
Progesterone & Morning Sickness

by Kamtasia
(Oregon, USA)

I'm 36 years old. I took oral contraceptives for 3 months prior to my wedding when I was 21. Just that short time completely eliminated my libido...which hasn't returned for over 15 years. My thyroid went bad soon after.

I've experienced increased morning sickness with each of my pregnancies. With my current pregnancy the morning (all day, very comfortable) sickness started right at 4 weeks...which is insane.

I'm thinking that my biggest issue is really low progesterone. It makes sense to me--my hair is super thin, and many of the other symptoms.

I read that you suggest using 400-800mg of progesterone cream a day to ease nausea. I'm wondering if you have any idea how long it generally takes to work. Could you give me some help here? Today was my first day taking 400mg...and my whole family wonders how soon it will help. I've searched all over your website trying to find out, but didn't seem to find an answer.

Thanks bunches.

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Sep 10, 2014
Progesterone & Morning Sickness
by: Wray

Hi Kantasia All drug based Contraceptives have the potential to harm. Sadly we're only given the pros never the cons. You ask an impossible question! Which is why you haven't found an answer on our site, but thanks for trying to look for one. I've found it varies hugely. If the nausea has already started and is severe enough to cause vomiting, then I've found it can take 2 or more months before it's under control using 400mg/day. Or a higher amount such as the 800mg/day can shorten the time. But is is trial and error, I wish there was an exact amount and time, but progesterone doesn't work like that. It's entirely dependant on the person using it, their symptoms and how severe they are, their age etc. See how the 400mg/day goes, give it a week before increasing if it hasn't helped. We do have two pages on Pregnancy and here. Take care Wray

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