by Kate
(Berlin, CT)
Hello all! I am in my early 30s and suffering with what I would assume is some hormonal imbalance. Currently my big concerns are moderate hirsutism, hair shedding, and extremely painful ovulation and periods. I am a normal weight and my periods are regular - typically a luteal phase of 12-13 days. I have severe sharp pain the day of ovulation, light to moderate cramping from ovulation to my period, and severe cramping the first day of my period at which point it tapers off. Additionally, I am always cold, and oscillate between anxiety/irritability and depression the two weeks before my period. Other symptoms include: dry skin, dry eyes, fatigue.
My symptoms of hirsutism and hair shedding point to PCOS, however my hormone tests of testosterone and an ultrasound of my ovaries did not indicate PCOS, especially with regular periods. I also have no acne. Thyroid tests (due to always being cold) also came back normal.
Unfortunately I can't afford any more hormone tests and I'm at a loss for what might ail me. I have a history of restrictive eating, though I have been a healthy eater and at a healthy weight for over 5 years. I was also on the pill for about 7 years, have been off now for about 4 years.
When I look up my symptoms, I feel like half of them fall in the "low progesterone" and the other half fall in "low estrogen". I'm not sure where to begin with treatment, and am wondering if you could offer any guidance. Would using progesterone if I have low estrogen be problematic? Is it worth trying just to see if symptoms improve or could this cause other symptoms?
Thanks for your help!