by Fia
I have suffered from migraines since I started my cycles but very rarely during many years. Then I got them during the hormone-free week when I was on the pills, so I quit them.
During my pregnancies I had a lot of migraines during the first trimester and now since 35 (I am now 43) they have come every cycle. I usually get the migraine 2-5 days after ovulation (and some cycles I get 2-3 migraines between ovulation and period).
I get the impression my migraine is triggered by drop in estrogen level? I have tested my hormone levels (day 19) and they were: Progesterone: 26 nmol/L and Estradiol: 643 pmol/L so I suppose I am estrogen dominant and that this has caused my migraines to be worse. (The day after the test I had a migraine..)
I have seen a doctor that has prescribed me Utrogest, 200 mg orally every night, day 12-start of period. I tried it this cycle and it has not been a pleasant experience. I got nausea and felt tired and almost dizzy when I took it orally. My doctor suggested I take the oral pills in the vagina instead but then I got a migraine 6 hours after. Two days later I got another migraine 6 hours after I inserted the pills. I feel quite sure the migraines are related to the progesterone pill in some way. Can increased levels of progesterone cause migraines in some people?
My doctor says if I experience migraines when taking them vaginally I should try to use them orally instead since she says I probably don´t get the amount enough that way and that more progesterone is taken up by the body when I take them orally - but I don´t feel comfortable taking them orally and to be honest not at all.
Reading your homepage and previous answers related to migraine I am now considering cream instead. I understand I should take it 2-3 months in a high dose (400-500 mg) and then try to decrease the dose. I have tried cream before but only maybe 200-300 mg/day for one or two cycles (day 14-period) and it did not help. Does it sometimes take several months before it helps? Can I start whenever during the cycle? Can I expect the migraine to be worse in the beginning and what shall I do then? I don´t know if I can cope with increased migraines for many months...
Have you any experience in treating migraine with a combination of progesterone and estrogen?
I now also take vitamin B6 and magnesium and I have taken D-vitamin 4000-5000 during a year due to low D-vitamin level.
Thank you for a very informative and great homepage!!
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