by Brodie
I am 25 and was told I am progesterone deficient. I had a full panel done on my hormones using a new test that is more accurate then saliva. I came off birth control as they felt it was contributing to the deficiency. The only things that came up were progesterone deficient, and slightly low testosterone. I was given progesterone capsules suppose to take 3 (300 mg) in the evening, they made me feel way to groggy and I have problems with digestion. My vitamin d level was abnormal but now back to normal. My main problem is that I get extremely hypoglycaemic, dizziness and heart palpitations this increases during the last part of my cycle. I then was suggested to take 50mg of progesterone cream (natural and compounded) daily and on the last two week of my cycle (my cycle is 28 days usually) take 100 mg. When I started taking the 50 mg I got slight a slight increase in heart palps but disappeared soon after and for the first time in a long time I actually started to feel better. I have recently come to the 14 day of my cycle and have been using 100 mg for 5 days now and my heart palpitations have sky rocketed, as well as my hypoglycaemia. My heart palps start as soon as I apply it and last basically all day.
I contacted my doctor and they suggested backing down to 50 mg and take it all through out my cycle. What I am confused about it that I see a lot of conflicting literature saying you can get those side effects from using too much as well as too little. Also lots of conflicting information saying you need to use less and consistently or as much as u can and then taper down.
I am not sure on what to do, I'm not sure if I should either
A) keep taking 50 mg daily and 100 mg day 14- 28 and ride it out
B) keep taking 50 mg daily and increase dose to 200 mg day 14-28
C) take 50 mg throughout entire cycle
D) start only taking it day 14-28
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