
PCOS and TTC (25yr)

by Callie Smith
(Albany Georgia)

Hey I am praying that someone will reply..

I am 25 and been trying to conceive the past 8 years. I have PCOS, thyroid issues and I am on metformin. My cycles are very irregular and I don't even think I ovulate (hard to tell with pcos) and if I do its not very normal/healthy (LH is low I think). Anyways I have just come off a 5 day menses and it was 90 days exactly from my last menses and that period lasted 8 days.. before that I went to cycle day 74 before I started. I am just all over the place... I have tried herbal supplements- Maca root, Vitex, Ashaghanda,black cohosh,I think i leaving some out..I have cyst in my breast painful and on my ovaries,and lots of hair around my nipple area, belly, and face. I am 5'7 and 170 but im losing weight since starting metformin again. I am just really looking for some help on how to help myself. I have been on provera which is like progesterone (I think?)and I know it helped bring on my period and with the symtoms I had but I want to try without a doctor.. If there is anyway please respond. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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Jul 31, 2015
PCOS and TTC (25yr)
by: Joy

Hi Callie

PCOS affects so many these days and your symptoms definitely indicate that you have it. Progesterone will definitely help you but you need to take nutrients too as PCOS is caused by oxidative stress and unless that is dealt with you will really battle. Did your doctor advise you that metformin destroys vitamin B12, he should have, see here. So many have gone the maca root, vitex etc route but have found very little success, plus most of them are estrogenic, not what you need.

You are very definitely suffering from Estrogen Dominance too as cysts are caused by excess estrogen. I know, because I used to be riddle with cysts on my ovaries and breasts, all cleared up now thanks to progesterone. Provera is the worst thing that your doctor could have prescribed, please read the side effects. I must also just correct you, Provera does not contain progesterone, it contains progestins which is synthetic and has added to your adverse symptoms. Again, did your doctor not inform you of this?

Please read the Pregnancy and How to use Progesterone Cream pages. If you do consider using progesterone cream, make sure that it delivers the correct amount of progesterone, so many creams today do not. You should use nothing less than 200mg/6ml per day, possibly more, for 2-6 months or until your symptoms clear. Once they do, you can use the cream by following your cycle, explained on the How to use Progesterone Cream page. If you want to conceive you have you get your menstrual cycle back on track.

Do you know what your Vitamin D3 level is, a deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone but it is also needed for PCOS.

I hope this helps you.

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