
Natpro bottle issue / from Ann

by Ann

Joy, I tried emailing your company but the site will not work after composing my email, there is also no phone number a tad frustrating.
Anyway my pump doesn't work correctly, it only gave a full pump the first time and now I have to do it multiple times and have no idea how much I'm getting. Can you please tell me how to fix this? Also can you please provide measurements in teaspoons in case I can't fix it.
One last question is your cream USP grade?

Thank you!!

Comments for Natpro bottle issue / from Ann

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Jul 24, 2018
Natpro contact and measurements
by: Joy

Hi Ann

The correct way to make contact if you are experiencing any problems is to use the Contact button. Please could you submit your message there and your issue will be attended to.

Natpro is USP as stated on the Website. The How to use Progesterone Cream page has a conversion chart showing teaspoons etc.

Jul 24, 2018
Had the same problem
by: Anonymous

I took the bottom of the bottle off and found that a little nipple was broken on the plunger. It kept my bottle from using suction to dispense the cream. I stuck a bit of Kleenex in the hole and it started to work again. So far I only found one bottle like this.

Jul 25, 2018
Apologies for late post
by: Technical

Hello Ann

Joy did respond to your post immediately, though we only noticed that the response had not come through recently. There was a technical glitch which has been amended.

Apologies for the late response.

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