
Natural progesterone and sun-damaged skin/skin cancer

by Jules

Hi Wray! What a great site you have - it's been a joy reading the information you have available here. You must spend all your days researching and writing!

I have another question which I hope you can answer. A few years ago I got really badly sunburned on my face while on holiday. I seem to be sensitive to a particular malaria tablet and it made me sun senstive despite wearing high factor sun cream. My earlobes and lips were quite blistered and I was very red all over my face. I try to look after my skin and always use sun cream, so it was very annoying to burn that much due to trying to protect myself from malaria! Now I am worried that I am at risk of skin cancer due to that. I have never really sunbathed in the past as I am very pale and have quite a few freckles/moles.

Anyway, I was wondering if natural progesterone can help repair sun-damaged skin and even help to prevent that skin becoming cancerous. I often use the cream on my face at night and it feels great and I am hoping it really helps to treat the damage. Thanks Wray!

Comments for Natural progesterone and sun-damaged skin/skin cancer

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Jan 17, 2013
Sun Damage
by: Manny Dog

Greetings- I have been applying 500mgs per day to various parts of my body for almost a month now. I have/had very bad sun damage on my chest. The skin was rather rippled as I am 52 yo. After applying the Natpro to my chest once a day, the lines have smoothed out and the color looks great. I also wore very short hair for many months and had a speckled appearence on both sides of my neck. I have very long hair now, but the blotchy appearance has faded. Also, one of my small brown sun spots on my cheek is no longer there. Good luck with the Natpro. It's an amazing product.

Jan 18, 2013
Natural progesterone and sun-damaged skin/skin cancer
by: Wray

Hi Jules Bless you for the kind words! And yes I do spend all day at it, love it! Malaria drugs are awful, there isn't one that doesn't cause a severe reaction of some sort in me, although photosensitivity isn't one. Thank heavens, as it sounds very severe. These are a few papers and articles on photosensitivity, seems quite common, plus a number of other nasty reactions, see here, here, here, and here. I now take nothing at all, rather relying on not being bitten by using a net, and always have artemisinin with me to take if I should, see here. The problem with fair skin and not sunbathing, or using a potent sunscreen, is you do not make any vitamin D. Ironically this is the very thing to prevent you getting skin cancer, melanoma or any cancer for that matter. Please have a test done. For more info on vitamin D levels, test kits etc see the Vitamin D Council, GrassrootsHealth and Birmingham Hospital. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml (175-250nmol/L) and not the 30ng/ml (75nmol/L) most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although recent research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. These are a few excellent videos to watch on skin cancer and vitamin D's protective role, see here, here, here, here and here. Continued below

Jan 18, 2013
Natural progesterone and sun-damaged skin/skin cancer Part 2
by: Wray

Hi Jules After all that, to answer your question! Yes progesterone is protective, as it's a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, very good as an after sun cream. Both Progesterone and Vitamin D inhibit mitosis, so helpful for any Cancer. Progesterone does help the skin under normal circumstances, see here. Take care Wray

Jan 19, 2013
Natpro to help sun damaged skin
by: Jules

Thanks Manny Dog and Wray for the great replies. I shall definitely use the Natpro on my face at night instead of a night cream. I take Vit D3 (5,000IU) after reading some of your other posts and give it to my husband too - we live in the very north and don't get much sunlight.
Thanks Wray for all the webpages!

Jan 19, 2013
Sun Damage
by: Wray

Hi Manny Dog Bless you for your support!! Take care Wray

Jan 24, 2013
Natpro to help sun damaged skin
by: Wray

Hi Jules Glad the info was of help. But please have a vitamin D test done. If you live in the far north, 5000iu might not be enough, certainly not in winter, as your summer levels will not be very high. Generally more is needed to raise the level, 5000iu does it so slowly, I know as I experimented with it. And please let us know how you get on. Take care Wray

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