high amount of progesterone you're getting will prevent any Oestrogen Dominance, and cause your levels to rise very quickly. The gyn again knew what he was doing. All too often women are given only 200mg/day, or worse, injections which are painful and only contain 50mg. You won't know how things are progressing until you see visible signs of growth, i.e. your tummy expanding. Or have an ultra sound done again. I suggest you avoid your gp and go directly to the gyn for this. Incidentally 10000iu is not too much vitamin D, see here. Very pleased you're taking magnesium, such an important co-factor for vitamin D, and usually low in all of us. Please consider taking taurine too, vital for foetal growth, and for a new born child, see here, here, here, here, here and here. Continued below

Aug 03, 2013
Miscarried twin now on 1200 mg progesterone Part2
by: Wray

Hi Bek Agnus castus won't help your body produce more progesterone. It can reduce prolactin levels, prolactin is an inflammatory hormone which can cause tender breasts, see here, and luteal phase dysfunction, with subsequent problems in embryo implantation, see here. I think this is why people mistakenly believe it increases progesterone levels. But because it has a mild oestrogenic action, levels of 17 beta-oestradiol can increase. One study found mild ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome occurred in the luteal phase, see here. If Prolactin levels are high both progesterone and the amino acid tyrosine are very affective at suppressing it. Agnus castus doesn't contain progesterone. Using the progesterone cream won't add too much, it also depends on the strength, many being very low in progesterone. I hope all goes well for you! Take care Wray

Aug 06, 2013
Starting progesterone sup at 18 weeks is that normal?
by: Anonymous

hi , I'm pregnant with my first , at 15 weeks I had a massive bleed , they thought I miscarry , but the ultrasound showed a subchronic hematoma , measuring about 128cc .
I have continued bleeding and spotting UNTILL last week , but the ultrasound shows the hematoma not changing at all !!
my gp said he wants to put me on progesterone to give me the best chance of keeping this baby to term.
is it safe to start now? 17,almost 18 weeks?
what are the side affects?
thank you so much for reading!!

Aug 07, 2013
latest info
by: bek

Thanks Wray for all your amazing advice. I don't think you know how much hope you have given me. My GP rang me on Monday night ( after 4 days of waiting!) and said my progesterone has dropped from 8 to 5 ( this is after taking 12000mg for 3 days) I haven't been tested since. I ve been taking it for over a week now so Im hoping my levels are higher now? Also my HCG has dropped further it was at 19 last thurssday. I haven't been retested for that either. She said that she thinks I will lose this twin too. I atill feel pregnant and have had slightly sore breasts and I also told her I hadn't bled a drop since she saw the second sac. She said the body can just absorb it but wanted me to have ANOTHER ultrasound which I outrightly refused cause of the risks that may be associated with them. She got quite annoyed and said the are 100% safe! I wont be seeing her anymore. She was so rude and cold. Ive read about "cryptic pregnancies" that happen 1 in every 450 pregnancies where no HCG is detected until later in pregnancy or not at all! How can this be? A theory is that the twin I lost was producing HCG but this one isn't? I read you saying that HCG levels really aren't important but the progesterone is. My progesterone level needs to be about 30 Ive read. By the way, thanks so much for your quick reply. Ive been checking everyday to see what your advice is.

Aug 07, 2013
Starting progesterone sup at 18 weeks is that normal?
by: Wray

Hi Bec It is much later than I would normally recommend, but then no one knew you would begin bleeding, or get the haematoma. It's always safe to use progesterone, even when pregnant, after all the placenta is producing it ensure the foetus remains attached to the uterine wall. Plus it has many other beneficial roles. It's a precaution on the part of your doctor, you're lucky to have one who knows about it, a rare breed! There are no adverse side effects from progesterone, but if using too low an amount, it does stimulate oestrogen which has plenty. I do hope he gives you enough, from 200-600mg/day is normal to prevent a miscarriage. There's more info on our Delivery systems page on the various methods. We also have a page on Pregnancy you could look through, and another here. Please have a vitamin D test done, it's not only vital for the growth of the foetus and breast feeding, but a lack reduces the benefits of progesterone. Plus a lack can lead to miscarriages. Take care Wray

Aug 07, 2013
latest info
by: Wray

Hi Bek Your progesterone should be higher now with the amount you're on. Maybe the test was done too early? Your hCG dropping would indicate the CL is not responding to it, and if you hadn't been on the progesterone, that would have dropped too. The body can absorb the contents of the uterus, it does this every month, we bleed out the rest. But at 5 1/2 weeks I feel it would be more likely to come away rather than be absorbed. But one can never tell. It's strange, but you're the only one I've come across who believes an ultrasound can have adverse risks. All women are so excited about having one, evidently they are never told of potential risks, or don't research the facts beforehand, see here. Although this study done by the same authors 11 years later says there are none, see here This study here is most odd, first saying " All studies demonstrated that ultrasound examinations during pregnancy increased the risk of undesirable developmental outcomes." And then concluded with "that there is no adverse effect of ultrasound examinations during pregnancy on child development outcomes." I leave you to work that one out! This study here was a meta-analysis which found there were no adverse effects. I would always err on the side of caution, bombarding a growing foetus with sound seems an unlikely beneficial treatment. I have found one paper on 'cryptic pregnancies', with mention of low hCG, but no mention of no hCG, see here It's the embryo which produces the hCG, so it could be possible one twin was producing and not the other, the body is a mystery! Do let me know how you get on. Take care Wray

Aug 07, 2013
brwn spootting and progesterone cream
by: Anonymous

Hi I'm 25. I've had one mc and since I've been takin progesteroone every few months just to have a period at all. I didn't have one foor june or july but for the last 5 dayys now I'll been spotting lightly light broown... I've never had anything like this. Today its been even lighter, but yesterday I started takin the cream again hopin it would bring on my period so that might b y it got lighter in the last day... is this normal? I take 20mg of natural progesterone cream 2x a day.

Aug 08, 2013
brwn spootting and progesterone cream
by: Wray

Hi there I'm a bit confused by your protocol. It appears you're using progesterone very erratically. The brown blood is old blood that didn't come away when you had your last period. Progesterone should be used following your cycle, i.e. from ovulation for the next 14 days. As you don't seem to have a regular cycle, I suggest you follow the average length of 28 days to begin with, your own cycle will settle in time. So you would use the progesterone for 14 days, and the stop it for the next 14 days, you should begin to bleed within a day or two. But it sounds as if you could possibly have PCOS. Has anyone checked for this? I don't find 40mg/day sufficient progesterone, please consider using 100-200mg/day. There's more info on the PCOS page, and our page on How to use progesterone cream. Take care Wray

Aug 08, 2013
by: Bek

Hi Wray, Suppossedly ultrasound heat up the foetal tissue and as DNA is differentiating till 13 weeks there is some cause of concern. I think its too much of a coincidence how many women miscarry with 24 hours of having an ultrasound! There have actually never been any clinical studies done on the safety of ultrasounds taking in a large diverse study of women who have and have not miscarried. I can send you a lot of links where dr's warn women to either not have ultrasounds at all or wait till later in pregnancy or at least till after the 13 week mark. I have found in every ultrasound in my previous pregnancies done at 19 weeks that the baby starts to kick around a lot and try to get away from the frequency to protect itself. You will find most women find there baby starts to move around during it. I think more research needs to be done into it but I don't want to take that risk now that Ive already had two. Ive also read a lot regarding HCG. I still have HCG in my blood and it is showing up on blood tests but I have talked to people in the lastweek htat have said there HCG was UNDECTABLE on blood and urine tests till at least 28 weeks pregnancy ( though one of them was around 13 weeks when it finally was high enough to detect) Two of them undetectable HCG the whole pregnancy! I also heard that progesterone doesn't show up higher on the blood test for a while as the uterus absorbs it straight away and it takes a while to build up in blood stream which would explain why progesterone was still only 5 as Id only been using pressaries for 2 1/2 days. It would be interesting to see what it is at now.

Aug 09, 2013
by: Wray

Hi Bek Well that is interesting, I hadn't heard about the miscarriage incidence after ultrasound. Thanks so much for all the other info on it too, it's not something I've looked in to. The hCG info bears out what I feel about it. It's so strange, the medical profession look at that and then if it drops, telling the woman she's in danger of loosing the foetus. What about giving progesterone?! It will be most interesting to hear further results of your progesterone. It will take time to rise. It's the same with vitamin D too. Take too little and the level doesn't rise at all. And if there's an infection, or inflammation, it gets 'used' up very quickly, so again levels don't rise. Please keep in touch, and I send many blessings to you. Take care Wray

Aug 12, 2013
help please
by: Anonymous

I'm not pregnant but irregular. My doctor prescribed progesterone for three months and I was told to take it daily. I have now been bleeding 20 plus days. I'm cramping and I never cramp. My breast hurt and they never hurt. Worse yet the clots won't quit and it looks like I've murdered someone every time I sleep or use the restroom. I'm a teacher and school starts soon and I'm worried. Should I just stop taking it? Help please.

Aug 13, 2013
help please
by: Wray

Hi there I do love your description of your bed, very graphic! It seems as if you are using the usual low amount of 20mg/day progesterone cream. Or possibly you're taking oral progesterone? It's the least effective Delivery system, "The liver and gut region removed a mean of 96 per cent of the progesterone entering these tissues", see here. Please see our page on Oestrogen Dominance for more info on what's happening. We do have a page on Breast Tenderness too. Progesterone stops cramps, it's one of it's roles during Pregnancy, to stop the uterus from going into contractions. It really appears you are using far too little. And please have a vitamin D test done, too low a level reduces the benefits of progesterone. I'm not sure how old you are but you could look through these three pages we have on How to use progesterone cream, Menstruation and Peri-menopause. Take care Wray

Aug 18, 2013
very very slight spotting
by: bek

Hi wray,
Me again. I was just wondering if very very slight spotting is normal while taking 3 X 400mg progesterone pressaries a day. I had a bit of spotting one morning last week and then this morning. Just a bit in discharge. Is it just irritation? I don't a have a good dr or anything till I See on obstetrician on the 16th sept so I just need some advice. Thanks

Aug 21, 2013
very very slight spotting
by: Wray

Hi Bek It could be irritation, don't forget you have had a miscarriage recently. So the uterus will be in an unsettled state. You're doing all you can to help, it's a very good amount of progesterone you're using. I'm not sure if you're taking taurine? This is so necessary for the foetus, but also for any uterine bleeding. Please consider it if not. Let me know how you get on. Take care Wray

Aug 25, 2013
5 weeks and late night pain
by: HJones

We have been trying to get pregnant for 4 years. IVF failed and so we just did an IUI, I am very pregnant now and have felt great! No morning sickness, just breast enlargement, soreness, crying....I went to the doc to do my first transvaginal ultrasound due to me being a high risk from the unexplainable loss last time. I was 4 weeks 6 days along. It showed a small subchorionic hemmorage or uterine tear/bleed and a yolk sac with no pole. There was also a cyst on my right ovary that he also said was normal as it is producing the necessary hormones to tell my body I'm pregnant and should reabsorb soon. He said this is highly normal and my HCG level were 3598. The nurse said everything looked fantastic but the Doc wanted to put me on Progesterone 200mg once a day to aid the pregnancy. He said that the progesterone should strengthen the uterus to aid in closing the tear and supplement the pregnancy while I'm on bed rest. I immediately went and filled the script and starting taking the dose vaginally at bed time as instructed, within an hour I'm in cramping pain, and sweating. If I fall asleep I am woken up with the pain as well. I've read on here that progesterone should quiet the uterus but I'm in more pain now than before! I'll do anything for this baby so if it means grinning through it I will. To combat the pain I take 500mg Tylenol, no more. Only when the pain is bad. He also had me on 81mg baby aspirin once a day. After reading your advice I've upped my own dose to 200mg/day since he's given me a 6 month supply from the pharmacy. I'm so scared of losing this baby! Is this pain normal? I've had no bleeding whatsoever and the only white leakage barely from the progestone. Please advise!

Aug 26, 2013
5 weeks and late night pain
by: Wray

Hi H Your hCG level has risen, but he must have taken your progesterone level too. 200mg/day is the lowest amount used in most of the studies about miscarriages. But I'm slightly confused as you say you've 'upped' your "own dose to 200mg/day". I thought that is what the doc wanted you to use? Have you increased it further? I would suggest you do. Yes progesterone does quieten the uterus, but you are now experiencing the typical Oestrogen Dominance that occurs when first using progesterone. Oestrogen is an inflammatory hormone, and that, together with other inflammatory cytokines, increase at the end of pregnancy, this initiates labour, see here and here. This is one of the reasons I feel women would start progesterone therapy before Pregnancy, to allow things to settle down before conception. Take care Wray

Aug 26, 2013
5 weeks and late night pain quieted with doubling dose
by: HJones

I apologize for my typo Wray! I increased my dosage to 400mg/day effectively taking a new dose every 12 hours. I believe your insight of oestrgen dominance being the cause of my pain as it has alll but subsided just in a 24 hour period of doing this! How far into a pregnancy is too late to break throuhh that oestrgen dominance phase? I know you have no crystal ball but is no vaginally bleeding in this case a good thing? Thanks Jones

Aug 26, 2013
5 weeks and late night pain quieted with doubling dose
by: Wray

Hi Jones It's probably the computer, I've found all too often it 'corrects' something I've written, and I don't see it. One poor woman had several name changes due to this, left me very confused! I'm delighted you had increased it, and it doesn't surprise me in the slightest you had such a quick response to it. I think it will go very quickly if you continue with the 400mg/day. You ask when it's too late, well never would be the answer. Unfortunately most women are only given progesterone when 6 weeks pregnant, something I can't get my head around. Knowing that the first 6 weeks are the most critical, and when most miscarriages occur, it's just plain daft. Others who are susceptible to pre-term births are only given it much later in pregnancy, again I feel daft. No vaginal bleeding is a good thing. Although I was helping one woman with her first child, who had a full heavy period type bleed who didn't suffer any harm. She had a healthy baby and sent me a picture of him via Facebook. She increased her progesterone substantially when the bleeding occurred, obviously it helped. And don't forget you can use progesterone for the entire pregnancy. The 6 months supply at double the amount will only last 3 months. If you can't get more from your doctor, please consider a cream, it's just as effective. The 3 months will take you to the 4 month mark, which is past the critical phase. If you decide to stop the progesterone please do so very slowly, reducing by no more than about 30mg/day. A precipitous drop in progesterone can cause a miscarriage. Please let me know how you progress. Take care Wray

Aug 29, 2013
just some ??s
by: sasha

hi I have not started the progesterone or form of it it starts wih a c I get it tomorrow I am 19 weeks my doc put me on it becase my cervixs is short and we just found out is it still safe to use I have had no problems ect besides some infections while pregnant just asking thank you for the help I am a huge worry wart and want the best for my baby boy!!!!!!thank you

Aug 30, 2013
just some ??s
by: Wray

Hi Sasha I'm a bit puzzled by your query. You seem to be asking for help but I'm not sure what it is you want. If you want confirmation it's safe then yes it is. But if you have a short cervix you should have started it well before you fell pregnant. You say the progesterone brand starts with a c, it could be Crinone which is a vaginal gel. It comes in 4% and 8% sizes, I hope you've been given the 8%. It should be used twice a day too, so you will need to use 1 in the am and 1 in the pm. The 8% will only give you 90mg progesterone, which to my mind is not enough. Although it was used with some success in one study. I feel the minimum in any Pregnancy problem should be 200mg/day. Which was used in another study, see here, here, here and here. Take care Wray

Sep 02, 2013
by: Daley

Hi I am 7 weeks pregnant my progestrone levels are low but my HCG levels went from 7000 to 21000 they put me on progestrone suppository should I be worry the baby had a heartbeat of 118

Sep 05, 2013
Follow up
by: HJones

Just wanted you to know how grateful I am for coming across this page with all its info. And Wrays awesome insight! I've made it farther in a pregnancy than I ever have before! The baby has a strong heart beat and everything is great. The subchorionic hemorrage is completely gone, no more cramping and severe pain and I attribute a large part of this to upping my dose of progesterone. I'm so glad that I came across the info. That you need to retake your dose every 12-13 hours and that my dose was too little that I was prescribed. This combined with bed rest and a miracle I'm no longer high risk categorized pregnancy. Pregesterone works! I firmly believe I may have miscarried without it. The cramping was so severe and once I upped my dose everything changed. . Thanks again!

Sep 07, 2013
by: Wray

Hi Daley I'm glad they checked the progesterone too, often they don't if hCG is high. But this is meaningless if the corpus luteum is not capable of producing more progesterone. So it doesn't matter how high hCG goes, it's not going to have any effect. If they've given you progesterone suppositories then there is no cause for worry. The foetal heart rate varies from a low of 110 to a high of 160bpm, see here. We do have a page on Pregnancy and another here. Take care Wray

Sep 07, 2013
Follow up
by: Wray

Hi Jones I'm so delighted you're progressing with no more hiccups. If you can get more progesterone from your doctor, I feel it would be a good thing to continue on the high amount for as long as you can. Interestingly no amount of supplementary progesterone will stop labour either, see here. I don't believe it's worth risking after all you've been through. Dr Dalton had great success with her patients and their previous miscarriages. One interesting finding was her 'progesterone babies' as she called them, were more intelligent, see here. Please let me know how you get on. One thing I forgot to emphasise was to take vitamin D, it's so important to foetal growth. There are excellent videos at the end of the Pregnancy I gave you. Take care Wray

Sep 08, 2013
More questions
by: Bek

Hi wray, I still haven't bled at all since losing first twin over 6 weeks ago. I have a few questions. Could I have miscarried but progesterone has stopped me from bleeding or getting a period? I have colostrum in breasts and if still pregnant am just into second trimester will progesterone cause this or is it the pregnancy? The last week or two my breasts have gotten sorer again is this normal? Also my body temp is constantly above 37 C. This is a good sign but can progesterone also cause this? My concern is that all the pregnancy symptoms I'm having is only because of the high dose of progesterone I'm on. My first obstetrician appt is on 16th and I'm hoping to hear a heart beat on a Doppler. I'm so tempted to have an ultrasound before then as the waiting and the unknown is really doing my head in! I'm still on progesterone pressaries 3 times a day as I haven't seen anyone since losing first baby. The dr was terribly rude and cold. Thanks for your help

Sep 09, 2013
by: Bek

Hi wray, I posted a comment last night but can't see it on here. Was asking... How long can progesterone stop u from miscarrying if pregnancy isn't viable. It's been over 6 weeks now. I'm scared that progesterone is stopping bleeding. I have been getting quite bad nausea hitting occassionally which is weird seeing I should be over 12 weeks now and had nothing earlier on. Also breasts are a bit sore again the last 2 weeks. My breasts also have colostrum when I squeeze? Is this normal?

Sep 09, 2013
More questions
by: Wray

Hi Bek No bleeding is a good sign. You would have noticed like last time if you'd miscarried. Progesterone won't cause colostrum or milk either, that's the job of Prolactin. Progesterone does cause temps to rise, whether supplemental or endogenous. So it's impossible to say what it's from until a foetus is confirmed. I wouldn't have an ultrasound, it's only another week to wait, hang in there! Such a pity about the doctor, why do they behave like that! I do hope the obgyn is better. Let me know once you've been to him. Take care Wray

Sep 10, 2013
my update & more
by: Anna

Hello Wray, we were in touch a while ago when I was pregnant with my girl following a miscarriage. I was on high dose suppositories (400mgx2) and I'm happy to say that pregnancy went extremely well and my girl is now a happy 10 month old.

The reason I thought I'd drop you a note was that I've heard of someone who's got pregnant via IVF. She was on progesterone pessaries until she tested, and then her clinic told her it's OK to stop taking it as there is no evidence! I hope she will be OK but I just find it unbelievable that this happens! It makes me angry and sad. I'm in the UK.

Sep 11, 2013
my update & more
by: Wray

Hi Anna I'm so delighted to hear this! Bless you for letting me know, it does work in spite of the naysayers. But dismayed by the IVF woman. I very much doubt she's ok, as that large drop would have caused a miscarriage. So much misinformation, and yet they know progesterone is the pregnancy hormone. Without it we will never carry a child to term. Why else is it given after IVF! I wish I could persuade others to use 800mg/day progesterone, how much easier would that make their transition from adverse symptoms to none. Take care Wray

Sep 11, 2013
Me again
by: Bek

Hi wray thanks for replying again. I'm quite nervous and scared and check back all the time! So you are certain I would have bled even though I'm on 1200mg progesterone a day? It's been almost 7 weeks now and I have felt more confident as time has passed though it scared me when on google someone said progesterone will stop miscarriage bleeding or period if baby was absorbed. Good sign I have colostrum by the sounds of it!

Sep 15, 2013
Me again
by: Wray

Hi Bek Progesterone can stop miscarriages, and bleeding. It is possible for an embryo to be absorbed, progesterone won't affect this. There's no telling if this has occurred unless you have an ultrasound done. I believe you're going to see the obgyn on the 16th, so it's not long to wait now. If it has been absorbed, it doesn't mean you can't have another child. It's evident you are able to fall pregnant, so don't give up hope. Take care Wray

Sep 22, 2013
progesterone therapy and side effects
by: Anonymous

im on progesterone 200mg per day because I have m/c history (like 4), and today I'm 11dpo. I know that progesterone can mimic all early pregnancy symptomes so I don't want to believe in any chance of being pregnant even if I knew when I had my ovulation and I made love with my hausbound. Now I'm doubt if I was right in taking this medication 5 days after ovulation becaus my doc said to take when I have my BFP but I was sceard because I always got my positive test when I'm almost doing a m/c so I got in my mind "If I take this little gelly pill and intrduce in my vagina before I got my BFP if I fall pregnant?" But now I don't know if I did right? And then now I don't know too when I can do a pregnancy test because I had a friend of mine that tooks like 5 test and only in the 6th test she got positive and her was almost stoping her hormonal therapy ? I don't know if progesterone can change the result or if that can delay ? thank you

Sep 24, 2013
progesterone therapy and side effects
by: Wray

Hi there If possible progesterone should be used before conception, to overcome any Oestrogen Dominance. It's also essential to have an early luteal rise in progesterone to ensure implantation takes place, see here. So what you did was correct, it's pointless using it 6 weeks after conception as most women are told to do! Home pregnancy tests are notoriously unreliable. I would continue with the progesterone until your doctor does the test. Progesterone won't change the result, as it's not progesterone that the test looks for. If you've had 4 miscarriages, I would suggest using more progesterone, if you can get it from your doctor, 400mg/day would be better. We do have a page on Pregnancy you could look through, and another here. Take care Wray

Oct 06, 2013
by: Bek

Hi wray, at my appt 3 weeks ago they saw an empty womb. They didn't do internal one even though I have a retroverted uterus. They said my body absorbed second twin. They can't wxplain why I haven't bled or why I have colostrum still. I didn't go off pessaries straight away. I went from 1200mg to 400mg daily for about 8 days but that was 13 days ago since I stopped and still no period? Is this normal? I had unprotected sex three times last week so wondering if I e fallen pregnant again? Is this possible? I have progesterone from Chinese acupuncturist that only has 20mg in it and running that on twice a day just incase and I never stopped the vit d. Do you have any suggestions what could be happening?

Oct 08, 2013
by: Wray

Hi Bek I'm sorry this has happened, it's not unusual, although sad. If your body absorbed the foetus there would be no bleeding. In fact during our monthly periods much of the blood is absorbed, not all of it is shed. Did they check your Prolactin levels, as that would be the reason for the colostrum. High prolactin causes milk production. I think it's too soon for ovulation to have started again, so I don't think you would have fallen pregnant. But who knows, the body has a mind of it's own! I hope the 40mg/day you're getting is enough, you will be going through stress now, so you might find you need more. Pleased you haven't stopped the vitamin D, please don't ever stop it. We all need to take extra everyday, none of us get enough sun to make much. Let me know how you get on. Take care Wray

Oct 11, 2013
Period or medicine side effects
by: Anonymous

I have 30 years old and I'm trying to conceive about 1 year with no success. I had 5 m/c all ended in the 4th or 5th week of pregnancy. So my doc decided after exams to give me progesterone 200ml,so I take one pill via vagina before sleep and 1 other pill at 6:00 of the morning and go sleep a little more.
I started to take them 6 DPO and today I'm 13 days late. My doc asked me to do the exam on 18th October but yesterday after some exercise I noticed a strange spotting and very little and the color is like coffee. Usually on my period I use to have like a river and red blood and it was supposed to have on 27th September . Could progesterone cause this spotings or should I considers as my period coming late? I don't know if I'm pregnant yet, I'll know only on October 18th.

Thank you very much

Oct 13, 2013
by: Wray

Hi Bek I've not heard of ovulating so soon after a miscarriage, it seems highly unlikely to me, but then anything's possible. From what I've learned from women on this site, bleeding can occur at any time. Some don't bleed at all when stopping, and some within 1-2 days. It really depends on how well the reproductive system is working. Don't forget you have been through a tough time, so it will take time to heal. I hope things calm down for you, take it easy. Take care Wray

Oct 14, 2013
by: Bek

Hi wray, most dr's say you can fall pregnant as soon as two weeks after a miscarriage as you are actually more fertile after a miscarriage for a period of time. Many of my friends have fallen pregnant straight after actually! My question is what my chances are after being on a high dose of progesterone? Also will the cream stop me from ovulating?

Oct 14, 2013
Period or medicine side effects
by: Wray

Hi there Progesterone should be used from ovulation, not 6 days after it. There's more info on our pages How to use progesterone cream and Menstruation. When first starting it, it can upset the cycle, your doctor should have warned you. Coffee coloured blood means it's old blood, which hadn't come away with your last period. It's actually a good thing, but whether it's a period or not I don't know. Don't stop the progesterone now, as it can cause a miscarriage if you are pregnant. Please look through our page on Pregnancy. Take care Wray

Oct 14, 2013
by: Wray

Hi Bek Well that is interesting, thanks for letting me know. The amount of progesterone you're using now won't have any affect on ovulation. It's only when you use higher amounts, and before ovulation that it will affect it. Dr Dalton has something to say about this here. Take care Wray

Oct 14, 2013
me again :)
by: bek

Hi Wray, thanks for your feedback. Should I be using the 25mg cream twice a day? Id be on 50mg of progesterone a day then. I cut back to once a day worrying it might stop ovulation or that that might be the reason I havent had any bleeding yet. Also Ive been trying to order some of the Natpro cream for two weeks now and it keeps saying its out of stock! Im almost at the end of the one Im using and Im worried I wont have any in time. I live in Australia and need it ASAP! What should I do? I cant afford the $88 cream Ive been using again. I cant find anyone on the net who hasnt started bleeding for 3 weeks after stopping progesterone therapy! Im starting to get a bit worried

Oct 15, 2013
me again :)
by: Wray

Hi Bek 50mg per day progesterone won't be enough to stop ovulation, even if using it beforehand. So please don't worry about it. After giving birth many women go for months without a period. The longest I've heard of is 22 months. As you don't have a cycle yet, understandable after all you've been through, you could try to start one. I can't say if it will work, but give it a go. Stop using the cream any time you want to. But use at least 100mg/day when you start again. If you know what your cycle length was prior to the miscarriage so much the better. If it was 28 days, then start again on ±day 15 and use it for 14 days then stop. If your cycle was longer or shorter than 28 days, then don't use it for the length of your past follicular phase. And start it again when you should ovulate, which is in all women, 12-14 days before bleeding. I prefer using the 14 day length as it ensures a enough progesterone. This might initiate ovulation, I can't tell. But you could take the nutrients too which all help ovulation. These are listed on our page about PCOS. Vitamin D, NAC and inositol have all in independent studies caused ovulation to occur. These might help you too. I'm so sorry about the stock out, it should be in on Thursday. Unfortunately the post is far more than if coming from the States. Courtesy of the US tax payer, all post is subsidised in and from the States, poor tax payer! Let me know how you get on. Take care Wray

Oct 15, 2013
I'm shocked!!
by: Bek

Hi wray, I did a pregnancy test yesterday and I got a faint positive! I'm shocked! I'm booking in to see a dr and hoping I can go straight on progesterone as they think my twin miscarriage was from low progesterone. How much should I be on? I'm still taking 9000IU vit d, Vit E, and Taurine as well as a few other vitamins. Upped the cream to 50mg a day. Scared of running out before dr appt!

Oct 16, 2013
Progesterone pessaries 31 weeks pregnant
by: Stacey

On a routine ultrasound it was discovered that my cervix is shortening. I am 31 weeks pregnant. I was given two steroid injections last week to speed up the development of my baby's lungs incase she comes early. I have been given 14 days of progesterone pessaries 200mg per day to take also. The OBGYN stated that this can reduce the risk of premature labour by 40%. Is progesterone treatment safe this late in pregnancy? All the product information says do not use progesterone if you are already pregnant and have normal progesterone levels.
Please help I am a little confused.

Oct 17, 2013
Progesterone pessaries 31 weeks pregnant
by: Wray

Hi Stacey Your obgyn is correct, it can in fact help if a preterm is threatening due to a short cervix, see here, here, here, here, here and here. The steroid given was a corticosteroid, this speeds up the development of a natural surfactant which helps the lungs. You could say the surfactant acts like an oil. Preterm babies are often affected by respiratory distress syndrome, which the surfactant prevents. Progesterone also increases levels of the surfactant and prevents RDS, levels of progesterone are low, see here. Progesterone is essential for respiration, it expands lung volume and increases oxygen, see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here. Continued below

Oct 17, 2013
Progesterone pessaries 31 weeks pregnant Part 2
by: Wray

Hi Stacey The product info is always so wrong, in California they say it's a carcinogen! And yet recent research from Emory University has found it reverses tumours. If it were dangerous, why on earth do women produce so much during pregnancy? I wish they'd get their facts straight and read the studies. You're lucky to have found an obgyn who knows about progesterone, a short cervix and preterm birth. I hope all goes well for you. If worried at all and you can't get hold of your doctor, just increase the amount of progesterone. For Pregnancy or any uterine problem, vaginal delivery is the best route. Most of it is sequestered in the uterus where it's needed. Take care Wray

Oct 17, 2013
I'm shocked!!
by: Wray

Hi Bek Well I'm astounded! It would be better if you can use 200mg/day to be sure. Although any amount is better than running out. So whatever you have left divided by the time you can get more. Glad you're still taking all those other nutrients too. Let me know how you get on. Take care Wray

Nov 06, 2013
Oral progesterone...
by: Amanda

Do progesterone pills stop working after 12 weeks of pregnancy? My OB put me on progesterone pills 100mg twice a day and I went into labor at 25weeks the doctor in the hospital told me that my OB should have been giving me progesterone shots not pills because the pills hardly work and stop working after 12 weeks I would like to know if this is correct?

Nov 06, 2013
Oral progesterone...
by: Wray

Hi Amanda It’s not so much that they stop working, it’s just by the 12th week your placenta is making far more than they are giving you, which is very little anyway. Oral progesterone is the least effective Delivery system, "The liver and gut region removed a mean of 96 per cent of the progesterone entering these tissues", see here. So you would be getting no more than 20mg/day, if that. I prefer progesterone cream, it’s far more effective than oral capsules, easy to use, and beneficial to the skin too. Another option is the suppositories, injections don’t give enough progesterone, the dose is generally 50mg and they’re painful. Any woman who is likely to have a Miscarriage or pre-term birth needs a minimum of 200mg/day, up to 600mg/day. But in a form which is absorbed well. We’ve helped many women fall pregnant and have a successful full term pregnancy with the cream. So please consider using it if you intend having another child. Take care Wray

Nov 08, 2013
Progesterone dosage
by: Natalie

Hi Wray - Thank you for such thorough information, your site is incredibly helpful! I just went through my third IUI cycle after two previous miscarriages following IUI. The last one was due to extremely low progesterone, which was only tested too late. With herbs and acupuncture, I got my levels up to 16 over a few months, but my doctor prescribed 100 mg of bio-identical progesterone suppository each night as a precaution. My level on day 21 (7 dpo) was really great (34.4) but after I started cramping at 12 dpo, they tested again and it was 15.1. This could have been partly due to the timing of the test (suppository was at night, first test was morning and second was afternoon). But just to be safe, my doctor increased my prescription to 200 mg twice a day. The cramping went away after the first two doses, but I am now having severe headaches. So, I have two questions - one, is there anything wrong with being on such a high dose as a precaution? And two, will the headaches resolve as my body adjusts?
Thank you!

Nov 15, 2013
Progesterone dosage
by: Wray

Hi Natalie Thanks for the kind words about the site. There’s nothing wrong with the high amount you’re using, amounts range from 200mg/day to 600mg/day for recurrent miscarriages. So the 100mg/day, and only once a day was far too little. It must be used at least twice a day, as levels drop after about 13 hours. The headaches should go, it’s due to the progesterone stimulating oestrogen. We do have a page on Migraines. You should have been given the progesterone long before the IUI to get rid of any Oestrogen Dominance. We do have a page on Pregnancy you could look through, and another here. It amazes me doctors will go ahead with a costly procedure without checking on the health of the woman. For instance they’ve found a lack of vitamin D will cause conception problems and miscarriages, increasing it raises the chance of a successful implantation, see here and here. It’s essential to have an early luteal rise of progesterone to ensure implantation, see here. Eating a high fat, moderate protein and very low carb diet will also increase the chances, see here. Were any of these checked, were you advised on any of these? Take care Wray

Nov 15, 2013
Brown paste like discharge
by: Anonymous

Hi there,
I've just completed a successful cycle of IVF and am now nearly 5 weeks pregnant. As prescribed by my clinic, I am taking 3 x 400mg of Cyclogest a day since the egg collection a few weeks ago. At first, there was a lot of white pastey stuff in the loo when I went toilet and in my knickers which I believe is normal and just part of the pessary dissolving and falling out? Anyway, the last couple of days, the white colour has turned a bit beige-y brown and I just wondered if this was normal or should I be worried? I would be so grateful if you could help me please as I'm a bit scared now :(
Thanks in advance x

Nov 15, 2013
Follow up
by: Anonymous

Hi Wray, Thanks so much for the thorough info. To answer you question, I was checked for Vitamin D - by my primary care doctor, not my OB! I was slightly low, but had been on a natural D3 supplement for over a year, so she had me increase my dose about a month ahead of trying again. I really wish I'd found your forum prior to this cycle - I'm fairly certain implantation did occur, as I had sharp pains, and then a tiny bit of dark blood/tissue that came out around 18 dpo. So hopefully the increased progesterone was done in time to make sure everything continued to go well. Sadly, I knew something about my body was "rejecting" pregnancy the previous two IUIs, but was never given options other than clomid by my doctor. She said that progesterone ahead of an IUI, and even after, would just be a "drop in an ocean" if I wasn't making enough on my own. Which is why I did vitex for 3 months to get my levels up to 16. My question now is this - how long would progesterone potentially delay my period if the pregnancy is not viable? Historically, I don't test positive until 2-3 weeks after my expected period, so I can 't just go by tests. And I'm afraid to stop and cause a miscarriage if everything is going well. I'm now 1 week past when my period would have come.

Nov 18, 2013
by: Bri Villegas

Hi... im not sure if this page is still active.. but i have had 2 miscarriages in a row 7 months apart.. last one in may.. im now pregnant agian in november and my doctor told me that as soon as i get a positive test (which i did 6 days before my expected period) to call him. So i did and that same day he called in progesterone suppositories for me. 200mg each night. After reading a few comments on here its got me worried because on here its been said that ppl should have been started on the progesterone before they were pregnant and if not it wont help?? So thats got me worried now... ive been ttc for a year and im about 4 weeks preg now... did we start it in time?

And before i got pregnant.. my doc had me takin clomod from days 5-9... and it was our first month on clomid and it worked. Please help with info.
You can email me as well...
Thank you!

Nov 19, 2013
Follow up
by: Wray

Hi Natalie Do you have your vitamin D test results? I suspect if you were slightly low according to the lab or doctor, then you were very low. The FDA ‘adequate’ level is 30ng/ml, whereas specialists are saying it should be a minimum of 50ng/ml, the less conservative 70-100ng/ml. Please check. I don’t think you need worry about the progesterone and if it will delay bleeding. Why not wait till you have your test, only then will you know whether to stop it or not. If it is negative, please reduce the progesterone very slowly, too fast and you’ll get cold turkey symptoms. Take care Wray

Nov 19, 2013
Brown paste like discharge
by: Wray

Hi there It's best you ask your doctor about this, although I don't think there is anything to worry about. You are using an excellent amount of progesterone, 1200mg/day, I wish other doctors would prescribe this amount. Many women if lucky get given 200mg/day. We do have a page on Pregnancy you could look through, and another here. And please have a Vitamin D test done, as a lack of this can cause miscarriages. Take care Wray

Nov 19, 2013
by: Wray

Hi Bri The progesterone will help, although it’s always better to use it before hand. Often Oestrogen Dominance can occur, and it’s best to have overcome this prior to pregnancy. I would always advise using progesterone twice a day too, as levels drop after about 13 hours. This woman here has been given 1200mg/day progesterone, the highest I’ve seen to date. Maybe you could ask your doctor to give you enough to use twice a day. We do have a page on Pregnancy you could read and another here. Take care Wray

Nov 19, 2013
taking it vaginally progestrone, im worried
by: jean

I took progesterone about 9 wks into my pregnancy due to light spotting for 5 days about, and now again I have started the therapy at 13 wks and now I'm 15 wks, I'am also limited activity because of the amt of bloom I had this time, I'm just afraid for the baby!, is it safe to take these hormones for so long? I am still spotting the main thing I hear all the time is it happen because I was doing to much cleaning and got to tried. I am getting frustrated ,


Nov 25, 2013
21 weeks pregnant
by: Anonymous

Hello there, i had a question for you as my doctor is extremely hard to get in touch with. So I am 21 weeks pregnant and my doctor prescribed me progesterone cream to be applied daily. My hormone levels were normal and I've been having a pretty normal pregnancy besides my cervix is shorter than average due to a previous LEEP procedure. I lost my last baby at 27 weeks and the reason is still unknown. We never found out if it was from cervical insufficiency or just a freak accident. My dr is just giving me this as a preventative but I feel hesitant to use it because everything seems to be fine so far. I would rather start taking it if something goes wrong. Can this cause anything bad to happen being so late in my pregnancy and having normal hormone levels? Also can it hurt my son in anyway, like causing him to have more progeterone than he needs? Loosing my last son makes me extremely scared of anything different especially if it can effect my son later down the road. Any answers would be much appreciated! Thanks so much!

Nov 26, 2013
Usage of Cyclogest 400mg During 10th Week of Pregnancy
by: Anonymous

Hi There, My Doctor advise me to take Cyclogest 400mg a day before sleep at night in Rectum. I am 10th Week Pregnant. What is this for and is there any harmful effects on my baby developement?I have miscarriage before due to Tubal Pregnacy. Your advise will be much appreciated.

Dec 01, 2013
natpro cream
by: bek

Hi, I ended up losing the next pregnancy as well after losing the twins. I was definitely pregnant as had about 20 positive urine tests. I was only using about 100mg progesterone cream. Totally devastated! I was then using the Biovea progesterone cream for 1 1/2 months but I ran out earlier last week. I was 5 days late for my period and sure I was pregnant again. I ran out last week though and have now been bleeding for almost a week. Its been quite heavy. That will be the 3rd pregnancy lost in 5 months. I bought a wild yam cream (anna's wild yam cream) but because I think I may have miscarried again I haven't used it.Are wild yam creams enough? Using 200mg progesterone cream a day will cost a fortune over 3 months! I have a lady willing to sell me 5 tubes for $110 here in Australia. $15 on top for postage. Is that a good price? I don't know whether I should just get the pessaries as I can claim most back on my health insurance but its still going to be very costly. They will cost me $112 for 60 200mg pessaries. I will get back around $60.Can I break the pessaries in half and have 100mg in the morning and 100mg at night? Or if I got the 400mg ones should I take 200mg and 200mg at night by splitting them on half? Are pessaries a better option for me seeing Im miscarrying a lot. Im also on 10000 IU vit d, 200mg B6, folic acid, 100mg bioactivated vit C, 200mg Magnesium, on an expensive vegetable based Natalcare vitamins, iron, pure omega oils. I was taking 60mg asprin every night too in the last pregnancy to cover all bases.I realy need help please

Dec 02, 2013
natpro cream
by: Wray

Hi Bek I'm sorry to hear this news, but I don't know how to help you further. You keep having recurrent miscarriages, so should be using no less than 200mg/day. Wild yam creams do not contain progesterone. I don't know what cream is being sold to you for $110, you don't say. Unless you're subject means it's Natpro, in which case it's a good price. One tube on our website sells for US$25.70, it contains 2000mg/tube. There's more info on our Natpro page. You can cut the pessaries in half. Please have a Vitamin D test done. Take care Wray

Dec 05, 2013
by: Anonymous

I have PCOS and have had one healthy pregnancy/baby without taking progesterone.

This time, I was prescribed progesterone from approximately week 6 of my pregnancy until week 12 but was suffering from extreme migraines 2-3 times a week, in addition to extreme moodiness/irritability, nausea and was struggling to function at my job. I was miserable. My doctor suggested that I decrease my dose and stop taking it if the symptoms continued, which they did. I stopped taking progesterone completely shortly before week 12.

I am now 17 weeks pregnant and have had slight spotting one morning and tightness (almost could be described as crampy) for two days. My doctor suggested that I take progesterone again but I am extremely concerned about the side effects. I am under an incredible amount of stress with work and am wondering if that could be the cause of the problem.

What do you suggest?

Dec 06, 2013
in regards to confused...
by: Anonymous

Are u taking the progesterone orally or vaginally
I inserted 1 pill at night for first 3 months with
No problems or side effects & yes my pill was the same one u take orally. If taken orally it runs hrough your system and never fully gets where it needs to be. Vaginally it dissolves right at your cervix :) best wishes hun!

Dec 06, 2013
Please help
by: Anonymous

Hi, when do you start taking pessaries? Straight after ovulation? What if I end up ovulating later than I calculated will the progesterone stop me ovulating? I'm on day 12 today of my cycle. The ovulation predictor test only had a very faint positive line for the LH hormone so I don't dont know when to start. I bought 400mg pessaries yesterday and was thinking of breaking them in half and having 200mg in the morning and 200mg at night. Would that be ok? I miscarried in July and the day I started spotting my progesterone was only 8. I than tested positive in October but started bleeding a few days after my period was due so I had a very early miscarriage. My progesterone 3 days after starting bleeding was 3. I'm so desperate to fall pregnant this cycle. I've had previous kids and never had any problems at all but I've just turned 35 so maybe my age is a factor now? I'm taking 10000 iu vit d and a large dose folic acid, vit c, omega's, b6, magnesium, vitex, iodine, iron and a pregnancy supplement.

Dec 13, 2013
anal pessaries
by: lucy

Is it as effective to insert the pessary via the anus as it is via the vagina?

Many thanks!

Jan 04, 2014
Progesteron and Fibroids
by: Anonymous

Hello, I'm currently almost 5 weeks. After almost a year having a 2cm submucousal fibroid removed, we became pregnant via egg donation. When I started taking Progynova(2mg x3day) and the progesterone suppository(200mgx3day) about almost 2wks before the transfer, an ultrasound was administered to find out if my endometrium was thick enough. My Progynova had to be increased to 4mgx2day since the first ultrasound determined my endometrium was only 4mm after taking 1 week. During the ultrasound, the Dr noticed a 1.5-2cm submocousal fibroid, which she said I shouIdn't worry since it wouldn't interfere with the pregnancy because of it's size. I scheduled another ultrasound 4 days later and this time my endometrium was 10mm(1cm). Now, I'm pregnant awaiting my first appointment with OB next week, and I've been reading that fibroids may increase due to the hormones I'm taking. They transfer 2 embryos, which I hope continues they hold on. What are the chances that the fibroid will grow in size due to the hormones?

Jan 07, 2014
Stopping progesterone after 7miscarriges
by: Aija

Hi. I had 6 miscarriages without using progesterone and one partial molar pregnancy stopped at week 13 when I used progesterone for first time. Now I'm pregnant again and using progesterone pessaries 400mg twice a day from week 1 til now (the same as last time) I'm nearly 16 weeks just now. My doctor told to cut off progesterone starting from week 15 : She gave me 200mg progesterone twice a day for a week and from week 16 i will have to use only one pessarie 200mg per day for one week. I'm so scared what gonna happen after week 17 when I'm not be using progesterone at all. Is it safe to cut down so quickly? Maybe I should stay on it till week40?

Jan 08, 2014
still taking crinone 8% gel week 17
by: Anonymous

I did ivf due to tubes gone and irregular ovulation. My progesterone was low so I was given crinone before embryo transfer and since confirming pregnancy. At week 9 I ran out of crinone and started to bleed they did scan baby was fine but they gave me crinone to take up until week 12 two days after stopping crinone I start bleeding again very red blood like period so doctor gave me another prescription I am currently 17weeks had scan last week baby doing fine but they said thry would do more in depth scan week 20 I run out of crinone again tomorrow and im worried ill bleed again is it safe to continue ? Is it pointless to continue? How can they check if placenta id enough by itself?

Jan 23, 2014
taking oestrogen and progestrone supplement
by: padma

hai wray,

I read all ur answers . hoping u will answer mine too .my question was now iam on my 4th iui with donor sperm ,they given me progesterone suppositories which is 200 mg/trice aday.and oestrogen 2mg /thrice daily.after taking these iam having pain in my nipples and my breast seems to be it fine to take oestrogen these many days or not?they prescribed me because I had 6mm of endometrium thickness on my 10th day.pls help.

Jan 31, 2014
Stopping progesterone after 12 weeks
by: Anonymous

I had an early miscarriage at 5 weeks and I a. Pregnant again. I am about 7 weeks and have heard the heart beat, but my progesterone has never been monitored. I checked with my OB to find out if we should watch that and he just prescribed me to take progesterone until 12 weeks. If my progesterone level is normal, will the extra harm my pregnancy? Is it ok the discontinue after the first trimester?

Feb 01, 2014
3miscarriage worried please help
by: Makka123

Hi ,

I have had 3 miscarriages all within one year now I am 7w3d preg and my dr out me on progesterone when I was 5 weeks preg.. All said to me was to insert it in Virgina one in morning one at night .
I am also taking aspirin (carita) once a day cause he said doesn't harm ....
I have been doing this for 2 weeks now . last night when went to bathroom as wiping I found little amount on my undies which was light pink/brown blood As wiped 2nd time it disapperad i think I'm little worried and concerned should I up dose it to 3 times a day with out asking my dr as dont want have another miscarriage and he didn't recommend this to me in beginning which don't understand why .

I' don't want to have another miscarriage I'm very stressed cause I always get really bad news want do everything can this time ... Please help me

All asking is if I just up dose it my self to 3 a day should it be fine ? As I'm spotting today little brown and little red .

Mar 07, 2014
Progesterone levels low
by: Willow14

Hi, I had a FET on the 4th of Feb and I am now 7 weeks pregnant. I am currently on 200mg pessaries and have been advised to use 2 at night and 2 in the morning, both rectally. My Dr said some women absord better through the rectal walls. My levels fluctuate between 43 and 60 and I am concerned by how low they are. Is there a way of increasing my absorption?
Many Thanks

Mar 14, 2014

Hi, the other questions and answers are very helpful. I'm on my 6Th pregnancy but it looks like its going to be my 5th mc--my timeline:
6---the verdict is still out
I had, what i thought was a normal period for 5 days-then it stopped and i continued to have a very light brownish spot only when i wiped(thought it was the end of the period and would go away the next day) then the following week I had what looked like a period-but it was still dark-took home pregnancy test-positive--checked my hcg levels they were a 369 on Tuesday, and i was supposed to be 6weeks 1 day--repeated test Thursday-levels are a 296--They said more than likely its a mc and they just want to test the levels again next week monday and thursday to watch them go down?
could taking progesterone now stop my mc from continuing?

Mar 19, 2014
Progesteron Suppository after IUI
by: Anonymous

Hi there..I have been on Progesterone suppository since third day of my second Iui last month that is 26th and 27th day before yesterday I took hcg blood test and I m pregnant now..from the third day of my iui i m taking progesterone suppository and my doctor said to continue this for three months..
Kindly note I m 33years old,its my first pregnancy after 6years of marriage..
PCOS were the reason behind six years late pregnancy.
I want to ask during progesterone suppository usage,is there still a risk of having any abortion or miscarriage??If so,what are the symptoms?Kindly reply me.

Mar 25, 2014
Progesterone virginally or rectally
by: Ria

Hi Wray, I had a late miscarriage at 21+5 weeks back in October 2013, this was due to PROM. Prior to that pregnancy I had a 41 week term pregnancy with my son who is now 5 years. At present I am 18 weeks pregnant and had a cervical suture at 17 weeks due to my cervix shortening from 40mm to 20mm during week 15 and 17 of pregnancy.
I have now also been put on cyclogest progesterone 200mg suppositories rectally once a day until I reach 35 weeks.
Please can you advice me if rectal suppositories are as efficient as using it virginally?

I will also appreciate any advice from other readers as I am very anxious and would like to do everything possible to keep my baby cooking for as long as possible.

Thank you in advance.

Mar 31, 2014
Progesterone results after FET
by: Anonymous


This page is amazing, so glad I found it.
I'm 14dpt and had my HCG and Progesterone blood test yesterday. Results came back as HCG 1219 And Progesterone of 11.2
I was already taking 800MG progesterone pessaries. They increased it to 1200MG after my results yesterday.

Should I be concerned? I have had no bleeding.
They told me to have the same blood test done again in 7 days, I was thinking I might have one done earlier to see if there is a rise in my progesterone.

What do you think?

Kind regards

Apr 14, 2014
18 1/2 weeks. Is it ok to stop progestrone?
by: Anonymous

I'm currently 18 1/2 weeks pregnant. Still talking progesterone 3 times a day orally. Infertility doctor tells me to continue my OB recommend to stop. What should I do?

Apr 24, 2014
I'm 51/2 weeks pregnant and my Doc wants to give me Progesterone ??
by: Anonymous

Hi. I need some help making a descission. I'm 51/2 weeks pregnant and my first two tests for progesterone were really good at 18 and then at 20 but now my third test came back at 15.8 and right away she wanted to prescribe progesterone. My hcg started really low at 342 then at 791 and now at 3412. I'm a litle confused and worried because I don't understand why she wouldn't just monitor or re test me and automatically wanted to give me the hormone. I'm uneasy about taking it at this time but this is my first pregnancy and I'm 42 years old and don't want to do anything to jeopardize having my baby. Please help. I need some advise on what to do ??? Btw I have only slightly spotted twice with a faint light pinkish color. Thank you

Apr 25, 2014
To Anonymous
by: Anonymous

Hi Anonymous - Wray is on sabbatical at the moment, so she most likely will not be able to respond. If your progesterone levels are dropping and you are spotting, I would advise starting progesterone immediately. Otherwise, the drop in levels could lead to a miscarriage. Just be sure that your doctor has prescribed bio-identical progesterone (suppositories are preferable, though cream works too), rather than a synthetic progestin. Natural progesterone is no different than what your body produces, and is essential to maintaining pregnancy. I've been on quite high levels while pregnant, as my levels also drop around 5-6 weeks, and I felt great. It really takes care of a whole host of issues, all with zero ill side effects. Take care, Natalie

Jun 09, 2014
Progesterone treatment while pregnant
by: Anonymous


We are trying for a baby,
my doctor suggested to take susten 200mg capsules through vaginally for 12 days but i used for 2 days and next day i am getting red dots in tiolet. please help me whether it can be used or not.

Please clarify me

Jun 20, 2014
Stopping progesterone therapy abruptly
by: Anonymous

Hello I'm currently on daily progesterone suppositories but I ran out and I'm having issues with my insurance so I won't be able to to get anymore medication for atleast a week. I started taking it because I have a history of miscarriages and hopefully this time the progesterone therapy helps sustain my pregnancy. My concern is whether or not I will provoke a miscarriage by discontinuing the progesterone therapy until my pharmacy can get me my prescription? I'm only 8 weeks pregnant and I have taken the progesterone since week 4 . Does anyone have any answers for me?

Jun 21, 2014
Discontinuing Progesterone while pregnant
by: Natalie

Hi Anonymous - Yes, discontinuing progesterone supplementation can cause a miscarriage. A drop in progesterone levels signals to the body that a pregnancy is either not present or not viable. If there is any way for you to pay for the medication out of pocket, or to get over the counter cream (bio-available true progesterone, used at the same dose as your prescription), you should do that. It's not worth it to let an insurance company put you at risk (they may be required to reimburse if you do pay out of pocket, since it's medically necessary). Best of luck.

Jun 23, 2014
i need help
by: Anonymous

i started using progesterone(cyclogdst) 9 days before the day i shd have had my menses,was on 200g twice a day.i did not see any blood the first and 2nd day i shd have have my menses but had slight bleeding on the 3rd day.i have used 200g 6times 2day but still seeing light red blood. what shd i do

Jun 25, 2014
Self-prescribe progesterone increase?
by: Anonymous

Hello and thank you for all the information on your site.

I'm about 6 weeks along and have been having some stressful tomes with it. I had a miscarriage several months ago due to a sharp drop in progesterone.

By the time I started taking progesterone suppositories it was already too late.

With the current pregnancy, just as the previous one, I knew pretty much right away because I had lower back pain, light cramps, bloat, etc.

I started progesterone 200 at week three just in case. Had my first OBGYN visit at 4 weeks or so and was sent for bloodwork. A week later I found out that either the forgot to request progesterone test or the lab forgot to test for it. Luckily, they still had my blood and could run the test. I will get the results tomorrow.

In the meantime, I've been getting really queasy and my cramps increase later in the day. By nighttime today they were almost as strong as medium intensity period cramps.

I won't be seeing my doc until several days from now. Should I just increase my own dosage to twice a day?

I'm at about the same gestational phase now as my previous miscarriage and this makes me very worried.

Please, advise.

Jun 25, 2014
Re: Self-prescribe progesterone increase?
by: Natalie

Hi Anonymous - Yes, it is definitely advisable for you to increase your progesterone to twice a day as soon as possible. Progesterone levels start to drop after about 13 hours, so once a day dosing is not adequate. I think the minimum Wray was recently recommending for pregnant women with low progesterone was 200mg twice a day. Once you know your level and observe your symptoms on the 200mg twice a day dose, talk with your doctor about possibly increasing. Your dose should be high enough that cramping subsides and nausea either subsides or improves. Take care, Natalie

Jun 26, 2014
Unexplained infertility with 4 early loses
by: br16

Hi Wray,

I am 34 and had suffered 4 early miscarriages in the past 6 years.

-1st mc- MTP
-2nd mc - missed abortion,only yolk sac,8 weeks expelled naturally.
-3rdmc- blighted ovum, d& c at 10 weeks
-4th mc-missed abortion,foetal pole of 8mm at 8 weeks, no well defined yolk sac,no heart beat.d& c at 9.5 weeks

I was on 100 mg progesterone orally along with 5000 iu hcg injection every 3 days for 3rd and 4th pregnancy.

-Could this failure of cardiac activity because of lack of progesterone?
-is progesterone responsible for foetal cardiac activity?what might be the problem?
-what do you suggest for my next pregnancy?
-what are the chances of me carrying a baby to full term?

I have been suffering from hair loss and severe back acne from my teens. Is this because of lack of progesterone? I am able to conceive but never been lucky. All medical reports of mine and husband's are normal.

Please help.


Jun 28, 2014
22weeks pregnant with hx of full term stillborn 2 yrs ago
by: Karen

Hello, Again i am 26 yrs old and 22 weeks pregnant, and a week ago I was confined due to contractions, they had me monitored for a whole day and was given isoxilan IV, then isoxillan tab orally 3 times a day for 7 days. It stopped my contractions as soon i was given the IV. Theres no pain or bleeding That occured. After 7 days i went to see my OBGYN again and was prescribed UTROGESTAN progesterone 200mg intravag once a day because i still get the contractions every now and then, my cervix is closed which is good. But i have been reading online and found out it was only supposed to be used during the first TRI. So i am very concerned right now. I have just started it last night and wondering if i should continue again.. She didnt test my progesterone levels or anything, she said it will help my threatened preterm labor. Will it be bad if i dont take it anymore after the first one? Is it safe to take it this late in the pregnancy first and foremost? She said to take it for 2 weeks and ill go back for a visit and see what the next move will be. I just wanted to get a 2nd opinion about this course of treatment and hope you could share your thoughts. Thank you!

Jun 29, 2014
Effects of progesterone
by: Anonymous

I'm 16 days late and have had 2 neg HPT taken 8 and10 days after missed period. I (we) have unexplained infertility, unsuccessful fertility treatments for 2 years then got pregnant on own 1 year after discontinuing treatments but stillborn at 5 months due to holoprosoncephaly (sp?). Now, 10 years later, I was prescribed bio identical progesterone and testosterone after seeking advice with whacked out moods, etc. Have been taking for about a year now with warning it could increase fertility so to take into consideration. We adopted our son 5 years ago and considering our ages (43 and 53) decided we were content with family and took name off waiting list for second adoption. We do not use contraceptives and now I'm 16 days late but with 2 neg HPTs, not getting hopes up BUT am still somewhat hopeful, although freaked out about starting over again at our ages. I'm very regular and have never missed period except when pregnant before. Last 'action' with hubby was May 4th and did have a regular period May 19 and took progesterone as usual but no period this month. Had light cramps feeling for a week starting day expecting period but no period (usually don't get cramps) then started getting stronger cramping so started looking into effects of low progesterone during preg and as result started taking my prog again. Since then cramping completely gone.

At this point wondering if preg or peri menopause?? Have had some nausea and light headedness before starting progesterone again. Since restarting prog, still feeling bloated, constipated, constant acid reflux started after being gone for a year and feel 'different' in stomach. All could be caused for a variety of reasons but pregnancy keeps nagging at me regardless of unlikeliness. Doc appt next week but not with doc that deals with my hormone RX. As I'm estrogen dominate, could that also effect my hcg levels if preg and account for neg preg tests IF I'm preg? And IF I'm preg, are preg blood tests accurate enough to test for preg regardless of my estrogen dominance? I'm really confused with irregularities in what's always been very regular cycle. Any advice??? And any questions I should be asking my doc besides the obvious?? THANK YOU!!!

Jul 13, 2014
Cyclogest after sex?
by: Victory2014

I am 9 weeks pregnant and have been on progesterone suppository - cyclogest and estrogen tablet - since my egg collection which was 22nd May. My husband and me just had sex this morning after abstaining since my egg collection and I am supposed to insert the cyclogest around the same time we had sex. Now I want to know if I could go ahead and whether his semen will not affect the progesterone pessary and also want to know if d semen will not affect our baby. Though I believe and know our baby cannot be affected in Jesus' name.

Jul 20, 2014
Progesterone amount
by: Anonymous

Hi, I have had two miscarriages. The last miscarriage I was put on Crinone 8% once we saw a drop in my progesterone numbers but I still miscarried.. I am now 5 weeks pregnant and my progesterone numbers dropped from 14 to 11 so my doctor put me back on progesterone to be safe. I am taking the vaginal suppository (90MG) once a day but I have noticed other women are taking larger doses. How do you determine how much you should be taking daily? Should I be taking more?

Jul 21, 2014
Progesterone amount
by: Anonymous

I've had 3 miscarriages after each other when found out I was pregnant again my dr put me on progesterone ( the ones u insert) I was doing it 2 times day for first four months now I'm 34 weeks pregnant . You need b on at least 200 day I would speak yo your dr again because the dose really helped me keep the baby . I also was taking carita ( asprin) tablet that also helped me I do recommend u try it as I did and everything been good touch wood . I wish you well

Jul 22, 2014
Just unsure?
by: Elise

I had my cervical cerclage placed a week ago and have been inserting the progesterone capsules vaginally every morning and every night but the pharmacist didn't tell me how many hours I should leave in between the doses? Also, the last two night I've noticed my stitch extremely close to the opening of my vagina, is this normal? And one more question, (sorry, first time stitch here) ever since surgery I've had a brownish sticky and strong smelling odour as well as little white pieces in my urine, is this normal or should I be worried about an infection?

Thank you so much for any help!!

Aug 04, 2014
accidental swallowing of cyclogest
by: nick

my pregnant wife mistakenly swallowed five capsule of cyclogest instead of inserting it into her vagina in a daily dosage I am really worried that it might affect her pregnancy and the baby inside her. please tell us the effect and what should we do to after this mistake. thank you very much!

Aug 05, 2014
Accidental swallowing of cyclogest
by: Joy

Hi Nick

Wow, how did your wife manage to mistake that? I can't see it causing in problems, but if you are concerned, please contact your doctor.

Aug 11, 2014
Miseed 2 doses of cyclogest
by: Anonymous

Hi I missed 3 doses of cyclogest progesterone.should I continue and will it have any side effect as I am 13 weeks pregnant. Very urgent

Aug 27, 2014
Stopped using cyclogest
by: Rachel

Hello wray,

I was on cyclogest because a cyst was discovered in my scan at 9 weeks but I did not complete the dosage as i missed 4 doses due to the fact that I always sleep off at nigth. What should I do

Aug 30, 2014
Brown discharge increase after starting progesterone?
by: Anonymous

Hi there. I reached 5 wks exactly today. Have experienced brown discharge, basically implantation bleeding, from the beginning. Noticed red on Thursday 8/28, so physician had blood levels of HCG and progesterone tested. HCG came in at 39, and progesterone was 8.5 of "the 15+ they like to see". Was prescribed 200mg of progesterone to be taken orally at bedtime, starting last night (Fri). This morning woke up to increased discharge, and lessened "feel pregnant" symptoms. Did retest of levels today, will get results tomorrow. Is this increase normal? This is our first so really praying it sticks around. Noticed mild twinges and fleeting cramps as well. Thank you!

Sep 03, 2014
am i pragnant
by: Anonymous

my had iui in 19th aug,today my urine test was negative but to my beta hcg was 25.6 am confuse am i pragnant plz help me thanking you

Sep 12, 2014
by: Mimo

Good day

I am during a fresh ivf cycle, I mad the transfer on Sep 04.and my pregnancy test is on Sep 19, Dr prescribed Vaginal progesterone Capsule 200mg three times a day, and 2mg estrace (Estradiol) twice a day..

my question is if ivf failed will I have menses while I am on progesterone? or it will show up only after stopping it if the pregnancy test is negative?


Sep 23, 2014
Utrogestan orally in thrid trimester
by: Anonymous

Hi! im 32weeks pregnant and my doc prescribe me utrogestan 200mg once a day to be taken orally until my 36th week. I dont have any bleeding during my first and 2nd trimester but im having mentral-like cramps often. Doctor said baby is already in position and is too low, said this med will help me keep the baby inside until he reach his full term (37 weeks). I've read the leaflet and according to it, it should only be taken on the first trimester. And it may cause unpleasant effect in liver when taken in 2nd and 3rd trimester. Im just worried for my baby, is there any side effect on him and me after i gave birth?

Nov 05, 2014
by: neanea43

i am 43 and 8 months ago i lost a child when i was 5 months i didnt even know i was pregnant until i was 4 months so this time i planed my pregnancy i am 5wks now and i have been on progesterone since i was around 2 wks (found out early)but now in the past 2 wks i have sharp pains in my stomach i went to the er and they said the baby is fine and said i had a uri and put me on antibiotics but my stomach stills hurts it feels like a virus cramp i think it has to do with my intestents my dr put me on Linzess 145mcg 1 a day he is helping a liltle i have only been taking it for 4 days now but my stomach hurts a lot after i eat but i have to eat because of the baby (if not i would skip a lot of meals) please let me know what you think i cant handle the pain anymore and im scared there is something wrong but the er dr and my ob is not realy telling me any thing about it. do i need to go see a stomach Dr.? thanks for your information

Dec 07, 2014
by: Jannah

im using cyclogest progesterone suppository as the doctor priscribed me. I'm 6 weeks and 5 days pregnant .. She gave me this because I had a bleeding o spotting . I'm using it for 2 days now once in a a day only at night but it seems the blood doesn't stop .. What doesn't it mean..

Dec 16, 2014
Bleeding and taking progesterone 400 mg a day
by: Tweety

Hi there I'm just a lil worry I'm taking progesterone 400 mg a day and still bleeding and still showing pregnant on the pregnancy test... What's going on?

Jan 10, 2015
by: Anonymous

Hi I found out I was 5 weeks pregnant. I started bleeding and the Dr. put me on 200mg a day of progesterone . My Hcg level dropped to 20 but since then I did more blood work and i'm waiting on my results on Monday and i'm also having a ultra sound done

Jan 14, 2015
Using Progesterone pessaries after ovulation
by: Sharon

Hi There

I've just been reading all the comments here.

I've been ttc for nearly 7 years. Last year had failed IVF - was put on 200mg cyclogest pessaries 3 times daily. I ended up getting my period and obviously the IVF didn't work

On the 9th day after ovulation should have occurred this cycle, I started taking the cyclogest again (600mg daily) and I'm now 3 days late for my period and have pregnancy symptoms. A friend said perhaps my symptoms are because of the high progesterone supplements. She is a midwife. This morning I didn't take at 6am or at 2pm but will take at 10pm tonight. I'm too scared to do a pregnancy test as I am terrified it will be negative.
Could the progesterone be delaying my period? Should I be only taking 200mg a day or must I continue the 600mg or change to 400mg?

Your speedy reply would be greatly appreciated.

I have no known history of m/c - but I might not even have known I was pregnant

Jan 16, 2015
Using Progesterone pessaries after ovulation
by: Wray

Hi Sharon Reading between the lines, I'd say your Vitamin D level is very low. This causes miscarriages, see here, here and here. And failed IVF's, see here and here. Please also read our page on Pregnancy and another here. Take care Wray

Feb 05, 2015
Was it enough?
by: Payne

Hi! I am 5 w 5 d pregnant and have been taking progesterone for a week now. Last night I took the medicine vaginally and an hour or so later I had to pee, but when I went pee I realized that some of it came out into the toliet. I'm worried it all came out? Is it ok ? My next dose is tonight at bedtime.

Mar 29, 2015
prgnency related problems
by: jyotidev

I am feeling so much itching in whole body including vagina ,it is my 20th week of pregnancy,I am taking my estra 2mg three times ,proluton depot250 mg and oviduct 5000mg weekly .My SGOT and SGPT is slightly elevated and I have slight elevated T3 .Please suggest me medication to be continued and additional for my iching and SGOT,SGPT. Thanks jyotidev

Apr 11, 2015
IUI, Progesterone suppositories, and diagnosed breast cancer
by: Anonymous

I received IUI on Tuesday and prescribed progesterone suppositories starting on Wednesday. I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma on Wednesday and did not use the suppositories. Saw surgical oncologist and RE on Friday and they said it was okay to use them. My breast cancer is estrogen and progesterone positive and HER2 positive. I test for pregnancy on the 20th....9 days from today. Should I still be taking progesterone? I'm worried I'm feeding the cancer but I don't want to lose the pregnancy either. Please help. Thank you.

Apr 25, 2015
by: Anonymous

Hi I only found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks. I am now 5 weeks and I have been prescribed progesterone pessaries at 7 weeks but seeing as I had some pessaries left over from a failed if attempt.. I have started using them now because I'm 41and I have had 3 miscarriages and an ectopic. I am also taking baby asprin as prescribed by a doctor. I had implantation bleeding and now i am getting pinkish blood after wiping. Is it the progesterone or asprin causing this or am I heading towards another loss. Apart from the ectopic all my other pregnancies have been lost at 5 weeks and they started with bleeding. I have high fsh.. low amh and I have had low progesterone in the past. Would love any feedback you could give.

May 20, 2015
How to proceed with all these meds
by: Anonymous

I had a frozen Embryotransfer and am currently 9weeks +6 days pregnant with twins. I was given Cyclogest 400mg 3x/day and Progynova 2mg 4x daily since before the transfer (I know, these are pretty high dosages, but during the first tries I was spotting with less meds. After my pos.test I had a fresh bleeding with 5weeks. Progesteronlevel was only at 17. My doc added Duphaston 10mg Tbl. 2x /day. One week later I had a really really strong bleeding. Progesteron was at 19. My babies still alive! My doc added Proluton 250mg Depot i.m. 1x/week. With all these meds I'm still slightly spotting till now, but only old blood. Soon I will enter the second trimester and my placenta will start to take over. What is your opinion about stopping all these meds and how fast and when?
I would really appreciate your opinion to feel more at ease about the final decision..

Thank you so much


Jun 08, 2015
utrogestan 200 mg
by: rieand

hi i was diagnosed with IC at 14 weeks (transv showed short cervix and was open .5 cm on the internal os). i am taking utrogestan 200 mg every night since then. i was advised to have another transv before my 18th week to see if i will be needing a cerclage.. i am now at 16 weeks... my dr told me cerclage does not guarantee that it will keep the baby. can i just stay taking utrogestan and not the cerclage... can utrogestan help prevent mc or preterm birth.. pls advice i just need some words on this...very very worried i dont want to lose my baby pls.

Jun 12, 2015
Lowering dose at 16 weeks
by: Anonymous

I'm 16 weeks now and have been on 200mg twice daily. Now my doc wants me to drop to 200 mg once daily until term to prevent preterm labor. Is this ok to do? I've had one preterm baby. Two term pregnancies. Then four unexplained miscarries at 8wks.

Aug 13, 2015
6wks pregnant
by: mk

I am 6wks pregnant with bloods taken 12/8/15 with progesterone levels 100.0nmol/L
And HCG levels 10,925.

Went to Obs on same day-12/8/15due to very light brown spotting on 11/8.

He did internal scan & said everything looked good & in right place & strong pulse rate of 110bpm which he said was good at 6wks.

He did not have my blood results before adking me to start Progesterone pressaries.

Sent me to hospital asap to have anti d injection as blood group A rhesus negative & sent me home to bed rest & said apply one 200mg progesterone pressarie at lunch time then another 200mg before bed.
Then as of next day just in the evening before bed.

Was it safe for me to wait this long between applications?

I have read that after 13hrs the levels drop which is unsafe?

At 1pm yesterday I started bleeding after resting all morning & last progesterone pressarie applied night before.

Im so scared now I have miscarried :(


Sep 03, 2015
My milk has stop cuming out,am i still pregnat on 4 weeks de pregnacy test sayd negative
by: Anonymous

On my weeks de yellowish water cuming out of my breast i thnk m pregnat,but now im six weeks n it has stopped,am i stil pregnat

Sep 04, 2015
Cyclogest 400mg pessaries usage
by: Ma. Esther


I was prescribed by my OB GYNEcologist here in DUbai with Cyclogest 400mg pessaries usage.. I just read that this medicine is not advisable for pregnant woman (unless advise by the physician). I do experienced some spotting and minor bleeding the night before yesterday, and has also spotting and minor bleeding the next morning. Im a bit worried if the medicine will affect my pregnancy and the baby in my tummy???F BTW, fyi - im at 3 months and 2 wks pregnant now..

Kindly advise and comment on my question please.. Thanks


Oct 31, 2015
Cyclogest 200mg
by: Chane

Hi, my doctor prescribed me to Cyclogest 200mg 3 times a day and I just wanted to know if it is safe to use it more than 3 times? I don't want another threatend miscarrige. Oh and I'm 6- almost 7 weeks pregnant.

Mar 19, 2016
Rate of administering progesterone suppositories
by: Anonymous

My doctor prescribed me to take 2 200mg progesterone suppositories at night to assist in raising my progesterone. I am in my 4th week and have been taking the suppositories from my first early pregnancy test.My HCG has been rising nicely but my progesterone dropped from 13-10. I have been reading that most women take it twice a day. Should I be taking it 2x a day rather two suppositories at night?

Mar 24, 2016
Progesterone in pregnancy
by: Rhithu

I continued microgest 200mg orally till 10 weeks then stopped after USG. But after6 days of stopping, again have some reddish yellowish discharge. And start 200 my again. It's quite horrible taking progesterone orally. How long I have to continue. USG found everything ok. Plz help

Apr 26, 2016
pregnant or not
by: Vaneshri

Hi. had my FET done and was put on cylogest. My 2nd beta levels doubled on the 12th day. About 2 days later I started to have a brownish discharge. My doctor asked for another beta test and my levels have been fluctuating. I have been bleeding since with normal period pains. during this time I have had a total of 8 blood tests all with fluctuating levels. my doctor has now asked me to stop the cyclogest but has asked for one more blood test in a weeks time. I am confused - does this mean I have miscarried or still pregnant. please help

Jun 10, 2016
Crinone storage
by: Rubi

Hi there, am a little worried as I left my progesterone gel in the car for a few days whilst travelling and the weather was really warm - it says that it should be stored under 25 degrees but am worried that keeping it in the car has made it ineffective?

Sep 06, 2016
Taking utrogestan, bloated and hypertensive
by: Tina

Hi. I need advice. I had miscarriage March 2015 @ 17 weeks due to preterm labor. 3 weeks ago, @21 weeks, I am 1cm dialated. My OB prescribe me, 400mg utrogestan vaginally. Im also taking Methyldopa 250mg every 8 hrs. And I am on strict bed rest. After 2 weeks, my BP shoots up. 180/120. I stopped using progesterone for 2 days and my BP went to normal. Also, my OB increase Methyldopa to 250mg every 6 hrs. Now, Im 24 weeks and just having 200mg utrogestan. My OB says to continue 400mg, but my BP is rising. I read that stopping it would cause miscarriage. My BP now is 130/100. Im also bloated, no appetite. My belly is tightening most of the time. Please help.

Oct 22, 2016
Vomiting w vaginal suppositories
by: Anonymous

My daughter is 18 weeks pregnant and on vaginal suppositories due to a thinning cervix. She is dizzy and flu like, and vomiting frequently. Is this ok? Her dr. Wants her to remain on them until he sees her in 4 days. She will be having a cerclage at some point before 24 weeks.
Thank you

Oct 23, 2016
Vomiting w vaginal suppositories
by: Anonymous

My daughter is 18 weeks pregnant and on vaginal suppositories due to a thinning cervix. She is dizzy and flu like, and vomiting frequently. Is this ok? Her dr. Wants her to remain on them until he sees her in 4 days. She will be having a cerclage at some point before 24 weeks.
Thank you

Oct 27, 2016
Vomiting w vaginal suppositories
by: Joy

Your daughter is suffering from Estrogen Dominance, did her doctor not warn her about it? Also stopping it's use could cause a Miscarriage. A cream is far better as it can be reduced far easier than pessaries, a lot less messy too.

Please read these pages:

How to use Progesterone Cream -
Estrogen Dominance -
Pregnancy -
Miscarriages -
Vitamin D3 -
Stress -

Jan 26, 2017
Cerclage cervix and progesterone
by: Anonymous

Hi. M 25 weeks pregnant and everything was going good. But now i felt period like pain so now doc said that my cervix length is 2.1 so she suggest me cerclage cervix. I have cerclge today but and she gave proplutn injection and efaston 10mg tablet. I'm taking it but only prob is my period like pain isn't stopping. It continue time by time but irregular timing. I don't know that is it normal pain or really labor like pain? Can't differentiate it. Is efaston tab n injection are good for me? Its my first pregnancy with no previous miscarriage.

Jan 28, 2017
progesterone rectally
by: Anonymous

i feel discomfort with taking progesr suppository vaginally ,i want to shift to rectal route. Is it the same efficiency??

Jan 30, 2017
Cerclage cervix and progesterone
by: Joy

Efaston or Duphaston as it's commonly known, is preferred by doctors, as it’s a patented drug and not natural. This is a synthetic progestin, which is given to pregnant woman. Duphaston contains dydrogesterone, a synthetic progestin. But because it's a progestin, it's not broken down into the normal progesterone metabolites. This is something which is never taken into account by doctors prescribing progestins. The metabolites are as important as progesterone itself. In particular allopregnanolone, a potent analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anxiolytic.

For more info on progestins see here. Natural progesterone is needed not progestins.

Mar 08, 2017
Is it not too long?
by: KaySA

Hi, In 2015 when I was pregnant with my first born my membranes ruptured at 20 weeks with no contractions at all. I was bed rested until 33+ weeks, no threatening arbotion or whatsoever. Dr decided to do c section at 33 weeks since he could prolong his stay inside due to the lack of amniotic fluid and risks of keeping it beyond 34 weeks. Baby only lived for less than an hour due to heart failure after birth.

Now I'm 9 weeks pregnant and my current Gynae had put me on progesterone to prevent the rupture or at least lessen the chances. But he says I should take them until 30-34 weeks. I hear most people take them until 12 weeks. Won't the long period do damages?

Mar 12, 2017
Is it not too long?
by: Joy

Hi KaySA

Please read the Pregnancy pages mentioned a few times on this thread, it will help you to understand a little more.

It will not cause any damage, some women even use it throughout their pregnancy.

Please make sure that your Vitamin D3 level is correct, again this has been mentioned on this thread.

Take care.

Apr 13, 2017
Cyclogyst and Duphaston
by: Sadaf

My dr prescribed me Duphaston 10mg twice daily and Cyclogyst 400mg twice daily at the early stage of pregnancy, almost 6+, and also giving me ivfc 5000.

Should I take all these?

Is it safe during my pregnancy?

May 21, 2017
Had light to dark pink spotting
by: Anonymous

I was diagnosed with a short cervix at 20 weeks and I am now 24 weeks and just started progesterone suppositories. I take them at night, 2 of them.

Been on them for three days and still have spotting. I am concerned. Is this normal????

May 22, 2017
Had light to dark pink spotting
by: Joy

I think it is best that you discuss this with the doctor who prescribed the progesterone suppositories.

If the suppositories are Cyclogest, then there would be nothing to worry about there as they are a good progesterone method.

Your doctor may suggest bed rest because of your short cervix.

Jun 24, 2018
Utrogestan progesterone wrong route and unaware. Please Help!
by: mommytobe_

Hi All,

I was prescribed with vaginal 200mg utrogestan last May 28 and was advised to take it until June 28.

However, my husband bought the oral ones 2 weeks ago and I have been using them vaginally. No bleeding, just mild cramp and slight pressure on my anus. I am really worried right now. Will it harm my baby or cause miscarriage? I am currently at 10 weeks. Your professional advice is highly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Jul 29, 2018
pregnancy symptoms
by: mrs.1802

Hi, Wray.

I stumbled upon your page after googling about the lack of pregnancy symptoms and I have to admit, I have been blown away by all of your information. I am currently 8w5d pregnant and take 200mg progesterone suppositories.

After trying for 15 months, it was discovered that I had endometriosis. I had a lap to remove the disease and I fell pregnant 3 months later; however, I miscarried. For that pregnancy, I was also on 200mg supp. I started out the pregnancy with only one 'pregnancy symptom' and that was sore, tender breasts. I currently have NO symptoms. At first I thought that was abnormal and it made me start to worry. After finding your page, however, I see that no symptoms are supposed to be normal. Which makes sense since the symptoms were the same as my endometriosis symptoms. And we both know endometriosis is estrogen dominance.

I have read on websites, ones that seem credible, that say a lack of symptoms could indicate a miscarriage. Can you please explain the relationship between balanced hormones and why we should not have the 'pregnancy symptoms' that we are lead to believe are normal?

Jul 30, 2018
Utrogestan progesterone wrong route and unaware. Please Help!
by: Joy

Hi Mommytobe

Progesterone helps to prevent Miscarriages. There are other causes that can cause them such as stress. If you are concerned, please see your doctor.

Any form of oral progesterone is not the best delivery method as so much is destroyed by the gut and liver. Inserting in the vagina is far better. Please consider using a good natural progesterone such as Natpro progesterone cream if you are going to continue using progesterone.

Oct 03, 2019
Progesterone drop.
by: Anonymous

I did a natural FET and got pregnant, had started taking 2 x 400mg progesterone per day before the FET.

A week and a half after starting the progesterone (about 5 weeks pregnant) my progesterone blood level was 100 nmol. I had my level tested last week at 8 weeks pregnant and the level had dropped to 82 nmol.

I'm a bit worried about the drop - although the first test was taken in the morning an hour after I had taken the suppository, and the second was taken in the evening 10 hours after I had taken one (just before my second suppository for the day). Could this have anything to do with it? Should I be concerned?

My RE has doubled my dose to 1600mg per day, which worries me that something is wrong! I saw the heartbeat at 8 weeks 1 day and the baby was measuring on schedule.

Please could you help me understand the drop?

Jun 21, 2022
Pregnant with my 2nd w/previous preeclampsia
by: HHawaii

Hello, thank you for writing these articles. I’ve been on 200 mg/1 ml of progesterone for years now but only in the evenings. I just found out I’m a few weeks pregnant with my 2nd. With my 1st I had preeclampsia so I plan to use progesterone throughout my pregnancy. I’ve been experiencing pretty significant hair loss recently. I’m thinking that’s a sign I need a higher dose? Would adding another 200 mg in the morning help? Would you recommend that would be sufficient throughout the whole pregnancy? Thank you!

Jun 22, 2022
Pregnant with my 2nd w/previous preeclampsia
by: Joy

​Hi HHawaii

Thank you for your kind words and congratulations on your good news.

Unfortunately you haven't been using progesterone correctly. Progesterone should be used no less than ​TWICE​ a day. Half the amount in the morning and the other half at night. Or it can be spread out during the day. Progesterone levels spike if used only once a day. Please read the How to use Progesterone Cream, Estrogen Dominance and Pregnancy pages mentioned further down on this thread. The pregnancy page covers preeclampsia and what is required to prevent it. Between 200-600mg progesterone is needed for this. If you are happy to do so, use 200mg in the morning and the other 200mg at night. It is also a good idea to insert some of the night time dose in the vagina at night. Stay on the amount that you chose to use throughout your pregnancy. It is also a good idea to remain on progesterone after the birth as your body will need it. ​You can then reduce the amount of progesterone cream slowly to a level that suits you but I would suggest 200mg.​

A deficiency in Vitamin D3 and Insulin Resistance has also been linked to preeclampsia. Selenium is also beneficial.

Your Hair Loss is most probably due to the hormonal change that is taking place but do read the page as there are other reasons for hair loss. I suggest you take biotin and check your iron levels.

I wish you well with your pregnancy and birth. ​​

Feb 12, 2025
Vaginal Discharge on progesterone gel and tablet
by: AN

Hello, I was advised to be on Improgest Gel 8% till 28weeks and now I am in 29weeks and I was advised to have Improgest 400mg tablet vaginally now. Earlier during 27th week my vaginal discharge started like watery fluid coming out with gel.Inorder to avoid any complications I consulted my Gynaec and had an ultrasound to check water leakage and took HVS for culture but all report were negative. And now on tablet my vaginal discharge has increased and sometimes cause itching due to water discharge sticking around.I want to know is it normal to have increase in discharge after 28weeks or its due to progesterone tablet..

Feb 13, 2025
Vaginal Discharge on progesterone gel and tablet
by: Joy


Congratulations on your pregnancy.

It will not be the progesterone that is causing the discharge and itching, but rather one of the other ingredients. Also, your Gynae should have advised you that one of the side effects of Improgest is vaginal discharge!

It could be that your body needs time to adjust. Continue using it for a while longer and if no improvement consider using a good quality natural progesterone cream such as Natpro which is a 3% cream.

Something else that you might look into is possibly Candida.

Feb 13, 2025
Vaginal Discharge on progesterone gel and tablet
by: AN

Thanks for quick response my other query is as follows:

I was taking Improgest Gel 8% for almost 27th week but there was no such watery discharge earlier but after 27th week there was watery discharge and now doctor has advise for Improgest 400mg tablet from 28th week after which my watery discharge volume has increased. Is it normal to have these discharge during this period of time?

And which is better Improgest Gel 8% or Improgest tablet 400mg?

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