
Please help, too much progesterone??

by Beth

I am 35 and have been taking bioidentical progesterone cream for six months. I am not pre-menopausal yet. I got off of birth control almost a year ago and immediately gained 8 pounds, which was due to excessive bloating around my abdomen, hips, and buttocks. I am 5'4" and had weighed 112-115 lbs consistently for the last 12 years. After stopping birth control I was up to 122, and nothing I did with diet or exercise resulted in any weight decrease.

I originally started on the following dosages: 25 mg compounded cream on days 1-14 of my cycle and 50 mg on days 15-28 or onset of period. After several months I did see some improvement with the bloating, which was my main symptom of concern. In early January, my doctor increased my dosage to 40 mg days 1-14 and 80 mg days 15-period. With this dosage, the bloating has completely subsided, however, about a month ago I started having some sleep disturbances and trouble getting to sleep. This has steadily worsened to the point where I am not sleeping at all, even with the help of over the counter sleep aids. Also, when trying to sleep I get a weird tingling sensation all over.

The only thing that has changed is the increase in my progesterone. I can't go on like this, but am also afraid of how I'll feel if I stop taking it, i.e. the bloating again. Also, should I be taking it at the beginning of my cycle if I am still ovulating. I didn't think so, but my doctor said it would not affect my ovulation.

Thank you.

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Mar 03, 2014
Please help, too much progesterone??
by: Joy

Hi Beth

I am so glad that you came off BC as all drug based contraceptives and HRT have a potential to cause harm – see here. It is also the reason why you have put on weight, you have excess estrogen, see Estrogen Dominance. Some bio-identical progesterone creams contain estrogen and testosterone, not what any woman needs. Plus you are not using the cream correctly, please read How to use Progesterone Cream. When choosing a progesterone cream, please make sure that it has the correct progesterone concentration – see here. Many make the mistake of thinking that it is progesterone causing the problems, it is not. If you do not use enough progesterone it keeps you in a permanent state of estrogen dominance which is what is happening to you. It is excess estrogen that is causing the problems, not progesterone.

What is your Vitamin D level as a deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone. You might like to look at the Ketogenic Diet, it is excellent for those wanting to lose weight.

Hope this helps you to understand the benefits of progesterone.

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