
Ovulation woes

by Sam

Since starting progesterone cream at 100mg each month my ovulation has become more problematic.

I get ovulation pain. This is normal for me but now I get intense exhaustion and nausea fir a few days around ovulation. I upped my cream this month to 250mg. Each month I get the same symptoms, irrespective of dose.

I'm 46.

Any help?

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Aug 24, 2022
Ovulation woes
by: Joy

Hi Sam

How long have you been using progesterone cream for? It can take 2-6 months before one benefits. You are also suffering from Estrogen Dominance. Have you read the How to use Progesterone Cream page? You might want to read the Menstruation page. Progesterone therapy is not easy, I wish it was. It takes time and patience.

You are also in Peri-Menopause (PM) which is an extremely difficult time. I am pleased that you upped to 250mg, please continue to use that amount. I always advise to use the cream every day with NO breaks until you feel stable and your monthly periods become regular again. If you are not wanting to conceive it really is best to use the cream every day going forward. You will now need it once PM and Menopause hits you.

What is your Vitamin D3 level? A deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone and is connected to every single functioning cell in our bodies.

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