
just starting out. .

by Marcy

I just started taking 20mg of progestall a week ago for symptoms that I've had since my first cycle after having my baby. For over a year now, I've started spotting 3-5 days before each period which I thought was due to breastfeeding...but I stopped 8 months ago), I've had severe depression, foggy thinking, thinning hair, insomnia, fatigue, increasing belly fat , and been very irritable. Also I don't take BC and don't have to worry about getting pregnant. .
My Dr did bloodwork and the only thing abnormal was low progesterone. On day 15 of a 30 day cycle my level was less than .5 ng.
my Dr sent me on my way with nothing so I decided to take care of things myself. So far, my mood seems better...I'm sleeping better. But I've gained 5 lbs in a week (I'm already overweight so that sucks)
I like feeling not crazy but I cannot gain more weight. Will things balance out?

oh just a note: my depression set in hard in day 3 of my 1 and 2 I usually feel great. Is that odd? Is that low progesterone related?


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Nov 18, 2014
just starting out. .
by: Wray

Hi Tia Doing a progesterone test in the middle of your cycle is wrong, the level would be low, it should be low. It's only just before ovulation that it begins to rise. To see if a woman has ovulated, and making sufficient progesterone, the test should only be done ±7 days before bleeding when progesterone should peak. It appears you have post natal depression, please try to get hold of Dr Dalton's book Depression after Childbirth. She used up to 2400mg/day progesterone for her severely depressed patients, 20mg/day is not going to help much. You might also like to look through our page on Pregnancy and another here. Progesterone levels drop at the end of a cycle, and symptoms kick in then, there is no set day, so day 3 is normal for you. And finally we have a page on depression and Anxiety you could look through. Take care Wray

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