
Perimenopause stinks!

by Mikki

I posted this on another thread titled "can I use too much progesterone"

Please excuse the double entry. I didn't get a reponse so I thought I would start my own thread.

Hi! I am having one of those long lasting periods that occasionally come because I am in perimenopause. I am 49 and have been through peri for the last 3-4 yrs. this is the second time in 2 yrs that I have had a prolonged period. Last time it lasted 3 weeks. This time it is two weeks and no sign of letting up. It is NOT extremely heavy. Flow changes from light to medium throughout the day. Some slight cramping every so often.

Here is my question. Will progesterone cream help stop the bleeding and help regulate my cycle? How should I use it? Can I start using it while I am still bleeding? Please help! The doctor wants to put me on pills. No way, no how!

Thank you!

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Oct 04, 2012
reply to menapause stinks
by: Peg

When i stopped using my cream, i started bleeding again. I have started back using it, i am still having cramps, but its not my time to cycle yet...
The dr said to take it, so the bleeding and clots would stop.

Oct 06, 2012
Perimenopause stinks!
by: Wray

Hi Mikki I did answer your query, but you gave your name as Nikki! The link to that answer Take care Wray

Oct 06, 2012
Re: perimenopause stinks
by: Mikki

Hi Wray! Yes I did get your reply on the other thread. Thank you! I am trying out your suggestions. Will keep you posted. Sorry about the name confusion. Autocorrect changes my name from Mikki to Nikki.

Oct 07, 2012
reply to menapause stinks
by: Wray

Hi Peg I would need a bit more info to help. You say you're still having cramps, but presumably you haven't begun bleeding again? And how much are you using, I recommend 100-200mg/day, often more if symptoms are severe. But I have found if there's heavy bleeding 400mg/day or more are needed to stop it. But I take it yours did stop on the amount you were using. We do have more info on our pages How to use progesterone cream and Menstruation. Take care Wray

Oct 07, 2012
Re: perimenopause stinks
by: Wray

Hi Mikki Thanks for clearing up my confusion! And do let me know how you get on. Take care Wray

Oct 08, 2012
perimenopause stinks
by: PEG

I got home yesterday from watching my grandson to my husband left me. took furniture and left me w no bed to sleep on. i am supposed to be having a complete hysterectomy October 29th . not gonna happen now. Please pray he will gain an understanding of womens issues...

Oct 08, 2012
Perimenopause stinks!
by: Anonymous

Oh my gosh, Peg, I am so sorry to hear that! I will be praying for you and your husband. God Bless!

Oct 09, 2012
perimenopause stinks
by: Wray

Hi Peg I so sorry to hear this, what an unpleasant thing to do. The only good thing to come of it, you won't be having the hyst. I take it this was for the heavy bleeding? As I mentioned previously progesterone does stop this, although 400mg/day or more are needed. You might like to see these pages here, here and here for encouragement. Take care Wray

Oct 10, 2012
by: Anonymous

Hi Wray! Wanted to give you an update on my condition. I did as you suggested for the prolonged bleeding I have been having. Been using about 500 Mg of progeterone cream. 2000mg of NAC. And 6000mg of vitamin d3. Been doing this for a few days now and the bleeding has decreased about 95%. Now I just have some spotting throughout the day. Thank you so much for your help!

My question now is do I keep applying 500mg of progesterone for how long to keep bleeding at bay? I am using approximately an ounce of cream per day. The jar I use has 4oz. So, I go thru a jar pretty quickly and at $24/jar it is getting expensive! I can't imagine being able to afford doing this for much longer. Will I be able to cut back on amount of cream per day soon? And how much can I cut back?

Thanks for your help!

Oct 12, 2012
by: Wray

Hi Mikki I'm so delighted! Keep taking the NAC and the vitamin D, but if you wish, start reducing the progesterone very slowly, i.e. no more than 25mg/day. You should stay on that amount for at least a day or two before reducing. Just monitor your symptoms, and if the bleeding should come back, increase back up to the previous amount. You could increase the NAC slightly, and go up to 10,000iu's per day vitamin D. I'm currently helping another woman with heavy bleeding, I did give you her link before, and something made me look up taurine. It's another remarkable amino acid, and a potent antioxidant too, needed by cells that have high oxidation. Particularly the heart, eyes, brain and liver. Well I discovered the uterus needs it too. So I suggested to the other woman to try it, as she found her bleeding stopped, but like you she still had the spotting. I have no idea if it's helped her yet. She's very good at giving me feedback, but waits until she has something positive to tell me. Or negative! If you would like to read about it, her link is here. Scroll down to my answer 'update on heavy bleeding, Part 2' about taurine. The 210,000iu's vitamin D that she took is a very high dose, and one which would make any doctor throw up his hands in horror. But then she was bleeding very heavily and constantly. But as with the progesterone, I've found nutrients have to be high to correct an imbalance quickly. For instance a paper was published this month on vitamin D and heart disease. The authors said it had no affect on it. Well the amounts given were laughable, I haven't even bothered to save the paper, as I usually do. They gave 400iu's and 1000iu's to two groups of women. The 1000iu's raised the level about 10ng/ml, from the average of about 13ng/ml, which in itself is dangerously low. The cream you are using seems to have about 500mg progesterone per ounce, or 2000mg in the 4 ounce jar? And you say it's $24/jar. I'm intrigued, as I haven't come across a cream as cheap as ours, which this one is. Well it's $1 more. If it helps you we do give a 30% discount if buying 20 tubes. It's quite a big initial outlay, but works out much cheaper. Some women share with others, or have their whole family on it, including husbands! We also give the 30% discount on any amount of cream, if you do our questionnaire. That way you can get a smaller amount. It is a once off offer though, i.e. you can't do the questionnaire again. You'll find it at the top in the right hand margin of every page. Take care Wray

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