
morning after pill

by Anonymous

Dear Wray,

I was doing great on my progesterone at 10-20 mg daily-2 weeks out of month . My boyfriend and i had a problem which put me in such a scare that i took the morning after pill. I got my period early and then the symptoms really started to increase mostly fatigue, mood swings and anxiety- the following cycle. I had to increase my p cream the last two weeks of my luteal cycle to 20-40mg daily. I could not go without it even during my period which was 5 days late.

I took the pill on 4/4
period on 4/18
that cycle was okay, usual.

This one was rough-
5/1 or so had to increase dosage as i said above.
period late 5 days
have not been able to take p break for 2 weeks as usual.

Question is- Did that pill slam me right back into estrogen dominance and side effects???

I have been a psycho-emotional wreck with anxiety constantly for the past 14 days.

Please help

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May 31, 2012
Please help
by: Wway

Hi there Yes the morning after pill would have seriously disrupted your hormones. I don't know which one you took, but they all stop ovulation, or fertilisation. Much as any Contraceptive does. In fact by taking ±4 normal contraceptive pills at once has the same effect. Some are progestin only, some a combo oestrogen and progestin, and one called mifepristone. The progestin only contains levonorgestrel which has androgenic properties. It's been shown to lower progesterone levels, plus impeding the blood flow in the uterine arteries, see here. The amount of progesterone you're using is too low to have any effect. Please increase it, I normally suggest anywhere between 100-200mg/day. But feel you will need at least 200mg/day, you'll have to judge by your symptoms. You could look through these two pages we have on How to use progesterone cream and Progesterone Misconceptions. Our page on the Menstruation Cycle might help too. We also have a page on Anxiety which gives a list of nutrients which can also help. Take care Wray

May 31, 2012
upped dosage again
by: Wray

Hi there Well I'm pleased upping it helped, I thought it would. I'm so interested in the 'breathing-sighing and shallow breaths', progesterone does expand lung volume, it's vital for normal respiration. The shallow breathing was induced by excess oestrogen, which constricts smooth muscle. This lines the capillaries in the lungs. It doesn't matter how many times you apply progesterone, many women use it hourly for severe symptoms. Just divide the daily amount into how ever many amounts you'll require. I don't know how long the effects will last, but if you keep up the high amounts of progesterone you should come right soon. It's also safe to use during your period, I often recommend this to women with severe symptoms. Each time they stop it allows oestrogen to rise, until they're topped up with progesterone. It often takes 2-3 months before symptoms subside. You could try this too, there's more info on the How to Use page I gave you. It's essential to reduce slowly, taking a few weeks over it. Too quickly and symptoms come back. It's unfortunate how fixed in people's minds the 20mg/day amount is. This doesn't even raise progesterone to luteal levels, in fact it raises it to follicular levels, which is a waste of money. There's info about this on the misconceptions page I gave you. Take care Wray

May 31, 2012
Thank you so much
by: Anonymous

Dear Wray,

Thank you so much!!! I seriously was losing it out of nowhere. I was completely thrown off because I had finally reached a good point in my hormonal levels after about three months of dosing. Wham! Seriously the worst experience of my life. I've never taken birth control pills either so I was pretty clueless as to it's effects.

I took the levonorgestrel -not sure if spelled right. It's strange cause it took 1 1/2 cycles to catch up with me.

I also read somewhere that any amount of progesterone used after the pill does not really work-don't know if it's true but most likely, considering my experience.

I'm much better than I was two days ago. And thank god I've been sleeping through all this anxiety but having to wear a nightguard to protect my teeth from clenching them at night.

I tried 40mg this a.m. then the other 60mg later after reading your post.

I also started using melatonin two nights ago and that is helping although my dosage at 2mg is too much and i need to cut my tabs.

I've also been taking a product called adrenevive by orthomolecular. It's really good-some great herbals, phos serine and theanine.

Thought I'd share that in case there are any people out there who need help.

Also, before i upped my progesterone-NOTHING HELPED--no amount of herbals, breathing, yoga, 5 htp, theanine, magnesium...and I piddled with them for 2 weeks before upping p.

I really hope this balances out again soon. My only other complaint is that i've had blood sugar issues lately and extreme fatigue- like my cortisol and insulin and everything is upside down and confused---yeah, as you say...disrupted.
I have been eating every 2-3 hours and suddenly eating meat again. It's crazy. Healthy for sure and og like a chicken breast with a pile of veggies or eggs with another pile of veggies...
So bazaar. I cannot get enough protein. I'm craving it like crazy.

I am going to check out your suggestions now. Once again, thank you. You are an angel.

Jun 01, 2012
Drowsiness and sedated
by: Anonymous

Hi Wray,

I was wondering if the drowsiness and sedation i feel from the 100mg during the day will let up soon?

In other words, will i get more accustomed to it and then just feel relaxed as opposed to on the verge of passing out? The 100mg is taking care of my anxiety although i do get this strange heat sensation in my face and hands.

Any suggestions? I'd love to hear.

Jun 02, 2012
Thank you so much
by: Wray

Hi there I'm pleased you increased the amount, it does work. But watch out for any Oestrogen Dominance, it can come out of the blue. If it does increase the progesterone. I don't agree about any amount of progesterone won't work after the pill, high amounts do. Progesterone does help sleep, see here, here and here. So you might not need the melatonin. Progesterone also helps the adrenals too, as it lessens the stress response, see here, here, here, here and here. Progesterone does help regulate blood glucose, whereas oestrogen destabilises it, causing carb cravings. I'm pleased you responded to your bodies call for protein, and not suppressed this. Protein stabilises blood glucose far quicker than any other food, plus it's essential for healing and repair. You might like to look at our pages on Insulin Resistance and Nutrition. I try to follow the Paleo Diet, which is basically what you're doing now, protein and veggies, no grains or legumes. Thanks for the kind words! Take care Wray

Jun 02, 2012
Drowsiness and sedated
by: Wray

Hi there The 'sedation' does pass, some women never experience it, I can't recall experiencing it myself, but then I was so messed up at the time, I wasn't conscious of much unless a symptom actually went. Which they all did thank heavens, although it took 6 months. Progesterone does increase our temps, oestrogen lowers them, it should settle down. Normal oral body temperature in adult men and women ranges between 33.2–38.2 °C (92–101 °F). Typical average temperatures are 37.0 °C (98.6 °F). In women it varies between the follicular and the luteal phase. During the follicular phase, i.e. from the first day of menstruation to ovulation, it ranges from 36.45 to 36.7 °C (97.6 to 98.1 °F). During the 12-14 day luteal phase, i.e. after ovulation to menstruation, temperature increases by 0.15 - 0.45 °C (0.2 - 0.9 °F) due to the increased metabolic rate caused by rapidly rising levels of progesterone. Temperature ranges between 36.7 - 37.3°C (98.1 - 99.2°F) during the luteal phase, but drops down to follicular levels within a few days of bleeding. Take care Wray

Jun 03, 2012
Thanks again
by: Anonymous

Dear Wray,

Once again, thank you so much. I saw my doctor who basically said that I'm having kidney yin deficiency issues again, which is similar to adrenal fatigue. Makes sense considering the stress I went through the past month. That could also explain my breathing woes.

The progesterone is helping but now i need to get more! I wonder if i could just resort to an 8% compounded cream that I have. I never had good luck with it in the past though except for a couple of times. I felt like when it wore off or something, my skin tingled a lot where i applied it. What is your stand on the higher percentage creams-i think i read somewhere that they go to the liver quickly-not sure.

As for my diet-yeah paleo is treating me really well. I seem to be toning up too in the last few days without grains or legumes. I'm an O+ blood type so i'm starting to wonder about that whole blood type diet maybe having some truth. Hmm.

Weirdest thing is that in the morning i feel the most anxiety, like i've slept nine hours and i'm nervous and ready to go. I wish i woke up calmer.
It's as if i can feel my cortisol rising and it really bugs me. Could be a pattern i developed this school year as far as having to get all three kids off to school on time-i don't know.

I'm a little iffy on the melatonin because it gives me weird dreams and i don't really like that either. So, i think tonight i'll just try the progesterone.

I'm using emerita-progest right now and i'm so greasy... ugh, i never liked cream. Are the alcohol based creams comparable? I think progonol is the name and there is 65mg. per 1/2 t.

Thank you again for your replies. They are so quick too and informative. You don't miss a thing!

Jun 03, 2012
Help-can't stop going and going
by: Anonymous

Hi Wray,

I'm losing my mind over here. I'm sorry I keep writing to you-feel like a loser a bit.

I am wondering if you can answer this-

I did take an adrenal cortex formula this morning at 7a.m.

I used 80 mg. by 10 a.m. of 8% clicker-sorry not a 10%.

I have been raging crazy like gusto cortisol. I did not even crash by 3pm like i usually do.

I'm scared to death to take anymore progesterone tonight and I'm so biased with my answer that i can't get a decent reading with my pendulum.

Reiss says that it is a sign of too much or a paradoxical response?

Is it estrogen dominance? I'm afraid i won't settle down tonight.

It's been 8 hours since my morning dose, almost 9 hours...what to do? I'm clueless. Help please.

Jun 04, 2012
Help-can't stop going and going
by: Wray

Hi there Well I used my pendulum and firstly it indicates you're not using enough progesterone. That it's not a cortisol issue but excess adrenaline. And that your blood glucose dropped too low overnight, which sets off a chain reaction. I did give you the page on Anxiety, please read through it again, as it explains what occurs when blood glucose drops too low. I recommend avoiding all carbs at night, if you're following the Paleo Diet then you probably do avoid them. In which case increase the protein, and you could consider taking about 4000mg glutamine before going to bed. The brain can use glutamine in place of glucose. Some people find glutamine doesn't work for them, if this is the case with you, try glycine. Inositol can often help, it helps with sleep too, you'll need about 2000-4000mg of this. Many people find adrenal supps make them spin, my pendulum confirms it's doing this with you. You say you're using emerita but also an 8% cream. Whichever it is, please increase the amount, I did suggest 200mg/day. So if you're using the emerita you'll need 12.5ml per day of cream, or 2.5 teaspoons. If the 8% cream you'll need 2.5ml of cream or 1/2 tsp. Evidently the sedation you experienced has now gone! Too little progesterone does cause Oestrogen Dominance, please read through this page again, it explains why it occurs. That morning after pill you took has really upset your hormones, now they need help in settling down again. I can't tell you how long this will take, it's a question of persevering. Take care Wray

Jun 04, 2012
Help-can't stop going and going
by: Wray

Hi there I forgot to answer your query about progonol. These are the ingredients: Isopropyl Alcohol, Purified Water, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Stearic Acid, Dioctyl Succinate, Fermented Plant Derived Progesterone, Cetyl Alcohol, Wheat Germ Glycerides, Tocopherol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Polysorbate 60, Phenoxyethanol, Triethanolamine, Carbomer, Methylisothiazoline. If you want to check out the hazard rating for the ingredients, please see the Skin Deep website. It's a 2.6% cream, ie contains 26mg progesterone per gram of cream. It's not alcohol based, the cetyl alcohol it contains is an emulsifier, and the isopropyl alcohol is an antifoaming agent. Finally the phenoxyethanol is a preservative. You also commented how you didn't like the greasy creams, you might like to see the ingredients here of the one we make. It's a 3.3% cream or contains 33.3mg progesterone per gram of cream, it's not greasy. Take care Wray

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