
Metallic taste

by Sarah

I have been in menopause for 1.3 years, and I'm still having frequent hot flashes. So this morning I started Natpro - a full pump when I woke up and a bit more mid-morning. I was going to use a bit every several hours, since I'd read to start with a high dose for the first 3 or 4 days.

Now it's late morning and I've had this metallic taste in my mouth for hours. I'm certain it's from the progesterone. I read on this forum that adenosine has something to do with it, but I haven't been able to find any details about how that works.

So what should I do? It seems like the solution is usually "use more," but it feels counterintuitive, so I'd like some guidance before I just go for it. I feel kinda gross.

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Aug 22, 2021
Metallic Taste
by: Joy

​Hi Sarah

​No one seems to know the cause of burning tongue syndrome (BTS)​/metallic taste see ​here.​ It appears to be common in women during menopause. Personally, I found that a good Vitamin B complex helped with mine. ​Certain meds can also be the cause.

You might like to read this​ ​page​​​ where Wray covers this in as much detail as possible.

Good luck, I still battle with this issue but it is not nearly as bad as what it was in the beginning as B complex helped me.

Regarding your hot flushes. You clearly have read what is needed. Hot flushes will only respond to between 400-500mg per day for about 4 to 6 days, longer if they are extreme and dependant on how much excess estrogen you have. If you used HRT, it could take longer. Once your HF improves, then you can slowly reduce the amount used to a level that suits you but never use less than 100mg per day. It must be used no less than twice a day in order to keep progesterone levels stable. Use morning and again at night and if needed during the day. You need to experiment to see what suits you best.​​

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