
Lisa- Hair Loss

by Lisa

Hi, I have been using 160-200mgs of progesterone for about a year. It has helped with PMS and irritability. I recently had a saliva test and my estrogen was very low normal range. I have been having low estrogen symptoms such as vaginal dryness, major brain fog and hair loss. I am 48 and would like to start estrogen as my symptoms are very uncomfortable. I am very thin - I only mention this because I know estrogen is stored in fat cells. I don't know why you would suggest women do not need estrogen when my tests are so clear and my symptoms also clear. Thank you for any help/explanation!


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Sep 05, 2012
Lisa- Hair Loss
by: Wray

Hi Lisa I'm delighted the progesterone has helped your PMS and moods. Delighted too that you are using a good amount. You're now in Peri-menopause, when progesterone levels are dropping because ovulation doesn't take place each month. But oestrogen is still being producing each month. Our fat cells actually secrete oestrogen, it's not just stored there, in fact they secrete it to the day we die. I have to disagree about your symptoms being caused by low oestrogen. Vaginal dryness is helped by applying progesterone in the vagina, it's also a potent anti-inflammatory too. So any inflammation is helped. Excess oestrogen in the vagina predisposes to getting Candida and VVS. VVS (Vulvodynia and Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome) is usually found in premenopausal women or women on oestrogen replacement therapy. It's associated with a number of symptoms, one is peripheral neuropathy. Progesterone is known to regenerate nerves, see here. Another is candida, progesterone reverses the inflammatory oestrogen response, see here. Mast cells are also implicated, progesterone has an inhibitory affect, see here. Whereas oestrogen stimulates mast cell secretions. Significantly higher levels of TNF-alpha are found in women with VVS, progesterone inhibits TNF-alpha, see here. In the USA 61% of chronic pain patients are women, starting at menarche and decreasing at menopause. In some cases symptoms of VVS increase at mid-cycle and at menses, when the oestrogen to progesterone ratio is high. Oestrogen causes brain fog, in fact women on HRT have an increased risk of dementia. Our natural endogenous oestrogen is no better, or that from phytoestrogens too, see here. Continued below.

Sep 05, 2012
Lisa- Hair Loss Part 2
by: wray

Hi Lisa Hair Loss is caused amongst other things, by excess testosterone. Each month women make more testosterone than oestrogen, but most of it is converted into oestrogen by the enzyme aromatase. Progesterone suppresses excess testosterone. If bound to SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) testosterone becomes inactive, progesterone raises levels of SHBG, see here, so preventing the rise of free testosterone. SHBG drops if sugars are eaten, even those found in all grains, legumes, dairy and sweet starchy fruits and vegetables. Fructose, sucrose and glucose, reduce SHBG by 80, 50 and 40% respectively, see here. Thereby allowing testosterone to rise. It's best to avoid all the foods and sugars mentioned. The page on hair loss also mentions a number of nutrients which can help. If you have your Saliva Test results, please check your P:E2 ratio. We've found from the tests we run that it's best if the ratio is 600:1 and over to feel well. Take care Wray

Sep 16, 2012
Has your thyroid been checked?
by: Anonymous

It would be worth looking at your thyroid function, too.

Sep 16, 2012
Hair Loss
by: Lisa

I have been checked for low thyroid and am seeing an alternative practitioner who looks at free T4 and Free T3 rather than TSH and I have improved greatly. I still believe I need added estrogen as I have many low estrogen symptoms.

Sep 16, 2012
Hair Loss
by: Wray

Hi Lisa I did point out that the low oestrogen symptoms are in fact all low progesterone symptoms. I know you are using a good amount, but it could be you need more to get you over this phase. Please have a vitamin D test done, as low levels of this not only reduce the benefits of progesterone, but also affect the thyroid greatly, see here, here and here. For more info on vitamin D levels, test kits etc see the Vitamin D Council, GrassrootsHealth and Birmingham Hospital. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml (175-250nmol/L) and not the 30ng/ml (75nmol/L) most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Take care Wray

Sep 17, 2012
Hair loss
by: Anonymous

I'm sorry Wray, I've been reading your advice for a long time and I have been taking progesterone for a long time, and I am beginning to not agree with you. A salive test confirmed how I've been feeling with a 3.3pg/nl estradiol (1.0-14 range) and > 4600.0pg/nl progesterone. Clearly on the low side of estrogen.

Also, I've done as you suggested and gone straight through my cycle to rid of symptoms and now that I'm back to the 2 weeks after ovulation, during the 2 weeks just after my period, my hair falls out worse. I believe this could be because estrogen is low during this time and testosterone is higher.

Sep 17, 2012
Hair loss
by: Wray

Hi Lisa Thanks for reading and trying out my suggestions. It's interesting the range you were given for oestradiol, as I've taken mine from ZRT's ranges and they have 1.3-3.3 pg/ml for pre-menopausal women. Your progesterone is higher than most, which gives you an excellent ratio. If your testosterone is higher than it should be, it means the enzyme aromatase is not being produced in sufficient quantities to convert it into oestrogen. Why this should be so I don't know. Women make more testosterone each month than oestrogen, but most of it is converted to oestrogen. I would be very interested to hear how you fare on using it. Please make sure it's topical, as they've found oral oestrogen can have adverse side effects. Take care Wray

Sep 17, 2012
Hair loss
by: Lisa

Thanks Wray. I appreciate your advice and time you take helping the women and men here. I don't want you to think I do not. I believe my testosterone was 61.0ng/ml. This was in range but I don't know how it relates to the estrogen. I will be sure it is topical and bio-identical if I choose to try it. It has just been such a frustrating run trying to get back to normal. Thank you for everything and I will let you know how I do. Lisa

Sep 18, 2012
Hair loss
by: Wray

Hi Lisa No of course I didn't think that. I appreciate your feedback too, there are always going to be cases which have me baffled! Which is why I also appreciate getting feedback if someone has tried another protocol. At least I can then pass it along, so please do keep in touch. Take care Wray

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