Progesterone for mast cell disease?
by Santino
I suffer from a very severe mast cell activation disorder.
My mast cells respond to many natural and especial unnatural triggers by releasing their inflammatory chemicals. At least that is the only explanation doctors found for my suffering which started already in my childhood. However during my childhood I was not suffering, only had first symptoms.
Suffering started 2011 and then got worse and to spare you details: It was so bad, that I constantly needed to ask whether a life with such a bad quality is worth it. I still often need to ask that question.
The main problem is that many potentially therapeutic agents I react to in such a way that I cannot go through it.
My main reactions are:
1) Flu like reaction which includes sweating on Head and face while I feel heat there and cold in my body (in extreme forms it ends in shivers), joint pain, cough, feeling as if I have a virus(-->though I of course have no viral infection and this is just part of a reaction to a trigger like for example a food or a chemical, but I also have this flu like response to essential aminoacids or vitamins-->though no problems with whole protein from chicken)
2) Frontal sinus congestion:This sounds not like a big problem but this is always accompanied by brainfog, headache, loss of concentration and when extreme I automatically get depressive.
My frontal sinuses congest when exposed to coldness and to many food triggers. The problem are not the quality of the stuff that triggers but a malfunctioning of systems in my body. I can imagine healthy persons or relatively healthy persons couldn´t imagine that I get that symptoms even from applying a cream to my skin.
So my DHEA levels were tested low and I wanted to use capsules (only rice flour as additive) but I reacted "allergic" what mean I got the flu like response from it within hours.
So I tried DHEA cream which you can buy from Biovea but I got the sinus congestion from it.
I have my Vitamin D levels in check. They are always above 60ng/ml.
Now I tried pharmaceutical Progesterone cream (In Germany you need a prescription for Progesterone). There are no unnecessary additives in the cream and it is 1,5%. Still I get a mild sinus congestion from it but I wondered because it does not get as severe as it get´s from other triggers. I can take it directly before I go to bed without having major impairment.
I was hoping that the progesterone might calm down mast cells and helps my body to make cortisol(n) if needed.
Now I have several questions:
1) On this homepage it is claimed that the cream can be applied to thicker skin as well because even hair follicles have receptors. I actually would like to use it on my head (I have no hair on my head, due to Alopecia Areata), because I noticed that when I used a course of progesterone cream in 2012, there was hair growing on the places where I used the cream daily).
So the question is: Can I use the cream on my head and if yes: Won´t the progesterone get used up by skin cells or hair follicles and thus there wont be enough progesterone leftover for systemic effects?
2) The progesterone which is sold here: Is that really ready progesterone or is this any precursor like many yam creams?
3) Could I disrupt my hormonal balance (sex hormones or adrenals hormones) if I try higher doses over time? At this moment I have difficulties tolerating only 15mg. I get the sinus problem And I also had bad sleep the last two night and I took it right before bed....
4) Do you ship the cream to Germany?