
Post Menopause and Seizures

by Judy

I had 2 febrile seizures as an infant. Then at age 35 I had a seizure after about a year of monthly auras following the birth of my 2nd child. I was well controlled on dilantin until age 48, then with med adjustments, menopause etc. I began to have problems once again.
looking back on my history, I realized that the 4 seizures that I did have since 2011 were the following dates of the month 12-14-2011 , 2-7-2012, 7-9-2013, 2-12-2013.
It was a 7 day span, the second week of a month. All in the afternoon. Could this be a progesterone issue even though I have finished menopause at age 51? I am now 55 years old.

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Mar 06, 2013
Post Menopause and Seizures
by: Wray

Hi Judy It appears the seizure you had after giving birth could well have been due to a lack of progesterone. You said you had a year of monthly auras before it occurred. I take it they didn't check and put you immediately on to drugs? Now being in Menopause it makes it difficult to pick up a pattern in the seizures you had recently. Progesterone does have anti-epileptic properties, and oestrogen exacerbates them. It could be your oestrogen level is too high, your progesterone will definitely be low. We do have a page you could look through on Epilepsy. It gives a list of nutrients which can help too. Take care Wray

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