by Anonymous
Dear Wray,
I was doing great on my progesterone at 10-20 mg daily-2 weeks out of month . My boyfriend and i had a problem which put me in such a scare that i took the morning after pill. I got my period early and then the symptoms really started to increase mostly fatigue, mood swings and anxiety- the following cycle. I had to increase my p cream the last two weeks of my luteal cycle to 20-40mg daily. I could not go without it even during my period which was 5 days late.
I took the pill on 4/4
period on 4/18
that cycle was okay, usual.
This one was rough-
5/1 or so had to increase dosage as i said above.
period late 5 days
have not been able to take p break for 2 weeks as usual.
Question is- Did that pill slam me right back into estrogen dominance and side effects???
I have been a psycho-emotional wreck with anxiety constantly for the past 14 days.
Please help
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