by Amadea
(Dallas, TX)
I'm 34 years old and I've never had a normal period. I was on birth control pills all through high school and college. When I was 24 I decided I didn't want to be on them anymore and then my body went crazy. At first I got terrible acne but was able to get rid of it with nutrition. I would have somewhat heavy periods and spotting in between periods, but the periods themselves were pretty regular.
When I went to the doctors about spotting, they never found anything physically wrong and said all they could do was give me birth control. I didn't want to do that again so I was trying to educate myself and get healthy. Taking vitamins/minerals and watching my diet always helped with other health issues but nothing seemed to help the spotting, which was getting worse.
Finally, last May I found a doctor who tested all of my hormones and she said my estrogen levels were normal but my progesterone levels were very low so she prescribed oral progesterone. I take 100mg day 1-14, and 200mg day 15-28. I noticed a drastic improvement after one month. After a few months the spotting was gone and my periods were not heavy at all. Everything was great and I felt like I finally had a handle on a problem I've been dealing with for pretty much my entire adult life. Then last month, it's like it suddenly stopped working. One week after my period, I started spotting again and continued until my next period. Once my period ended, I was fine and now today, which is about one week after my period ended, I noticed some slight cramping, and I've started spotting again.
I have been drinking a little more coffee lately and haven't been working out as much due to the quarantine, but I wouldn't think it would completely reverse the benefits of the progesterone.
I am trying to schedule an appointment with my doctor but she isn't seeing anyone right now due to Covid. This is so frustrating.
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