
Please help me

by Colleen

I'm 50, suffering from:

Horribly painful breasts about a week before my period until day 2
I fall asleep and wake a few hours later and that's it for the night
Anxiety....I sometimes wake in by panic and have to walk outside the house to calm down
Night sweats
Rage anger weepiness
I feel like I'm losing my mind...I've always been the picture of happiness and now I'm horrible
Under eyes are swollen every morning
Unexplained hives out of no where started 2 yrs ago with incredible itching and swelling

I'm a mess
Periods are still the same time every month...bad cramping for 2 days
Never had that before

I've been to 3 doctors and all tested and say my hormones are fine
Here's my labs....saliva tested day 21

Estradiol 2.1 pg/ml

Estrone 36.6 pg/ml

Progesterone 115.2 pg/ml

Dhea 204.8 pg/ml

Testosterone 29.9 pg/ml

I bought the progesterone and I'm clueless
Do I need it
How much in tspns

Please help me

Oh and my cortisol was through the roof

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Oct 20, 2014
Please help me
by: Wray

Hi Colleen Progesterone can help Breast Tenderness. But it could be you lack iodine too, this is explained on our page about Breast Cysts. We do have a page on Anxiety, another on Hot Flushes. The hives are caused by excess oestrogen, or as it's normally called Oestrogen Dominance, which you have. Your progesterone to oestrogen ratio is only 55:1. You are also in Peri-menopause which is an impossible time. You say you bought the progesterone but you don't say which one, or how much progesterone the cream contains. The pages I've given you explain how much progesterone you should use. High cortisol indicates you're Stressed. I'm not surprised, you sound like I used to be. Take care Wray

Oct 20, 2014
thank you!
by: colleen

thanks Wray...I bought the natpro that was recommended on this site. How much would you recommend that I take and how often in the month?
so in essence its estrogen dominance?

Oct 21, 2014
thank you!
by: Wray

Hi Colleen Yes most definitely Oestrogen Dominance. This page should help you re the amount to use, it is unfortunately trial and error. You do have quite a few unpleasant symptoms, so I guess you'll need more than most. I suggest you try 200mg/day which is about 6ml of cream. Please keep a look out for symptoms getting worse, please re-read the oestrogen dominance page as it gives info on this. Take care Wray

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