by Maria
(Philly Burbs)
45 years old
On progesterall from mid-cycle to day 27. Period normally comes on anywhere between day 26 to 34 (all of my life, a norm)
Normally a 7 day period with 3 days of heavier bleeding then four days of spotting, going to brown.
This cycle. Wanted bloodwork (glad I did).
All hormones were normal. I stopped taking progesterall the day before (as required for bloodwork)
Luteal(sp) phase, day 21 in cycle.
Progesterall was in low norm so, norm was maybe 4-20, and mine was 5.6ish.
This month period seemed a LITTLE lighter, but now I am on day 8 with light spotting still and it's a bit red/pink, noticing only when I wipe or see on underwear.
Not scared per se but concerned; is this too out of the norm? Honestly this could have happened before but I'm so aware of my period now that I'm tracking everything that it does have me concerned.
Comments for On Progesterall, bloodwork was just fine, spotting on day 8 of period?