
Period for almost a month

by Claire

38 using progesterone cream for 5-6months 200mg a day and suddenly have had my period for 17 days this month…I have it for about 7 days then a few day off and it starts agiain…am I doing something wrong? I can’t up dose too much or too expensive to keep up with ….id appreciate any help at all!

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Aug 26, 2024
Period for almost a month
by: Joy

Hi Claire

Please try to get that bleeding under control, you could land up anemic otherwise and that you do not want.  You are in Peri-Menopause which can be a difficult time for most women.  More often than not, heavy/continual bleeding and possible clots is most common.
I understand the cost factor but if you could just try to follow this heavy bleeding protocol for a short while, it should help you greatly.  Once under control the amount of Natpro can be reduced.  This is the time when doctors will suggest a hysterectomy which is most unnecessary.

400-500mg Natpro Progesterone Cream per day
2000mg N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) per day
2000mg Taurine per day
5000iu's Vitamin D3 per day
1000mg Bioflavanoids or Vitamin C per day

The only other thing that I can think of would be drugs.  You will need to decide what route you prefer to take.  

Best of luck, it really isn't easy being a female at times.

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