
Primolut N

by Janine Laeuger
(Melbourne, Australia)

I was recently prescribed 15ml/day of Primolut N to stem bleeding. It has done that. I am a 55 year old post menopausal woman who recently bled heavily after 12months without a period.

A vaginal ultrasound determined that the walls of the Uterus had thickenned to 15ml. There is no malignancy (Estrogen dominance). The recommended treatment is a hysterectomy. I have been taking the Primolut N for around 2 months now and feel so much better in many ways. Depression has disappeared, muscle aches have disappeared, my brain is no longer as foggy, the bloating has stopped. Although I am not sleeping as soundly.

I have made enquiries about 'bio identical' therapy but have found it is EXPENSIVE and not on the Health List. I am not working and simply cannot afford this large monthly/bi monthly amount.

There is no doubt Primolut N has been beneficial to me.

Comments for Primolut N

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Apr 02, 2010
Primolut N
by: Wray

Hi Janine. It's such a pity progesterone isn't on the health list, like so many natural nutrients which benefit us far more than drugs. I must admit to being concerned you've been given Primolut, as it's norethisterone, a synthetic progestin. It does come with adverse side affects, I do hope you've been told this. If not please see here and here.

Progesterone has so many benefits, one is in ageing. There is evidence from studies it helps with nerve degeneration, skin, anxiety, Alzheimer's and more. It's wonderful for skin, maybe you could consider using it in place of your current skin care? I wish I could help you afford it. Take care, Wray

Apr 22, 2010
What if it doesn't work?
by: Anonymous

I took my complete dose but after 4 days it didn't work. What could be the cause?

Apr 24, 2010
What if it doesn't work?
by: Wray

I can't really help you, as I don't know what 'complete dose' you took. Take care, Wray

Apr 26, 2010
Primolut N to Stop Bleeding
by: miss claudia

I recently had a period that would not stop. 7 days in (mine ususally only last about 4) and I was still on a maxi tampon and pad every hour. It was horrific. Went to a GP who prescribed PN, took it for 24 hours and the bleeding stopped dead.

Turns out I had a uterine fibroid that would not stop beeding. Had a D&C and took Primolut for 3 weeks and had another normal period.

Worked like a charm for me.

Jul 28, 2010
weight gain
by: Lucy

If you take primolut n do you gain any weight

Jul 30, 2010
weight gain
by: Wray

Hi Lucy Contraceptives can cause insulin resistance, which does cause weight gain. They also come with adverse side affects. Please take a look at the web page we have on Contraceptives. Take care Wray

Aug 06, 2010
Can't stop bleeding
by: Anonymous

I've been bleeding for a month now and cannot take Primulat N due to being on a lot of heart medications and I have tachycardia also does anyone know what else I can take to stop this bleeding please help me.

Aug 08, 2010
Can't stop bleeding
by: Wray

Hi there Progesterone will stop it, but the amount has to be high. Oestrogen is a mitogen, causing cells to divide and multiply, vital once a month to stimulate the endometrium each month to grow and thicken ready for a possible fertilised egg. But too much and the lining builds excessively. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP?s) are enzymes that break down protein. They play a role in the breakdown of endometrial tissues at the end of the menstrual cycle. If they are over active, as would be the case with an excess of oestrogen in the body, (oestrogen stimulates it?s production), the result is a pathological reaction such as inflammation and excessive bleeding. Progesterone suppresses both oestrogen and MMP's. It?s only when progesterone levels drop at the end of the cycle that the MMP?s can get to work and breakdown the lining causing our monthly bleed. But with oestrogen continually stimulating more lining and the MMP's, plus low progesterone, bleeding continues. I've found about 400mg/day progesterone is needed to stop the bleeding, once stopped the amount can be reduced very gradually. For more info please see this web page we have on How to use progesterone cream. Please have a vitamin D test done, it appears you must have a very low level if you are having heart problems. Please see these papers here and here. Please also look at the GrassrootsHealth web site for more info. You might also consider taking the amino acid taurine, this is vital for the heart, helping to calm it down amongst other things. Please see this excellent paper on taurine here. Take care Wray

Sep 22, 2010
Trying to get pregnant
by: Anonymous

I need to use that medication now, but I am seriously considering start trying after that to get pregnant... I have stoped taking my birth control pills 3 months ago while my husaband was away, and now we want to start trying... Does it affect my chances of becoming pregnant? Or may have side effects related to that?

Oct 03, 2010
Trying to get pregnant
by: Wray

Hi there I'm not sure what medication you are referring to. If it's Primolut N then it will stop your chances of becoming pregnant, as it's a contraceptive. All contraceptives can cause adverse side effects, please see our page on Contraceptives. Have your cycles returned to normal since stopping the BC pill? If they have the chances of you falling pregnant are higher than if not. Progesterone can help regulate the cycle if not, for more info please see the page on How to use progesterone cream. But before you do please read this page on Oestrogen Dominance. Finally we do have a page on Pregnancy. Please read through it as it explains how to use progesterone before and after conception. Take care Wray

Nov 17, 2010
by: Mrs M

I have pms and the Dr gave me Primolut N will till work cause am trying to have a baby.

Nov 20, 2010
by: Wray

Hi Mrs M As you can see from the above answers I gave, Primolut N is a contraceptive. For more info on these please see our page on Contraceptives. It will prevent you from having a baby, and I don't believe it will help the PMS at all. It stops ovulation, which means you will be making no ovarian progesterone. This is always low in PMS, so it will reduce what little you have been making, even further. Take care Wray

Dec 09, 2010
delayed pms
by: mrs.b.

Hi, I'm 42 years old my last menstration was last Oct 27. I take p.n last Dec 4 but before taking p.n I make preg test. It was neg. Until now Dec 9 still doesn't monhtly period. I just want to know when it will come my monthly period? Thanks.

Dec 17, 2010
delayed pms
by: Wray

Hi Mrs B I'm afraid I can't answer your query, please ask your doctor. Take care Wray

Dec 21, 2010
by: Ms m

HI Can Primolut make my menstruation cycle normal? And I have a skin problem will it help ?

Jan 07, 2011
making pms regular
by: Anonymous

hi. when the period will start after stopping primolut n will it b normal or heavy?

Jan 07, 2011
by: Wray

Hi Ms M Primolut, like all contraceptives, forces the cycle into 28 days. If yours is longer or shorter it's not advisable, in fact it's not advisable for anyone. Please see our page on Contraceptives. Skin problems are caused by excess insulin, this increases testosterone levels, which in turn causes spots, acne, oily skin, facial hair and loss of scalp hair. These are not necessarily all experienced, but can be. To prevent skin problems it's essential to lower insulin and testosterone levels. Please see our page on Acne. Also the page we have on Insulin Resistance. Take care Wray

Jan 17, 2011
irregular menstruation
by: Anonymous

I have irregular menses. I consulted with ob-gyne and she told me to take primolut N 2 tabs for 21 days then I will have heavy bleeding after. Is it safe to use? I think 21 days is too long for me.

Jan 18, 2011
making pms regular
by: Wray

Hi there I can't help you with this, as we are all so different. Take care Wray

Feb 02, 2011
still bleeding
by: elaine

I am 54 yrs Ihave been taking primolut-nor 10mgs for nearly two months, the first month my period stopped, I thought great, now the second month I have not stopped, and whats worrying me is that I have a bad smell.

Feb 08, 2011
No menses
by: Anonymous

i have not seen my period since it came oct 4 2010. my doc said to take primolut n.. Is this ok? What gaurantee do I have it will work?

Feb 08, 2011
doctor not prescribing this medicine
by: Anonymous

I'm going for holidays with my partner and I went to doctor to prescribe this medicine to delay my periods but she said take contraceptive pill as I can't prescribe you this medicine... could someone please help me to find a doctor who can prescribe this medicine or tell me any chemist shop in Melbourne from where I can get this medicine...thanks

Feb 19, 2011
irregular menstruation
by: Wray

Hi there As you can see from previous comments I've made, primolut N is a synthetic progestin. It's far safer to use progesterone. Please see our page on How to use progesterone. Take care Wray

Feb 19, 2011
still bleeding
by: Wray

Hi Elaine I'm not in favour of primolut, it contains norethisterone (also known as norethindrone) and is therefore a synthetic progestin. It does come with adverse side effects too, see here and here. It contains a very high dose at 5mg/day, some only contain 0.35mg/dose. The smell could be coming from a bacterial infection, as the blood discharge never has a bad smell. It might be an idea to have it checked. Progesterone also stops bleeding, although I've found 400-600mg/day is needed initially. The amount is then reduced slowly over a few weeks. You might like to read through our page on Peri-menopause. Take care Wray

Feb 19, 2011
No menses
by: Wray

Hi there It would help to know your age, as it could be you've reached Menopause. If you're not, then please have a look at our page on How to use progesterone. As progesterone is natural, it's far safer to use, with no adverse side effects. Take care Wray

Feb 19, 2011
doctor not prescribing this medicine
by: Wray

Hi there I can't give you the name of a doctor or shop that would prescribe it. I would also not recommend disturbing your cycle, particularly with a Contraceptive. These come with many adverse side effects, as you'll see from the info on the page. Take care Wray

Feb 20, 2011
I took PRIMOLUT N and after 7days still no period
by: mrs sarah. o

Hi, I missed my period in jan 2011 did a pt test negative, I went to see my dr who gave me primolut N after 7days I have not seen my period, am worried.

Feb 23, 2011
primolut n
by: Helen

I'm 39 and have been having problems with my thyroid. My doctor changed my dose and my periods went wild (I was a text-book 28 day cycle) until they stopped altogether. My gyno prescribed primolut for four days as well (am only on second day) and she told me to wait 10 days. My concern is that the dosage is very high (2x5mg in the morning and 2at night.) Is this normal, anyone know?

Feb 24, 2011
No menses
by: Anonymous

hey Wray.. its no menses again!!! I'm 29. I went ahead with my docs prescription to take primolut n for 7 days and on the 4th day after i stopped, my menses came... after 4 months. You have been wonderful with your advice...Thank you!!!

Feb 24, 2011
Mrs. sarah..
by: Anonymous

i missed my period since last year after it came on the 4th of oct. 2010. i didn't see it since until yesterday (23rd feb) after i took primolut n for 7 days.. it came on the 4th day after i stopped. hang in there..;)

Mar 02, 2011
as contraceptive
by: emelder

i had sex on my very fertile day. I took primulet as a contraceptive. Will i get pregnant?

Mar 04, 2011
I took PRIMOLUT N and after 7days still no period
by: Wray

Hi Mrs Sarah I'm not in favour of any Contraceptive as they upset our cycle too much. Please consider using progesterone to regulate your cycle, for more info see our page on How to use progesterone cream. Take care Wray

Mar 04, 2011
Mrs. sarah..
by: Wray

Hi there As I said in my previous comment to Mrs Sarah, please avoid using synthetic hormones to regulate your cycle. Take care Wray

Mar 04, 2011
primolut n
by: Wray

Hi Helen As I say in so many comments on this page, please avoid all synthetic Contraceptives, they play havoc with our body. Particularly disrupting the cycle, especially when coming off them. Progesterone is far safer, with no adverse side effects if an irregular cycle is of concern. For more info see our page on How to use progesterone. Take care Wray

Mar 04, 2011
No menses
by: Wray

Hi there I'm pleased your period came again, but please consider using progesterone if it should stop again. Primolut n is a synthetic hormone, and it's not giving you a normal bleed. If you are suffering from irregular periods or sometimes they stop entirely, there is something upsetting your natural cycle. It could be a lack of vitamin D, please have a test done. For more info see the GrassrootsHealth website. Or a lack of progesterone, see our page on How to use progesterone for more info. Take care Wray

Mar 04, 2011
as contraceptive
by: Wray

Hi there Only time will tell if you're pregnant or not. But as it's a Contraceptive it should work. But please read through this page we have, as synthetic hormones play havoc with our natural cycle. Take care Wray

Mar 04, 2011
delaying periods
by: PG

hi... my wedding is scheduled for the 9th of april and my period starts on the 16th, my husband will only be with me for 2 weeks after the wedding and has to leave the country for a few weeks after... i went to an OB to get advice on delaying my periods for around 10 days or so... she prescribed me Primolut N, 3tabs/day starting 6 days before menstruation starts and to stop when i want the bleeding to occur...

first question is...can i start taking Primolut a day before the wedding so it can act as a contraceptive as well and delay my periods at the same time?

second question is that what other option do i have? will natural progesterone be able to delay my periods? or any other safer drug?

Mar 07, 2011
delaying periods
by: Wray

Hi PG Primolut does need to be taken as your doctor says, you won't get protection taken too late. Progesterone would stop the bleeding, but you have to use 400 to 600mg/day. Initially it can upset the cycle too, so I can't guarantee you wouldn't bleed. Unfortunately there are no safe drugs that control our cycle, please see our page on Contraceptives for more info. If you want protection, then I suggest the copper T IUD, it leaks on progestin into the body. Take care Wray

Mar 07, 2011
by: PG

Thankyou so much for your reply... however i'd like to add another question... if i start taking primolut N thrice a day, one day before intercourse, will it act as a contraceptive as well as eventually delaying my periods in later days or do I need to start taking it a few days before the wedding for it to work? Im actually hoping i can just utilize primolut N as a contraceptive as well as a bleeding postponer instead of using something else alongwith it for contraception...
only planning on taking the medication for 2 weeks, so tackling both things with one med would be helpful if possible.

Mar 07, 2011
Ongoing Problems
by: Anonymous

Hi There,

I am a women aged 34 - I have one child delivered naturally now aged 8.

In May 2010 after having severe pelvic cramps not unlike labour pains I ended up in surgery - I had a complex cyst (possible borderline tumour) on my right ovary 12cm 200ml, and a cyst 7.5cm 150ml on my left.

The surgery resulted in the romoval of my right ovary and tube and the cyst from my left ovary. At the same time i was also diagnosed with CIN3 of the cervix which was later removed using lletz proceedure.

Since all of this my period is extremely irregular - one month arriving spot on 28 days and normal flow and time. The next will be late, and heavy - to the point at christmas of 5 weeks solid bleeding, with pad lasting maybe one hour, heavy clotting.

In the last 10 months I have been prescribed Primulot N 15mg per day to stop the bleeding.

The gyne has again yesterday prescribed Primulot N 10mg per day taken for 21 days and restarting after day 5 of period - for a period of three months to try and "restart" my function.

This is driving me nuts!! I am cranky, angry, tired, depressed and frustrated.

I feel there must be something better for me out there than all of these hormones!

Before this i was not even on contraceptives

Any advice would be appreciated

Mar 10, 2011
delaying periods
by: Wray

Hi PG I wouldn't advise using 3 in a day! It contains a very high dose at 5mg/day, some only contain 0.35mg/dose. Primolut N contains norethisterone (also known as norethindrone), see here and here for more info. I wish I could be of more help, but I'm so against all forms of drug contraception. I get endless queries from women who struggle to get their cycle regular again after using them. Take care Wray

Mar 10, 2011
Ongoing Problems
by: Wray

Hi there Ovarian cysts are an indication your oestrogen is too high, progesterone too low. As you might have gathered from the comments I've made on this page, I'm not in favour of any Contraceptive, unless it's the copper T IUD. To my mind you need progesterone, it does stop heavy continual bleeding too, see here. It does take time, but to my mind worth it, as it's natural and very safe too. Oestrogen is a mitogen, it stimulates cells to grow. Vital in stimulating the endometrium each month to grow and thicken ready for a possible fertilised egg. But in excess it stimulates cells to continue growing. MMP?s are enzymes that break down protein. They play a role in the breakdown of endometrial tissues at the end of the menstrual cycle. If they are over active, as would be the case with excess oestrogen in the body, as oestrogen stimulates their production, the result is a pathological reaction. A high level of MMP's can lead to inflammation and excessive bleeding in the uterus. If a low level of progesterone is present, and a high level of oestrogen, the lining will continue to grow. With a high level of MMP's the lining will also continue to break down. Progesterone suppresses both MMP's and oestrogen. It is essential to use a high amount of progesterone, between 400-600mg/day. If the bleeding is continual, use it both daily and hourly. Using it hourly keeps the level high throughout the day. If there is a cycle, it?s best to ignore it and use the progesterone daily, hourly too, until the bleeding is under control. The progesterone can be used to regulate the cycle once bleeding has stopped. See here and here. For more info please see this page on How to use progesterone. Take care Wray

Mar 13, 2011
Ongoing Problems
by: Anonymous

Hi Wray,

Thankyou for your time and considered response.

My Doctor has advised that if the primulot N does not work after three months then the next course of action is using a Merina device - I am really against this action as years ago i had a bad hormonal reaction to an implanon implant.

Can you provide more information on the Copper IUD? I suffer from a bad allergy to Nikel and am wary of using anything metal based.

I will be replacing the primulot with my cream when it arrives

Thanks again

Mar 17, 2011
Ongoing Problems
by: Wray

Hi there I would avoid the Mirena, as it leaks a progestin into the system, see here. There is more info on our Contraceptives page. Unfortunately I don't know the composition of the copper T, it would depend so much on which manufacturer you got it from. In the States there is only one device, the UK has 10. It's used in Europe and China too, who presumably have their own manufacturers. Generally they are made of polyethylene with fine copper wire wound round. The following are some sites with info on it's use, see here, here. These papers not yet on the contraceptives page, see here, here, here and here. Take care Wray

Mar 28, 2011
bleeding constant for a month
by: Anonymous

hi i have been bleeding for a month non stop does primolut have any effect on hearts medication that's treated for high blood pressure and tachycardia im too scared to take it in-case it brings on my tachycardia.

May 27, 2011
Irregular period
by: Celine

I am 22 yrs old and I've been having irregular period since i started seeing it (at the age of 13). In 2009 it lasted for 21 days and the doctor prescribe Premalin. It stop then continued irregularly. Last Month April,2011 was the 1st time I've seen my period for 2011 and it lasted for 17 days. Currently I'm seeing it and it's now 7 days. I've seen a doctor today which my hemoglobin is 8.6. RCA Count 3,000,000 and my PCV is 25.1. My doctor prescribe Primolut N(take 2 tablets 3 times daily for 5 days). Would this help me to have a regular period and become pregnant since i would like to have children within 1 or 2 yrs from now?

Jun 11, 2011
10 weeks non stop bleeding
by: Anonymous

I'm 28 years old and I've been bleeding for 10 weeks now, it's slightly heavy and I was told to take primolut (2 tablets every for hours until the bleeding stops) but it's been 2 1/2 weeks and there is no sign of stopping. I'm heading back to the doctors next week to discuss the problem further. She basically wanted to stop the bleeding so she can do further tests ie. Pap. Anyone else experienced anything like this? I'm at my wits end.

Jun 20, 2011
Very heavy bleeding
by: Margie

Hi there. I am a 50 yr old woman. Had mirena for 8 months, bled almost continually for that time. A week after removal I started flooding. Had endometrial ablation - one week later had a normal period. 28 days later I am having a very heavy period. Dr has prescribed CYKLOKAPRON 2 tablets three times a day PLUS PRIMOLUT N 50mg three times a day. I'm worried about side effects so haven't started taking it. I will be traveling in third world areas and conditions for the next 6 weeks and can't be bleeding continuously and heavily. Suggestions?

Jun 24, 2011
My woman is having bleeedin
by: Sammyankee

My woman is still having contant bleeding after a D&C she did last month. So she was advice to take take primoult n .she did and now she his seeing her peroid again. Is it normal

Jul 07, 2011
irregular period
by: K

I have been having irregular period for over a year now and the gynea prescribed Primolut N for me to be using 3times a day for 7days. Which i have been taken, but unfortunately i have not seen my period, does it means the pills is not working for me or my system is too strong for the pills.

Jul 17, 2011
very late.
by: Anonymous zk

Hy. I stop having period at the end of may. At the time I took.the morring after pill. Thinking il be ok. But I stop having periods. I done, 7 test , all nag, went to the doc and she gave primoult n pills to make my period to cum on. Been talking them but haven't cum on. Now I miss 2 periods. Do them pills really make u st ur period?

Jul 17, 2011
very late.
by: Anonymous zk

Hy. I stop having period at the end of may. At the time I took.the morring after pill. Thinking il be ok. But I stop having periods. I done, 7 test , all nag, went to the doc and she gave primoult n pills to make my period to cum on. Been talking them but haven't cum on. Now I miss 2 periods. Do them pills really make u st ur period?

Aug 07, 2011
A pregnant woman taking primolut-N
by: Noor

Hi, I have a friend who is pregnant for 6 weeks.. she don't know that she is pregnant because her menstrual cycle is irregular.. she take primolut-n and finished 10 days course. I want to know what will happen to the baby..will it cause congenital defects or worse miscarriage? can u please explain to me also what really is the effect on it to a pregnant woman?

Aug 15, 2011
by: Anonymous

Today is the first day of my period but it could not have come at a worst time, can I take Primolut Nor 10 mg to stop the bleeding? Help!

Oct 09, 2011
uterine fibroids
by: Anonymous

Will primolutN help with uterine fibroids and cysts? My gynae prescribed this for me, to take 2 one tablet twice a day. However, I would like to know for how long should I continue with primolut N? I did not get my cycle,and when I stop taking primolutN will I bleed alot?I am also concerned about weight gain and skin problems. Help!

Oct 15, 2011
uterine fibroids and need a hysterectomy
by: Anonymous

I am a 43 year old that has just been put on Primulot N thrice daily until bleeding stopped then continue on twice daily for 21 days then stop until I get a period then take 1 daily from day 5 of my cycle.

I started out on my thrice daily and the bleeding stopped after 3 days so I commenced taking twice daily only to have heavy breakthrough bleeding on day 7 from start of the initial treatment it. I stopped taking the Primulot N thinking that this was my period (because according to my normal cycle I was due)and the gyno didn't explain to me about any possible breakthrough bleeding.

I had been bleeding heavily and passing a lot of blood clots for the previous 3 weeks prior to seeing the gyno because my mirena coil had dislodged itself because of multiple fibroids and had to be removed. The mirena coil had been in for 6 months. It is now day 16 from initial and I have a headache for past 48 hours and a bloodshot left eye. Is this because of the Primulot N? I am 5ft tall and weigh 50 kilos. In the past 24 hours I have cut back the Primulot N to 1 daily.

Oct 31, 2011
by: Anonymous

i am 44 im due to have a dnc in 2 weeks due to the wall lining being thick, i was advised to take primolut n for 21 days 3 times a day bld. i have developed this discharge which is smelly and yellow in colour since i started the medication is this a side effect of the pills as this is very embarrasing even for my relationship with my partner.

Nov 08, 2011
by: toyin

i was having heavy bleeding with clot took PN 1 tablet for ten days the following month my period was normal only to reoccur the following month i was then given depo-provera, it re- occur two months later not heavier like before but heavy clot was coming out for a day can i take the primolut N again ,for how many days and the number of tablet to be taken pls treat as urgent.

Dec 14, 2011
heavy non stop bleeding
by: Anonymous

i was diagnosed with polyp, fibroid and endos i went for D&C and was okay for two months no bleeding but since then started heavy bleeding it would gush out with clots the doctor said take primolut the first month it stopped the bleeding after i got my menses and then did not stop bleeding doctor asked me again to start primolut despite that i bleed and spot everyday even though i have no ovarian cyst, polyp only a fibroid

Dec 16, 2011
To Stem Bleeding
by: Janine Laeuger

I have written I was on PN to stem post menopausal bleeding.

I was actually on it for a number of months ... maybe 12.

Since my last notes on this site, I have visited another Gyn who wanted me off it.
She said we don't usually leave people on PN to stem bleeding for that time.
The Dr. did another D&C (second in 12 months) together with pathology from the lining of the uterus. (15ml thickening)
As well, another two ultra sounds were done which looked good. Ovaries could not be seen this time but one 12 months ago showed 'simple' cysts.
Another two ultra sounds will be done in February.

I am no longer bleeding.

The Dr. says that the Uterus/hormones somehow become reliant on the Progesterone and often without it a person will just start to bleed again without having a D&C...?
Maybe in the case of my condition..?
The Dr. also requested bloods. I think they were specific to hormones.
I also have regular 'full bloods' done and donate my blood as well.
It's also a very thorough screening. (as you would hope).

It's great to be able to compare notes !
chees, Janine

Dec 28, 2011
by: Anonymous

I been on my period for 2days can I take primolut n to stop it.

Dec 29, 2011
Miss period
by: Mr em

My woman has delayed period n 15 days delayed i afraid if there is pregnancy, when she gone to doc , doc give her primolute N . is it safe to take for menses?

Jan 05, 2012
periods should regular
by: hashi

i am 21 years and last month i have my periods on 27 of oct 2011 and i also had a pregnat test two times and it is negative both times . now on 27 dec 2011 i start taking Primolut n for Five days twice in a day and stoped taking it on 2 january.
now its 5 january and i still dunt have my periods.. pls rply m worried

Jan 05, 2012
by: Anonymous

I am hashi.
yes primolut n works out its so charming

Jan 08, 2012
Primolut N
by: Anonymous

I have been bleeding 4 2weeks i went 2 my doc who said dat implantation almost took place but failed dat he do evacuation 2 clean my body up 4 anoda fertilizatn 2 tak place,i went 2 anoda doc who gav me primolut N 2 stop d bleeding.pls advice me

Jan 14, 2012
primolut pills side effects
by: Anonymous

hye, i"ve had primolut n pill last october 2011. since then i've got my mense which last longer than 15 days on november and december? is it normal?what are the side effects of primolut n?after how many monyhs will i get my normal mense which las for only 4 days?

Jan 16, 2012
by: Kay

Hii I Was 3 weeks pregnant when i miscarried..After that i was bleeding for almost 2 months straight so i went by my doctor and he prescribed 30 pills of Primolut N to take 2 pills 2 times a day ..After taking the Pills bleeding came 4 days after like menstrual period ..

Is this supposed to happen?? Am i supposed to bleed again :(

Feb 11, 2012
I want my period to be a week early
by: Desperate


I am 35 and I keep having irregular periods. I would miss two or three months in a row then it would come normal for a two months or more.

My problem is I had my period on 28th last month and my boyfriend is due on the same 28th this month and I so want to spend time with him but afraid my period could spoil this. Can "primolut-n" help to advance my period? If so, how do I use it?

THANK YOU for an urgent answer.

Feb 13, 2012
by: Maree

Hi I'm going on a holiday with my boyfriend in two days I'm in my 3rd day of my menstrual cycle and just wanted to stop the bleeding. The doctor gave me primolut N, I am still taking my sugar tablets on my pill and won't take my active ones for another 4 days should i still continue on ny sugar tablets or should I be taking my active pills?

Mar 19, 2012
primolut N contraceptive?
by: Anonymous

I'm taking primolut for the second month to regulate my menstruation. I'm taking Primolut N for 20 days starting on the 5th day of my menstruation monthly. My inquiry is that if i practice unprotected sex, what are the chances of me getting pregnant? thanks hope there is a 100% chance of me NOT getting pregnant. *fingers crossed*

Mar 25, 2012
what will happen
by: Anonymous

hi i am 3 months pregnant i am wondering if ur prescribed this and you are pregnant what would be the worst that could happen as i think i have been wronley prescribed this

Mar 26, 2012
I was diagnosed as primary infertility.
by: J.M

im 31yrs old women and married .I have been trying to concieve since last year and on treatment for infertility .doctor tried somany medicines including I.U.I .Then later she said me to try I.V.F because I'm high on F.S.H and progestrone level is around my 5 day after induced menstruation.Now i consulted with another gynecologist, she said me to take primolut-n 10mg.for 5 days and after the period suppose to take clomid 50mg. and repeat it for 3 months to regulate my periods.And then after that 3 moths I supposed to take a pelvic ultra sound scan as p[er her oders. Now im took primolut-Nor tab 10mg. for 5 days and waiting for more than 7 days my period to come .can u please advice me on this mater.Thanks.....

Mar 29, 2012
I was diagnosed as primary infertility
by: Wray

Hi JM Has anyone checked for PCOS? Has anyone checked your vitamin D levels? This has a huge bearing, as it's vital for ovulation, conception and a successful pregnancy, see here, here, here, here, here and here. These are excellent videos to watch too, see here and here. It would be far better to use progesterone and vitamin D to help your cycle, rather than a synthetic progestin. All drug based Contraceptives have the potential to harm. Please have a vitamin d test done. For more info on vitamin D levels, test kits etc see GrassrootsHealth, Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. We do have a page on Pregnancy you could look through. Take care Wray

Apr 10, 2012
I was diognosed as primary infertility.
by: J.M

Thanks for ur comment ...yesterday ( monday 5.30 p.m ) i did oocyte retreval for iccy and doctor said he will do embrayo transfer may be on wednesday or thursday.Now he priscribed pogestrone vaginal pessary for 21 days and P.R on the Embrayo transfer day.Can you please explain what this mean and Im having only one matured egg retreaved out off three.Waiting for your replay soon..

Apr 11, 2012
Primary infertility
by: J.M

Yeasterday the nurse in I.V.F clinic retreaved oocyte not firtlized after 24 hrs expecting late fertilization why this happens and i had only one matured egg retreaved as I said previous comment.Please advice me on this mater.

Apr 11, 2012
I was diognosed as primary infertility
by: Wray

Hi JM I'm not sure what you want me to explain. Progesterone is often given after embryo transfer. If you read our page on pregnancy, you will see I recommend using it prior to conception. I also believe it should be used for at least 2 months, if not 4 months. You'll have to ask your doctor why he's only giving you the progesterone for 21 days. Take care Wray

Nov 26, 2012
desperate to know
by: Anonymous

i took primute for6days to delay menstruation. last tablet was taken on17 october.i had periods on 20 october. when will be my next periods and next ovulation date. will it be affected by rimulute that i took on 17 october

Mar 11, 2013
primolut N for 2 years now
by: Anonymous

Am 23 yrs,av been told i av a small uterine fibroid that cause heavy bleeding..av been taking primolut N twice daily for 2 years now to stop heavy bleeding..the period is normal now cos i do it once a i want to get pregnant.Kindly help..

May 31, 2013
primulot and acne
by: Anonymous

i took primulot for a few days for bleeding that wouldnt stop after i took cytotec.... could that have caused acne? and if it did, would the acne be permanent?

Jul 29, 2014
Hormonal breakout?
by: Anonymous

I was prescribed primolut n by my GP to delay my period as i was going on holiday for a week. It's the first time I've ever taken any hormones (natural or synthetic) and the dose i was prescribed was 1x5mg three times a day for eight days. While I was taking the pills I noticed that my skin cleared up more than it has in over a year despite my doing nothing to change my skincare routine, but after I stopped taking it yesterday I started to break out almost immediately around my chin area. I have heard that breakouts around the chin are often hormonal, and I guess my question is really whether it could be possible that these changes in my skin could have been caused by my taking primolut n or if the timing is a coincidence? I am 16 and, being a teenager, I almost always have some acne, however my breakouts don't tend to be very severe.

Sep 24, 2014
by: Anonymous

If I take primulot n one day before due date will still work.

Dec 26, 2014
still bleeding even with n tab
by: Anonymous

I was expecting my period on the 23rd of dec but sinct didn't come and i wanted it next week,i started taking the n tablet on thr 24th to delay it,but it came on the 25th but i still kept taking till now and i am still bleeding.i want to know,if it will rather extend my normal four days of flowing or if it will prolong it

Apr 03, 2015
irregular period
by: Miss. R

Hi there, I'm new to this blog and hopeful that I'll get a positive & immediate response from your part.
I'm 18 and always having irregular menses. I'm 163cm and weighs 78kg,I know I'm unfit for my age and height. I just wanted to know some tips how to regulate both my weight and menses. It's the second month that I'm taking Primolut N 5mg/ 3 times a day for a week.
Please help me, I want to be like all the other girls of my age :(

Thanking you in advance

Apr 04, 2015
no menses
by: Anonymous

Hi, am 21 n I missed my menses n I already used primolut N and there is no menses, although I do have some pms. I also used for feburary n it came out heavy. It been 8 days late now

Apr 15, 2015
still bleeding
by: Anonymous

Pls I took misoprostol for a medical abortion and after a week and some days am still bleeding heavily. Can I primolut N to stop the bleeding?

May 01, 2015
no menses
by: Anonymous

Hi there i am not been mense since three dr recommend me primolut for 7 days and uterine tonic utis.but after 7 days days also i didnot get period.i am so much worried.only there is white fluid flowing

Oct 21, 2015
Primolut N
by: Madhu

I am of 43yrs & I've gone under treatment last month for heavy menstrual bleeding. Doc prescribed to take primolut N O/D for 20 days. It worked. Can I continue P N this month?

Nov 16, 2015
Still bleeding
by: Anonymous

Hey, I used primolut N for two days (2 tabs per day as prescribed) to delay my period. it worked well but since the day I stopped taking the pill my periods started this is 8th day and I wont stop periods are normally 3/4 days. what went wrong?? I am scared

Dec 02, 2015
primolut depot and pregnancy
by: Anonymous

i really appreciate your time and effort in helping a lot of people is finding answers to their situations.please i equally need ur help.i had a surgery on uterin fibroid took 5tablet of clomid 2anhalf month after the surgery and i conceived.but experience brownin discharge an bleeding.i was on dat discharge for weeks while on hospital bed rest and was placed primolut daily for 13days and to cont.weekly till 20weeks.some fibroids were also seen close to d cervic an a low lying placenta spotted as well.pls is d primolut injection nt too much.

Dec 02, 2015
stop bleeding
by: Anonymous

hi, I am getting my periods for 8 days..docter suggested me to take primolut n 1 tablet 2 times daily from the 4th day for periods for 21 days.. after stopping the tablet I am getting periods starting with heavy to stop the periods

Dec 28, 2015
Primolut n
by: Anonymous

Can I start Primolut N even without period?

Feb 17, 2016
Getting back my period
by: Anonymous

Im 35 years old and I stopped my contraceptive pills years ago by then, i missed my period for almost 2 years. My doctor prescribed me the Primolut 5mg 3x day for 10days. Finally my menstration came out after few days of 10days taking it. Now i want to get pregnant., but my doctor said to me to take this pills 3 months in a row. Should i discontinue using it now since I get back my period? Or continue the 3 months? I hear that it is not good if Im planning for pregnancy. Please advise me.

Feb 22, 2016
by: Anonymous

greetings, kindly i wish to ask, i had used cytotec for abortion two weeks ago, the bleeding lasted four days then stopped. a week after i have started bleeding heavily again. pharmacist recommended me 3 day use of primolut. kindly do you think it will help stop my bleeding? iam worried.

Mar 12, 2016
by: Anonymous

I had prolong bleeding and primolut n was prescrbed for 10 days,I did nt complete d dosage,then started menstruating after 2days,it is heavy with blood clott ,is dis normal?

Mar 13, 2016
Primolut N 10 mg
by: Anonymous

Hi, I was prescribed by my Obgyn to take primlout N 10mg 2x daily for 5 days.It has been n8 days now since i finished taking the prescription but still i don't have my period. How long does it take to bleed after taking primolut n?

Your kind reply will be appreciated.

Jul 22, 2016
its not working
by: Anonymous

I was prescribed Primolout 3 times a day to stop irregular bleeding (21 days) it worked for a few days but now i am still taking it & the bleeding has returned & been bleeding for a further 7 days & counting...not sure what to do now

Aug 02, 2016
found consistency with menopausal
by: Anonymous

Hi, I am 49 years old. My period has stopped for last two months. I had hormonal tests and found consistency with menopausal. Doctor gave me Primolut – N to have for 4/5 days (2 tablets 3 times a day). Can you tell me if that helps to bring back my normal periods?

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