
Overactive mind with ovulation?

by Valerie

I notice that my mind seems to have more repetitive thoughts during the time in my cycle from ovulation to when my period starts. Is there anything to this? Thoughts like a certain phrase someone said over and over. Not compulsively. My mind does this normally but I notice it gets much more frequent and intense after ovulation.

I am on my second cycle while using the Natpro cream at 200mg a day. My symptoms have improved and my last 2 cycles have both been 33 days. I still have a bit of tender breasts at time of ovulation to when my period starts, then it goes away.

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Aug 29, 2019
Overactive mind with ovulation?
by: Joy

Hi Valerie

Your overactive mind could be hormone related. You might like to try the amino acid tyrosine, it may help. Continue with Natpro, remember it is not an overnight fix. Your body is still adjusting to progesterone. You could also increase the amount of progesterone to see if that helps.

Are you taking vitamin D3? Vitamin D3 is very important, a deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone. Nothing less than 5,000iu's per day is needed. Optimal range is between 70-100ng/ml. Magnesium and vitamin K2 with no soy are important co-factors needed when taking vitamin D3. See The Vitamin D Council.

Sep 03, 2019
Thanks and question?
by: Anonymous

I am curious what is the reason breast tenderness ends when my period starts? Is it a drop in a hormone? My cycle is getting shorter than last month so I feel it is regulating. This month is about 3 days shorter than last month, now 30 days down from 33 and that was down from 39-45. I'm very great full for your help.

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