

by Lory

I am on 2mg of Estrogen per day in capsule form and 200mg of Progesterone in capsule form. The dr said I need the estrogen to fight heart disease and alzheimer's. I dont sleep and have gained a lo of weight. I feel like I dont have an off switch for hunger.
The dr also said Progesterone is for the baby, Estrogen is for the mama, and Testosterone is for the daddy.
I am so confused because I get so many conflicting opinions. My Mother has had two heart attacks and my father has had one. There is Alzheimer's in the family along with Osteoarthritis.
I use to take 200mg of NatPro until the dr put me on Estrogen in November. Would love some help.

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May 07, 2020
by: Rachel Jones

Join a bio identical facebook group and talk to many women there who have experience with all three hormones.
If you are out of balance you will feel horrible – the trick is to find the right dosages.
I wish you well.

May 08, 2020
by: Joy

Hi Lory

I am not surprised that you are feeling this way. If you read this website carefully you will see that we do not believing that any women needs to take extra estrogen it will keep you in a permanent state of Estrogen Dominance. The aim of progesterone therapy is to make progesterone the dominant hormone.

You are also taking oral progesterone which is the least effective, please read Delivery Methods.

I am not sure why you stopped using Natpro, but may I suggest that you consider using it again with no estrogen. The choice is yours of course.

I agree with you, there are so many conflicting opinions today, often by ill-informed people. Study this website, it provides the correct answers.

May 15, 2020
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your advice. I stopped taking Natpro because the Dr said to take in pill form to help me sleep.

Am I able to stop all at once on the Estrogen or taper off?

Thanks so much

May 18, 2020
by: Joy

Hi there. You could try using cream in the morning and the pill at night. Progesterone should be used no less than twice a day.

It is best to taper off estrogen but many women go cold turkey which I feel puts a strain on the body. You will have to decide what is best for you.

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