by Sandy
I came across your site looking for answers. I suspect I am lacking progesterone. I have a pelvic tenderness / bruised feeling that comes after my period and last for a week or so. It sometimes correlates with a lower back / hip pain that I get for a week here and there. Inside it feels like its between bladder and uterus and the uterus and ovaries all feel tender in that region during that time.
I first noticed this tenderness before my third pregnancy and went to the Dr where an ultrasound came up that everything was fine. Pap-smear was fine also.
This tenderness went away during pregnancy and breast feeding and returned about a year or so ago. At 6 weeks pregnant and about 6 weeks postpartum I had a couple of days of the same back pain that was significantly worse. I also suffer from anxiety, depression, chronic worrying over my health even though I am a healthy person. I also get tender breasts before my period. My cycle fluctuates between 22-28 days with 7 days of bleeding sometimes 9 lately though. I was getting headaches regularly but found that they reduced significantly when I cut out gluten and wheat from my diet. All other symptoms are vague.
I always feel better for lying in the sun and magnesium cream really helps the tender areas. I have a natural progesterone cream but am scared to use it as of the cancer warning on it.
I have tried many alternative avenues also with acupuncture, mayan abdominal massage, nutrition and supplements through a very comprehensive blood chemistry evaluation. But I still have this tenderness and pain.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
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