
MACA Root - Coconut Oil - Lemon Balm Extract

by Beansprout

"MACA is a strengthener and rejuvenator for the entire endocrine system, thereby encouraging the body to produce its own natural hormones - and in the right proportion to each other."

I think endocrine system is the key phrase. Especially, people like me, who experience adrenal fatigue from hormonal imbalance and the stress it places on the body as a whole. I can easily understand why many people are ambivalent about MACA root. I, too, was undecided not that long ago. Yes, I did my research, I've read the studies, the reports, but my greatest resource in determining the benefit of any supplement or natural food cure are the testimonials from the men and women who take them. All of which have been both positive and promising. So I decided to try it for myself. I felt something almost immediately. Perhaps it was my tired body sighing a long sigh of relief. But combined with proper diet, sleep, exercise it has helped greatly in creating balance and that sense of peacefulness that seemed elusive for so long.

COCONUT OIL. I can't say enough positive things about it. I cook with it: use it as part of my nightly anti-aging regime; as a deep conditioner for shiny healthy hair; for scrapes, bruises, burns, cold, flu to do it's antibacterial / antiviral / antiseptic properties; even as a natural lubricant (yes, it's perfectly safe); But mostly how it helps balance hormones so beautifully and effortlessly while helping you lose weight.

LEMON BALM EXTRACT. I carry a bottle of it with me everywhere I go. It binds to the same receptors in the brain as prescribed Valium and the effects can be felt almost instantly to relief anxiousness and anxiety. Or use it at bedtime to quiet your restless mind. It's all natural, completely safe, non-habit forming. If you prefer an alcohol-free version you can try Melissa (officinalis) in capsule form. The only difference is its absorption rate. You just won't feel the results as rapidly. But this has been almost life-changing for me.

Just wanted to share!


Comments for MACA Root - Coconut Oil - Lemon Balm Extract

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Jul 31, 2013
How much maca?
by: Mary in San Diego

I use it in my smoothies but can't use much because it tastes chalky. Do you have a better source or different method of consuming it? Thank you!

Aug 01, 2013
How much MACA?
by: Beansprout

Hi Mary - I use Navitas Naturals raw MACA powder which is certified organic and simply use it according package instructions. Adding 1 teaspoon to a my morning green drink consisting of spinach, kale, parsley, cucumber, zucchini squash, a capsule of kelp opened and emptied along with 1/2 cup coconut water and 1/2 cup filtered water. Or you could sweeten it with a slice or two of pineapple or whatever other fruit you prefer. I, however, have to avoid fruits for the moment in my efforts to balance my low blood sugars. But all of it combined is super healthy.

If the idea of drinking my little concoction has you turning "green" Navitas Naturals also offers their raw MACA powder in the form of a capsule that you simply swallow with water.

If you follow the link provided you can read more and also customer reviews from other people who use MACA.

Whether you stick with the powder or opt for the capsules the only other thing I would add is a reminder to take it with food to to avoid stomach upset which can sometimes occur if taken between meals.


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