
Prenatal and postpartum depression

I am suffering from postpartum insomnia and depression. I've been thinking about trying progesterone cream to see if it would help. My only concern is that I also suffered from anxiety, depression and insomnia all through my third trimester of pregnancy when supposedly progesterone is really high, so I wondered if my mood issues were caused by high progesterone. Is there any chance it would help me to take progesterone now that I'm 4 weeks postpartum? I really need something and I'd rather not go on ssri medication. Thank you for any responses. I just really want to get some sleep, stop crying and be able to enjoy my life again.

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Mar 29, 2016
Yes! Take progesterone!
by: Adina

I'm no expert. I am dealing with post partum depression and anxiety as well, and I'm taking progesterone. Believe me, it helps so much! Chances are you were low in progesterone though out our pregnancy as well. I'm sure someone else more qualified will comment with more help, but I just want to encourage you that progesterone does not usually have side effects, and is safe while nursing. You can try it pretty risk free.
I hope you find help soon!

Mar 30, 2016
Thank you!
by: Beth

Thank you so much! That gives me hope. I was low on progesterone in my first trimester and used cream to prevent a miscarriage, but I stopped taking it at the beginning of my 2nd trimester. Did you do a hormone test/work with a doctor for your treatment? Are you using cream? What is your dose? Thank you for any additional info. I'm so glad it's working for you--ppd is harder than I ever would have guessed.

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