Overdue period
by Veronica
I've been using Natpro for over 6 months now (400mg per day - I'm under extreme long-term stress due to personal circumstances which, I'm sure, make matters worse) and I've noticed several symptoms disappear in that time e.g. hot flushes, tender breasts, menstrual pain. However, I still struggle greatly with body inflammation, tender joints, neck/shoulder/back injuries which affect quality of sleep, and crucially I feel like I've aged 30 years in the past couple of years. I walk and hobble around like an 80 year old, and I'm only 46 (and I haven't even mentioned how I look!).
Last month, I was two days late using the Natpro during my luteal phase and then I ran out of cream about a week in (because of the stock out). My menstrual cycle should have begun 7 days ago, but I still have no period.
Natpro arrived yesterday so I began with 200mg last night, and another 200mg this morning.
Is my late period due to not using cream throughout luteal phase?
Do I continue using cream? Not sure what to do now.
I'm not sleeping well, so I'm not thinking straight. I appreciate your help.
I was taking a little magnesium threonate in the morning (144mg) and 50mg magnesium glycinate before bed, but it affected my bowels, so I didn't know what to do and I seem to have stopped taking any magnesium. But I'll start with glycinate again.
I'm not taking d3 or K, but having read other comments, I will start. Any advice on dosage would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.