
Menopause and progesterone cream

by Anon
(Cork, ireland)

I am 56 years old and have been estrogen dominant most of my life. I suffered from heavy periods since the start, but I thought it was normal. When I was 35 my period was every 10 days and I was aneamic. I had a partial hysterectomy and the gyne told me I had a fibroid in my womb that caused the excessive bleeding. I started peri menopause at around 40 and rhen full on menopause at 44. The dr put me on HRT , only estrogen patches and sleeping tablets because of insomnia and other menopause problems. I weaned myself off the HRT about two years ago and still have the odd hot flushes and night sweats.

I came across tge book of dr Lee about a year or two ago, maybe around the time I was weaning myself off the HRT. I bought natpro and used it on and off but found that I was gaining weight as well as increase in facial hair. When I ran out of the natpro, I could not get any, they were sold out so I asked my son to bring me some from the US and got hold of dr Lee's brand.

I am still gaining weight at an alarming rate, the past month about a kg a week. I tried everything, green smoothies in the morning, low fat and high protein, high fat and high protein, carb cycling, no wheat, etc. I exercise high intensity training about every second day, but still my weight is getting more and more.

I use the progesterone cream once a day, usually in the evening, and the next morning my weight is up by at least a pound. I am so scared to use more because I have read so many negative responses of people who had use the cream, but at the same time I want to balance my hormones and feel like a human being again. I have no libido, feel depressed and worthless and without joy and I get at most 4 hours sleep at night. Usually sleep for 2 hours, wake up and struggle to get back to sleep again and if I am lucky I might get another hour or two before its time to get up. The dr just shruggs her shoulders, tells me my hormones and thyroid is fine, I dont need progesterone and gives me another prescription for sleeping tablets which does not work anymore.

I often feel lik just stop eating.

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Dec 17, 2014
Menopause and progesterone cream
by: Wray

Hi there Please contact Julienne, our distributor in London, via her email
She will be able to explain what to do and give advice on vitamin D which I feel you need too. Take care Wray

Dec 17, 2014
Vit D
by: Anonymous

Thank you for replying Wray, I take 1000-2000 units of Vit D daily, that is about 50 ug. I have two tubes of Dr Lee's progesterone that I must use before getting a new one. I used double the amount of progesterone cream for the past two days and today my weight dropped a little.

I went to a gyne a while ago and she said that my vagina wall is very thin and prescribed premarin, but I do not want to use it and I started to use bio indentical estrogen cream instead, about once a week and was wondering if it might also contribute to the estrogen dominance that I am experience?

Dec 17, 2014
Link does not help
by: Anon

Hi Wray, thank you for answering, unfortunately the link does not help.

I rarely have hot flushes anymore, but suffer with severe heart palpitations at night. I went for heart test, but everything is normal. I drink a lot of water in the evening, but it does not seem to help. I read on another thread that progesterone cream might help, any idea how much do I need or is it just a case of trial and error?

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