by Nishel
(New Zealand)
Hi please can anyone help me. I was diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia back in october 2010. I had my second D&C on the 26th Jan 2011 at which time I weighed 186.7kg.
Following the surgery my obgyn put my dosage of provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate) up to 600mg a day. I was weighed on the 16th February 2011 and my weight is 176.2kg. I would like to stress that I have done no exercise, bleeding following the surgery has limited my mobility. Also my diet has been "poor" to say the least. I was feeling sorry for myself so healthy eating was not high on my priority.
My concern is that while this level of weight loss is fantastic there is worry about the stress it is putting on my body, my heart in particular. I have not found anyone who is taking this dosage and want to know if this reaction is normal. I am now being monitored by the nutritional team at the hospital at my request but as I am not due to see my gynae consultant for another 8 weeks and I intend to start exercising I want to make sure I am not running the risk of a heart attack. Thanks :)
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