by Ilse Graydon
(South Africa)
Hi Wray, I came across your website when I was just 3 weeks pregnant. My Doctor informed me that my progesterone levels were to low and I stood a chance of loosing the pregnancy, which even after using prescribed progesterone suppositories, I did.
I am now using Natpro without my doctor's knowledge seeing that I had the feeling she thought I would loose the pregnancy anyways. I have read that Progesterone obviously has an influence on your hormones and your body needs to get use to it.
I am now confused because I have been using it for a month now but still haven't had my period. I did spot throughout the 3 weeks of pregnancy - sometimes heavier than other times. Am I supposed to monitor my period as of the last time I was supposed to have my period or when the spotting stopped? I am currently using more or less 20mg twice a day but have noticed that even my skin has started breaking out. Is this normal?
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